
Favorites files and folders

Samuel Mesquita hace 13 años actualizado por David Martin hace 12 años 3
Hey guys, I'd really like to have favorites in my sidebar. I think this feature will help a lot of people. Could work like that:

- Right click on a file at the sidebar and set as favorite;
- Go to a folder named "FAVORITES" with an alias name;
- Searchable via "Go to Anything", but with a flag.


Key binding context to only react on e.g. Python code

Oktay Acikalin hace 14 años actualizado por Pat hace 12 años 10
What do I have to put into the context list to only have my key binding react on scope source.python?
I want to bind the same key to somewhat similar scripts but for different languages (e.g. Python, PHP, XML, Bash).

Make projects invisible (.sublime-project,) like git (.git)

aristidesfl hace 14 años actualizado por Sean Lynch hace 13 años 3
I would love to have projects work like .git invisibles.

Instead of having to name a project and having to save a visible file, and then open the project manually, just store a invisible file on the working folder and open it automatically when that folder is opened.

You might argue that some projects might involve more that 1 folder. While that is true, there is most certainly a main folder for a project and accessory folders and accessory files. 
If no folder exist, then probably it isn't big enough to be considered a project of to benefit from anything a project has to offer.

How to choose the main folder? Use the 1st opened folder.

Make projects transparent to users. The project name = folder name. When the user opens the folder again, load the .sublime invisible file, and he/she will have the project and configurations loaded automatically.

We could even have a .sublime folder on the root of the project, and inside have as many files we want. We could have a .project file separate from .state file, solving the problem of having project and sate information mixed together.


kickitfar hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
I would like to see a CodeIgniter plugin with autocomplete code.  I would probably use Sublime Text if it has this feature.

Sublime Text RPM packages

Karl Fischer hace 12 años 0
Would be awesome if there was Sublime Text RPMs

Make "About" window closable using Cmd-W

Dean Herbert hace 14 años 0
A very minor annoyance.

Definitions to configure (up/down) history key bindings on find panel

aristidesfl hace 13 años actualizado por FichteFoll hace 13 años 2
In the find panel, I would like to assign the history's (up/down) arrows to alt + (up/down).

Then assign the (up/down) keys to dismiss it like currently escape does. This would allow me to drop the incremental search and use the find pannel for everything, thus simplifying the logic of find usage.

Would be possibly interested also in doing the same thing with the (left/right) keys.

There should exist definitions in the Key Bindings file which allowed the customization of these actions.

Opposite of wait flag

Mark Lentczner hace 13 años actualizado por Florian Dütsch hace 13 años 1
Often I want to pipe some output into subl, but I don't want the subl command to --wait. However, since --wait is implied when the input is stdin, there is no way to turn this off.

There should be an option to explicitly turn the option off, even when reading from stdin.  Either call this --nowait, or perhaps -r / --read, or perhaps -p / --pager.

Sublime Build configuration file_regex improvements

Mitch Connors hace 13 años 0
Currently, the sublime-build file's file_regex property requires the full path to the file containing the error, and only allows one regex per command.  Grails has different formatting for compilation and run-time errors, and run-time errors include only the file name and extension.  

I would like to use goto anything like functionality to open the offending file even if the path isn't provided, and I would like file_regex to accept an array of regex patterns, allowing for multiple error formats within the same command.  This would make the build feature much more helpful to grails developers, and probably other platform users as well.

Web-Browser Tabs

Philipp Schaffrath hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
How cool would it be, if users where able to open different kind of tabs?
For example i want to see how my web-project looks in several kind of browsers, so i could create a Google-Chrome Tab, InternetExplorer Tab, Firefox Tab or Opera Tab.

I know its hard to realize such a functionality, but maybe the Browsers provide the functionality to talk to their renderfunctions. In that case you could check which browsers are installed, and include them directly into the editor.

SublimeText is a Texteditor and i know that some people are not going to need this functionality, but its a cool idea, and its worth to get realized if its possible.

// Feature Request: Better Bracket Highlighting

Sebastian Seelig hace 13 años actualizado por Andrey Belkov hace 13 años 3
I love your editor, but it need a better bracket highlighting.

Positioning the caret immediately after a bracket will highlight the corresponding closing or opening bracket (assuming it is visible), and draw a scope indicator in the gutter.

This is done perfectly in jEdit.

See a screenshot here:

Here you can see a line on the side matching the matched function brackets.

Please implement this for a bette experience :-)

Best regards

INI language support

Asher Max Schweigart hace 13 años actualizado por Sven Axelsson hace 13 años 1
Syntax highlighting for .ini files should be added. Someone on the forums has already written a tm.Language file for this, which you can find here.

Dedicated Preview Window for Live CSS editing

Joey Calamaro hace 14 años actualizado por Joel Thornton hace 13 años 1
As an interface designer, it would be wonderful to have a "CSSEdit" or "Firebug" style live preview window w/ CSS overriddes. This would allow us to code CSS within Sublime while seeing the effects of our edits in a browser / preview window.

Although there are several apps on the Mac which already do this (Espresso, Coda, CSSEdit, etc.) there's virtually nothing on Windows which allows for this particular workflow.

Colorized stdout/stderr in console

Josh Friend hace 12 años 0

It would be nice to have the ability to see what output in the console comes from stdout or stderr. Eclipse has this sort of feature where stderr gets colorized RED, and stdout is BACK (or whatever your color theme dictates)

 Full color support like xterm would also be great!


Sublime Text 2 on the Mac App Store? It would make sense with the new gatekeeper feature coming to OSX Mountain Lion.

Anthony Cook hace 13 años 0
Sublime Text 2 on the Mac App Store? It would make sense with the new gatekeeper feature coming to OSX Mountain Lion.

ACE jump (emacs, webstorm) for ST2

marcos martinez hace 12 años 0

 Emacs and webstorm (jetbrain) has an amazing plugin named ace jump..which you can "jump" to different place in your document only using the keyboard..it save a lot time and  effort...you can check how this works here:



Diff language/syntax

Oktay Acikalin hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 14 años 4
I'm inspecting diff files many times a day. It would be nice if someone could port or reinvent a syntax file for diffs so that they get colored properly.

Plugin API for custom bottom-bar UI

Ben Vanik hace 13 años actualizado por FichteFoll hace 13 años 1
Adding a simple API for showing persistent bottom bars (like find all files/find/etc) that contain buttons, textboxes, and Views would go a long way towards enabling plugins that require UI. Currently there's no way to show UI besides quick panels, and those do not suffice for most tasks (such as debuggers/etc).

Multi User Editing / Collaborative File Edition

Olivier Hervieu hace 13 años actualizado por Ilia Choly hace 13 años 1
It would be nice to add the possibility to have a multi user editing mode. There's a few tool who still give this possibility (SubEthaEdit and others). Would be sublime to have this in sublimetext

Calling file & goto line number with command prompt

Arief Widyananda hace 13 años actualizado por Alvaro Azpeitia hace 7 años 3

I've an request feature that can calling specific file & lines with command prompt / batch file.

So it will like this: sublime_text.exe -n <line_target> <file_name>

example: sublime_text.exe -n GameDesign.java 1459

Above command will open sublime_text, and then opening GameDesign.java, and goto line number 1459..

Is it possible to do that? Because we need this feature to integrate with our tools.