Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


button4 and button5 mouse bindings do not work on linux

Jocelyn Turcotte 12 лет назад обновлен Baltasar Sanchez 12 лет назад 3
Those buttons seem to trigger button1 instead.
If I look in xev I see them as different buttons (button 8 and 9)

Using vintage, when I hit c, i, ' , (which is vim's change in single quotes operation) when I'm not in single quotes sublime 2 crashes every time. I'm on linux mint 12

Doug Neale 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0

`.` repeats last text-changing command ONLY WITHIN THIS FILE

Chad Ostrowski 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
In vintage mode, I expect `.` to repeat the last text-changing command, such as entering a semicolon on the end of this line, but this doesn't work between files. It seems that ST2 stores these commands on a per-file basis. This is unexpected and not beneficial.

Improve management of unsaved files when switching project

William Ledoux 13 лет назад обновлен Jon Skinner 13 лет назад 2
When there is open unsaved files (or saved but modified), and you "switch project in window", all the open files are replaced by those of the project without warning thus loosing all your unsaved modifications or files.

Maybe a question could be issued for the modified files (save/discard), and for the unsaved files (save/discard/take with me on the project). 
Jon Skinner 13 лет назад
The changes aren't lost: they'll still be there when you next switch back to the project.

View.score_selector gives zero in PHP, expected score > 0

colinta 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 1
In PHP, when I view the selector (crtl+shift+p), I see this:
text.html.basic source.php.embedded.block.html

But when I run view.score_selector(pos, 'source'), it returns 0L

I have a command (bracketeer, insert single quote) that tries to determine whether the cursor is in a string, a text scope, or in a comment.  In this case, I expect view.score_selector(pos, 'source') to be greater than view.score_selector(pos, 'text').


"Find in Files" open files hands free under cursor at that specific line

Geoff Hogg 12 лет назад 0
After doing a "Find in Files" search one is presented with occurrences in different files.
I would love to be able to put the cursor over a specific line press a key-combo and that file is opened at that line.
I can click on the mouse and that works OK, apart from it not being hands free, Grrrr.

Tourism Not Affected By Fasting Month – Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours

madisonwalker 11 лет назад 0

Ramadhan fasting month which started last Wednesday will not affect the general economic activity, including tourism.  It will continue to run as usual in Bali even whil the Ramadhan fasting month is ongoing.

Denpasar Tourist Agency head Putu Budiasa told The Jakarta Post that in general, tourism in Bali had remained normal.

Everything is business as usual from street-side food stalls to five-star hotels as well as nightlife venues will continue to host customers per normal operating hours.

“All activities will run as usual. Nothing changes. The only thing that will change, maybe, is when customers stop by. Those who are fasting may go to restaurants when it’s time to break fast,” he said.

He, nevertheless, acknowledged that domestic tourist arrivals might see a slight lessening during the fasting month.  During the summer school holiday, from year to year, Bali regularly sees peak domestic visitor arrivals and mostly from Java.

“As most residents in Java are Muslim, many may opt to not to travel during the fasting month. But domestic visitors from other parts of Indonesia are still coming,” he said.

Meanwhile, July to August are the peak months for foreign tourist arrivals. Bali tourism agency head Ida Bagus Kade Subhiksu similarly said that there were no operational hour limitations during Ramadhan this year. “Such limits is the authority of each regency and city. As far as I know, operational hours and services at the airport, hotels, restaurants and tourism destinations, will run as usual,” he said.

The Bali tourism agency last year recorded that there were 1,339 restaurants with a total capacity of 68,468 seats and 582 bars operating throughout Bali.

There are many hotels to choose from to 1,031 non-star hotels with a total 21,114 rooms, 156 star-hotels with 20,269 rooms, and 1,025 villas with 4,642 rooms.  Bali moreover has 345 travel agents, 219 water tourism companies, and 270 tourism destinations.

Head of the Islam education division at the Religious Affairs Ministry’s Bali office, Mustain, said that there was a high level of religious tolerance throughout the island. The majority of Bali itself follows the Hindu faith.

“That’s why there’s a high level of religious tolerance here,” he said. Despite the business-as-usual mode, Mustain said that Muslims in Bali were able to perform tarawih (extra prayer service) peacefully at hundreds of mosques and mushollas (prayer rooms) across the island.

Read more:


Menu for interconverting between SBC cases and DBC cases

Zhenhuan Hu 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
Documents written in Asian languages (CJK) frequently come with DBC cases (numbers and alphabets that are visually double wider: 123ABC), which can not be easily mapped by regular expression. It would be convenient by integrating an menu option to interconvert numbers or alphabets between SBC and DBC cases.


Wesley Hearn 12 лет назад 0
Please port this color scheme


Coaching for Health and Life, Integrated Group Jennifer Shearin | MakeFive

Teresa Smith 11 лет назад 0
Life coaches are becoming very popular nowadays. What parents and teachers used to do exclusively have become the concern and livelihood of people who have the expertise and passion to provide general mentoring in life and all its many aspects, such as health, business, arts and marital counseling. Being a life coach essentially means you teach a person gain skills within a particular field or industry while visualizing how those skills will enhance one’s ability to cope and to compete in life.

Success is the aim of almost every person and enterprise. And without the need to reinvent the wheel, life coaches have collated much of the ancient and modern knowledge in specific fields for those seeking guided education for personal advancement.

Whereas only wealthy individuals and celebrities could afford voice or gym coaches in the past, now, almost anyone can find an online coach or even a personal coach for a reasonable and even at no price at all. Reading through Jennifer Shearin’s website is in itself a practically free but priceless tool for anyone who seriously takes her advices to heart.

Achieving balance in one’s life through having a health coach is the latest innovation in health management. More specifically, having an integrative health coach to provide an individualized health plan provides one with a focused strategy designed to address personal health issues through experienced health experts.

The main objective of having an integrative health coach is in obtaining a program that will help “sustain the mindset needed to make lifestyle and behavior changes for the long haul”. Developing and maintaining the discipline of a healthy and balanced life requires the help of a whole family or group of people, not just an individual. As they say, it takes a whole village to raise a child. It certainly requires a whole town to keep each individual become a healthy member of the community. Trying to go organic in a town that does not produce any such products would be tough. Let alone live in a town that does not care about proper sanitation and waste disposal.

Finding a health coach then must take into consideration not merely the qualifications of the coach itself but also with the specific health goals that a person has. Having a qualified health coach, nevertheless, is the first step toward attaining a sustainable personal health program.

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