Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Add plist to filetypes list in XML.tmLanguage

Jesse Endahl 11 years ago updated by Arjen van Bochoven 11 years ago 1

OS X Plist files are just XML. All that is needed is to add plist to the filetypes list in XML.tmLanguage and syntax highlighting will be applied automatically.


Bug: Choosing syntax colouring in submenu doesn't work with hover

Andrey Polyakov 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
To change the syntax colouring (or coloring if you swing that way) to a language in a submenu you must click the submenu title. If you simply hover over the submenu title to open the submenu, the selection is not applied.

For example:
Works: Current Language Syntax (Click) -> Python Submenu Title(Click) -> Python (Click)
Broken: Current Language Syntax (Click) -> Python Submenu Title (Hover) -> Python (Click)

Running Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity (<- that could be the problem there). Confirmed on two machines.

Continuous movement during key-press in Vintage Mode

Jamey DeOrio 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 0
In vim and vim-likes, holding j, k, l, ;, or any other movement key will result in continuous movement (like holding arrow keys in other software), but this isn't so in Sublime Text 2. Is it possible to toggle this? If not, are there plans to include this in updates?
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
Please read the OS X Lion section at

I'd like to be able to configure the behavior (e.g. timeout, number of saves, whatever) of the password prompt for saving documents that require superuser privileges.

David Stults 13 years ago updated 12 years ago 2
The ability to save files which require superuser privileges is a great option, but for the work I do, I save fairly often, and as a result I get prompted for my password every couple of minutes.  My password is complicated, so this is irritating, and since my workstation is quite secure I'd like the option to loosen the re-prompt frequency.

Unicode copy and paste with 4-byte utf-8 codepoint broken in Vintage Mode

Alexander Surma 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
Here's an example file:
  • Copy'n'Paste the first line with Cmd+C/Cmd+V => All is good
  • Copy'n'Paste the first line with yy/p (Vintage Mode), result is the second line
The last line contains a 2-byte utf-8 codepoint. Works fine both ways

Overlays in the Emacs sense

Hugo Schmitt 11 years ago 0

Overlays alter the appearance of a buffer's text on the screen, for the sake of presentation features. An overlay  has a specified beginning and end. It also has properties that you can examine and set; these affect the display of the text within the overlay.


Welcome - Westhill House HighGate Consulting Rooms

Ava Watson 11 years ago in Plugin announcements 0
The consulting rooms are located in West Hill House, a quiet building in Swain's Lane, set back from the road. Swain's Lane is one of Highgate's most charming streets. It is within 50 metres of Hampstead Heath and with easy access to bus, train and underground. Local restaurants and cafés add to the friendly, village atmosphere.
  • Full-time receptionist and support staff
  • Purpose-built for individual and group psychotherapy
  • Architect-designed and elegantly furnished
  • All lighting and heating supplied from renewable sources
  • Soundproofed
  • Fully ventilated
  • Entryphones to all rooms
  • Waiting areas
  • Rent by hour or session
  • Daytime, evenings and weekends, 7 days a week
  • Broadband free of charge


code folding selection bug

John Porter 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
When folding code anywhere in a file, when clicking to place the marker anywhere in toe code, the bottom up to the marker is selected. This behaviour is unavoidable until the code is unfolded.

colorful, indented clipboard

Sinan 12 years ago updated by eproxus 12 years ago 1
It would be good to add an option to right click menu for saving a piece of code to clipboad with colorful and indented without background color with key combination Command + CX

Several users working on the same document simultaneously.

Allow to edit text documents and source files collaboratively over a network simultaneously.