
Vintage Visual Mode Jump to Matching Bracket

Jonah vor 11 Jahren 0

When using Vintage for Vim visual mode, it would be nice if some Sublime shortcuts for navigation within a file worked while preserving the selection mode.  The one that comes to mind is if I hit "Esc v" and hit "Ctrl+m", it will leave visual mode and jump to the matching brace without selecting the area in-between.


External File Change or Move

Unknown vor 12 Jahren 0

On Windows there is no warning if you change or move a file. Sublime doesn't even recognize the change. For Example: If you move a file in the explorer from  one position to another and Sublime is open, Sublime will save the moved away file again under the old position. A function like notepad++ would be cool. 


Tcl if/else does not reindent properly

Jeremy Cowgar vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0

The code block (in the midst of more advanced code or not) does not indent properly using the reindent feature:

if { 1 } {

    puts "Hello"
} else {
    puts "Goodbye"

The reindent option ignores the outdent on the } else { line. It indents to:

if { 1 } {

    puts "Hello"

    } else {

        puts "Goodbye"




Java package directories detection

Yehonatan Levi vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 11 Jahren 2
in java often we produce long directories path such as org.example.whatever.etc which creates under /src/org/example/whatever/etc/ which when unfolding results in a lot of unused space the browser could detect empty directories and show that path as one element like eclipse does

Image 140

Holding Option and clicking the button should performa column select

Caleb Land vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 6
If I have a cursor, with no selection made, and I hold the option key and click somewhere else in the document, Sublime should column select from where the cursor was to where I clicked.

Variable name edit (PHP)

David Čepelík vor 13 Jahren 0

When I double click variable name and paste a new one, including the dollar sign: (PHP, [...] = selection)

1. $varName = "value";

2. $[varName] = "value";

3. Paste [$newVarName] from Clipboard

4. $newVarName = "value";

the dollar sign isn't added again, which is very comfortable. However, when i paste an expression, like:

1. $varName

2. $[varName]

3. Paste [$newVarName = "value"] from Clipboard

4. $$newVarName = "value"

and it does not... It would be very nice if it worked in this case too :).


kubuntu-ST3. not save in a samba share.

Fernando Figaroli (FerX) vor 11 Jahren 0
In kubuntu (13.10) I installed ST3.
I have a big problem when I open Dolphin in a samba share.
ST3 opens the file but can not save it. Continue processing but does not save.
If I try with another editor (Kira) works without problems.
I tried putting the setting "atomic_save": false, but nothing changes.
Has anyone had the same problem?

sublime text 2 freaks totally out if running svn up

Gi7mo! vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren 1
if i run "svn up" in a folder which is loaded into sublime text 2 it ends up in 100% cpu load. there is no recovery, only quit sublime text 2 is a solution
happens on osx, with a large repository, only the repository folder is loaded into sublime text 2
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
Fixed in 2181

Autocomplete: snippets shadow variables with the same name

Patricio Palladino vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von robertcollier4 vor 11 Jahren 1
When you have a snippet and a variable with the same name, autocomplete only gives you the option of the snippet.

The variable should also be present, and IMO should have more priority.

Duplicating a line shouldn't take selection into account, but whole lines

GarciaWebDev vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 2
It's very useful to select a bunch of lines by dragging the mouse cursor in the middle of those lines and then duplicating those. But line duplication currently only duplicates selection, it's tedious.It should work taking whole lines into account like Delete Line function (Ctrl+Shift+K) does.Also, after doing Duplicate Line command, newly duplicated lines should be placed on new line below last selected line, and not in the same last line of the selection. It's tedious.

Is it possible to stop build system from showing output?

johtso vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Dan Rogers vor 13 Jahren 3
Is it possible to stop a build system from showing output if there weren't any error's raised or output produced?

snippet to create a snippet

Jonathan King vor 12 Jahren 0
This is an idea straight from the top of my head, but the tools->New Snippet, to me, seems to defeat the purpose of the power of the snippet. Why not create a function that when you create a new snippet, you can tab through the new snippet like a regular one?

I threw this together as my first one (I'm new to sublime text, I'm still dealing with an escaping issue, but you get the just of my idea)


         <![CDATA[${1:Enter your snippet here}]]${2:>}
         <!-- Optional: Tab to trigger to activate the snippet -->
              <tabTrigger>${3:Enter your trigger here}</tabTrigger>

         <!-- Optional: Scope the tab trigger will be active in -->
              <scope>${4:Enter Scope Here}</scope>

         <!-- Optional: Description to show in menu -->
              <description>${5:Enter your Snippet Description Here}</description>


    <!-- Optional: Tab trigger to activate the snippet -->
    <!-- Optional: Enter the scope the tag trigger will be active in -->

    <!-- Optional: Description to show in the menu -->



Open as Sublime Project

funkjedi vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Leon Zhang vor 13 Jahren 1
Add "Open as Sublime Project" to the context menu in Windows Explorer when right clicking on a folder.

Smart Caps for Find dialog

Nick Fisher vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Markus Peter vor 13 Jahren 1
In Komodo, there are three "caps" matching options for Find: case-insensitive, case-sensitive and Smart Caps. In Smart Caps mode, if there are any upper case letters in the search term, it is case-sensitive, if it is all lower case, it is case-insensitive.

"foo" finds "foo", "Foo" and "FoO"
"Foo" only finds "Foo"

More relevant and informative code hints!

Erlend. vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von jan otte vor 11 Jahren 0

Sublime Text 2 needs more relevant and informative code hints! This is especially needed for object-oriented languages! This may come naturally if you implement build paths for some languages, like Java. Related: http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11543


Column Selection

Brent Dillingham vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren 0
TextMate allows you to do "column selection", by holding option while making a selection, or by making a normal selection and tapping option once.
Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren

Support Arbitrary Pane Layouts

Chad Ostrowski vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 4

^ I should be able to do that. Like in vim. :-)

And then Cmd-T can support opening in a split pane by pressing <C-V> (new vertical pane) or simply <C-CR> (new horizontal pane).

And also, Vintage mode could support `:sp` and `:vs`.

Fix increaseIndentPattern for Erlang

kutu vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 1
no auto-indent after "->\n"

pattern should be:


Ability to right click tab and rename/alias the tab

Nathan Young vor 12 Jahren 0
I use Sublime Text 2 for editing config files on my Minecraft server, and I have many files that are named "config.yml". With the current feature set, these identically named files end up being displayed as "config.yml", "config 2.yml", "config 3.yml" etc. It'd be wonderful if I had the ability to right click on the tab and rename the tab, just within the context of Sublime. This would allow me to see "Server Config" and "Mod Config" instead of just the file name with some extra numbers.


Jan Pipek vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
I can't run Sublime Text 2 (build 2165) in 64bit linux due to newer libpng in my system. Could the executable be version-unspecific and tested against libpng14&15? 
Thank you,