
Bookmark Creation

Damir Handoyo vor 12 Jahren 0
Clicking on the line number column creates a new bookmark on the document, and is shown in the minimap, and is save-able in the project with a list of searchable bookmarks...

Preferences UI

lutzroeder vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
UI to customize Preferences.

Find in files: keyboard shortcut to open results (alternative to double click)

aristidesfl vor 12 Jahren 0

Keyboard junkies like me don't like to be forced to pick the mouse to navigate to results


ST doesn't honor OS X smooth scrolling setting

Alexander S. vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Hendrik Mans vor 13 Jahren 1
ST always smooth-scrolls the editor. In OS X there is a system-wide setting to enable/disable smooth scrolling, which I prefer to keep this off due to the latency involved in scrolling; however, ST does not honor that setting.

Live preview of themes

Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 2
It would be great if I could choose from a theme list and preview the results live, without the list going away like it does when choosing from the menu.

Very long lines not rendered correctly

kib2 vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren 1

I'm under Win7, with Sublime Text 2 editing a JavaScript file.

Some parts of long lines disappears for no apparent reason.
See a little video here:

Can someone confirm please ?
Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren
Should be fixed in build 2020

libpng12 is outdated library.

Oskarae Vulgaris vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Mark Keisler vor 12 Jahren 2
Neet support new one to run Sublime on Arch linux.
Current version (for 20.12.2011):
$ pacman -Ss libpng
extra/libpng 1.4.8-1 [installed]
    A collection of routines used to create PNG format graphics files

syntax highlighting for new-style {} string formatting in python

glyph vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
%-style (AKA old-style) format codes are highlighted within Python strings in the included Python bundle, but {}-style (AKA new-style, AKA .format() style) format codes are not.  It would be great to highlight those as well.

Add sublime.Window.open_folder(folder_name) to API

Glen Robertson vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Felipe Prenholato vor 12 Jahren 1
Give the API the ability to open a folder in the current window, similar to sublime.Window.open_file()
Would be useful for some plugins - e.g. the open module plugin so module folders can be opened.

Replace All keyboard shortcut

bits vor 14 Jahren 0
Previously, Alt-Enter in the replace panel triggered Replace All, but since around version 2020, this has stopped working

The clipboard can differ from the selected text [linux]

Matteo Bertini vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Johnny DvC vor 13 Jahren 1

- select <foo():>
- move away
- middle click to paste

Actual Result
<foo()> <- quite random

Expected Result

Build 2046

word_separators is ignored for match_selection

Denis Sokolov vor 12 Jahren 0
If i remove a character off word_separators and double-click a string containing that character, Sublime does not show me all other instances of that text.
In PHP I want to remove $ from word_separators.
Previously if I double-click on a variable, the variable without the dollar sign would be selected and all the other uses of the variable are highlighted.
After I removed $ from word_separators, however, although the whole variable is selected, all the other uses of the variables are not highlighted.

Build 3047: Improved file change detection

Alexey Shevchenko vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert vor 11 Jahren 1

Broken in 3047 build on MacOS X 10.8.4 + Windows 7.

To reproduce, mount (via sshfs) external folder and do some changes externaly (for example via terminal `git pull`).


- Saved, not modified in memory, file auto reloads


- Nothing happens


save undo and redo actions

Mohamed Amged vor 11 Jahren 0
save undo and redo actions to the saved and the current session which opens every time I close and open sublime

Access folders in sidebar via API

Oktay Acikalin vor 14 Jahren 0
How can I access the folders in the sidebar from a plugins perspective? I want to get all the paths in order to find files within them with my own algo.

Use project default_encoding for files when opening

Stefan Großmann vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Félix Delval vor 11 Jahren 1
I'm working on a legacy project with all files in ISO-8859-1, so I have set up my project settings file with: 
"fallback_encoding": "Western (ISO 8859-1)",

"default_encoding": "Western (ISO 8859-1)"
This works perfectly for newly created files and for files that contain non-ASCII-characters. But when I open a file with only ASCII characters Sublime Text 2 uses UTF-8 encoding for it. So when I add an Umlaut (äöü) or anything non-ASCII, the file gets saved as UTF-8 instead of the default_encoding which I had set and the characters are displayed wrong in my application.

Syntax highlighting for Processing language

Виктор vor 11 Jahren 0

Syntax highlighting for Processing language (http://processing.org).

File extension: ".pde"


Bug with Find/Replace

Brian Ruff vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Brent Lewis vor 8 Jahren 2
Here's a BUG I found with Find/Replace:

1. Open a document, and click on "Find & Replace"

2. Type in your "find" text in the top panel, and "replace" text in the bottom panel. 

3. Click on "Replace" (not "Replace All"). 

4. Get frustrated that it doesn't work and open up another program to complete task.


setting for convert indentation to tabs on save or on load

Pavlos Vinieratos vor 13 Jahren 0
should be a setting

Hexadecimal colors highlight

Cédric Néhémie vor 13 Jahren 0
Add a background color to the 0x and # part of an hexadecimal color value. The background color is extracted from the hexadecimal value itself as a reminder for this color.
Colors in string should be parsed as well.

I looked at the plugin API to find a way to implement it as a plugin but it seems that there's no way to simply affect a custom background color to a region (If i'm right, a region is associated with a scope which provides the colors and scopes are defined as part of syntax definition)