Favorites files and folders
- Go to a folder named "FAVORITES" with an alias name;
- Searchable via "Go to Anything", but with a flag.
Key binding context to only react on e.g. Python code
I want to bind the same key to somewhat similar scripts but for different languages (e.g. Python, PHP, XML, Bash).
Make projects invisible (.sublime-project,) like git (.git)
Definitions to configure (up/down) history key bindings on find panel
Opposite of wait flag
Sublime Build configuration file_regex improvements
Web-Browser Tabs
// Feature Request: Better Bracket Highlighting
Positioning the caret immediately after a bracket will highlight the corresponding closing or opening bracket (assuming it is visible), and draw a scope indicator in the gutter.
This is done perfectly in jEdit.
See a screenshot here:
Here you can see a line on the side matching the matched function brackets.
Please implement this for a bette experience :-)
Best regards
INI language support
Dedicated Preview Window for Live CSS editing
Colorized stdout/stderr in console
It would be nice to have the ability to see what output in the console comes from stdout or stderr. Eclipse has this sort of feature where stderr gets colorized RED, and stdout is BACK (or whatever your color theme dictates)
Full color support like xterm would also be great!
Sublime Text 2 on the Mac App Store? It would make sense with the new gatekeeper feature coming to OSX Mountain Lion.
ACE jump (emacs, webstorm) for ST2
Emacs and webstorm (jetbrain) has an amazing plugin named ace jump..which you can "jump" to different place in your document only using the keyboard..it save a lot time and effort...you can check how this works here:
Diff language/syntax
Plugin API for custom bottom-bar UI
Multi User Editing / Collaborative File Edition
Calling file & goto line number with command prompt
I've an request feature that can calling specific file & lines with command prompt / batch file.
So it will like this: sublime_text.exe -n <line_target> <file_name>
example: sublime_text.exe -n GameDesign.java 1459
Above command will open sublime_text, and then opening GameDesign.java, and goto line number 1459..
Is it possible to do that? Because we need this feature to integrate with our tools.
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