
Latexian-like navigator when editing Latex-documents

Kim Syversen hace 12 años 0

Yesterday I switched from using Latexian for my Latex-work to SublimeText 2. I love it! The only thing I miss is a Latexian-like navigator where I can easily navigate between sections, chapters etc in LaTex-documents. In a large document it may be much scrolling or searching for the right section.

I hope this feature will be added :D


Change default command palette key binding

Matt Brennan hace 13 años actualizado por ar-echo hace 12 años 1
The default key binding should be changed to something easier to just jab at; think of Spotlight's +space. On Windows and Linux I have it set to Ctrl+Space.

Left side close in tabs

Juan Falgueras hace 12 años actualizado por FichteFoll hace 12 años 1

Please use the same criteria as the rest of the system for closing tabs:  put the cross closing tab icon at the left of the tab name, not at the right side.


personal formating configuration

Toby Evans hace 13 años 0
Options to convert an existing file into your personal formatting options.
eg: change curly braces from new line to same line as declaration.

Like how eclipse does it.

CSS perfect completion

alpha logic hace 11 años 0

CSS perfect completion should work mainly in 3 stages:

1.Selector: HTML element (tag) completion (not realized in Sublime Text 2);

2.property name completion (realized in Sublime Text 2);

3.property value completion (realized in Sublime Text 2).

Completion must start with HTML element (tag) completion (format with curly brackets {}) (not realized in Sublime Text 2). Completion should include Universal, Class, Id, Descendant, Child, Adjacent sibling, Attribut, Pseudo-class and Pseudo-element Selector (not realized in Sublime Text 2).

HTML element (tag) completion must be followed by property name completion (not all the properties, but only the specific property, for a specific HTML element).

Property name completion must be followed by property value completion (not all the values, but only the specific values for a specific property).


make sublime.Settings introspectable

Alexander Schepanovskiy hace 12 años 0

knowing what keys it have will greatly support developing context aware plugins


Rails files do not use .rxml as the file extension

David Celis hace 12 años 0
Sublime Text 2 seems to think that the default file extension for Ruby on Rails files is .rxml. This is incorrect; they use the same file extension as Ruby, which is .rb

Intelligent cursor movement

Afflicto hace 11 años actualizado por Sven Axelsson hace 11 años 1

So, I have this neat idea when it comes to navigation a file solely by the keyboard.

Here's how it works (Consider a class, as in programming):

You are at line 8, adding a class property. Then, you quickly move your cursor down to line 25, type your method and realize you need to rename the property. Now, since you've "been" at line 25 for a few seconds, sublime "remembers" that position, now when you quickly move back up to line 8 and rename your property, you can hit hotkey X to return to the previous "remembered" line.

What do you think?

The "time" required to stay at a line for it to be "remembered" could be like 3-5 seconds or perhaps user configurable.


Access to autocomplete list from plugin API

Artur Matuszewski hace 11 años 0

It would be awesome if plugins could dynamically modify the autocomplete list. That would allow for context specific autocomplete. Even something like an event asking plugins if they have any suggestions to add to the autocomplete list (before it pops up, or async while it's displayed) would be a nice start.


Sidebar bug when click with long file?

jarmo hace 12 años 0

I have a 2000 line long file whose sidebar minimap exceeds the height of the sidebar window.  With the cursor located at the top of the file, the sidebar view actually represents around lines 1-250 in the file.  If I click at the mid-point of the sidebar view then ST2 should go to line 125 (1/2 way down the visible map), but in fact it goes to line 1000 (1/2 way down the actual file).  I'd expect it to go to the section of text that I clicked on in the minimap.


Price point

Phil hace 11 años actualizado por Gerard Caulfield hace 11 años 1

Have you tried different price points? (I'm sure you have, but i'm curious as to why).  $70 seems an awful lot for an (albeit amazing) text editor.  I'd buy this with a smile on my face for $30, but $70 is simply too much.


WindowCommands are not instantiated until the console or command palette is opened.

Xavura hace 12 años actualizado por Kenny Levinsen hace 12 años 1
I was hoping to add an "auto start" feature to one of my plugins. It works but is rendered useless because from what I can tell, a WindowCommand's __init__ method is not called until either the console or command palette is opened.

add a default flag for custom build systems in sublime-project.json

Trevor Borg hace 12 años 0

I would like to be able to set a property such as `"default": true` when defining build systems within project files. Once this is set, then pressing ctrl-b within a project would automatically execute the default build process (unless you explicitly select something else).

Perhaps instead of a boolean, it could be a list of extensions or regexes: `"default": ["*.py"]`, so that the specified build system becomes the default for, in this case, only Python files. And you could specify something else for e.g. CoffeeScript files.

My particular use case is this: I have a project template with which I distribute a sublime-project.json file. Projects using this template are always going to use a virtualenv'd python at env/bin/python. So I specify this python instance in the project file's build systems. If there were a default flag, then I wouldn't have to remember to select this build system in the drop-down menu for each new project; it would just work.

This is just kind of a nicety.


Save new files as super user

Rein Hillmann hace 12 años 0
In version 2165 we were given the ability to elevate our user when saving over existing files (e.g.: /etc/hosts). This does not address new files that require super user elevation to create the file. (e.g.: /etc/apache2/users/mike.conf)

Please add the ability to save new files with elevation.

Vintage Mode - Cursor moving should stay on the same column

Enrico Carlesso hace 13 años 0
As in vim, using j/k to move across lines should keep the cursor on the same (or rightmost) column.

I this scenario:
foo bar foo
foo bar foo

When on the underlined f pressing j two times should bring me to the bold f. Now it moves to the striked o.

Differentiate the size of the visual tab inserted (like emacs)

Mathieu GHENNASSIA hace 13 años 0
If I add a tab with 'tab' : I have for example 2 spaces.
But if I insert it with shift+tab : I'll have a tab of size 8

Functionalities of the Emmet plugin

Amar Syla hace 11 años 0

I'd like that Sublime Text had all the functionalities (even better ones) of the Emmet plugin (ex Zen Code) built-in.


OSX CMD+left/right not going to end of line

Stephen Watters hace 13 años 0
Is OSX the CMD+/leftright is typically the home/end of line key binding.  Not sure what it is doing now.

File listings look wrong because of indentation

Andrew Havens hace 12 años 0

There are often times when I get confused as to which directory a file is in because of the way Sublime indents the files in a directory. It seems to me that the indentation should start from the beginning of the collapse/expand arrow, and not the start of the directory names. Furthermore, the expand/collapse triangle icons could be smaller to help with this.