Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Quick find all should be restricted to selected region

Bradley Smith 11 лет назад обновлен 11 лет назад 1

I love the:

1. Find

2. Hit alt-f3

3. hit escape

and then edit all occurrences feature of Sublimetext. However, if I selected a region of text and do this and restrict the search to that region of text then stage 1 above is fine but hitting alt-f3 then finds ALL occurrences in the file, not just the selected region. I propose that Alt-f3 (quick find all) should observe the "in selection" option and only find those items in that selected region.


can't save any file

Jac Fitzgerald 12 лет назад обновлен 12 лет назад 2

I have a file open in ST2. I have no other programs running on the machine, which I just rebooted. I edit the file and hit Ctrl-S, I get the error 'can't save file'. Opening a random other file gets the same error on save. Editing the same files in any other program (notepad, Visual Studio) works fine as expected. Process Explorer tells me that this file is not open in any other program. I also found that a number of other people have run into this same dialog: with no known explanation. 

I installed ST2 a few weeks ago and it worked up until a few days ago, and has not saved any files since then. I have rebooted the machine and closed every other program there is. The machine is running Windows Server 2012.


Multifile Edit - Split Screen

Christopher Roberts-York 12 лет назад 0
I believe it was a feature in the Sublime Text 1.  I would like to see the multifile edit re-implemeneted. Similar to the Alt click to get multiple cursors except across files when in split screen.

How to save/restore all the Sublime Text 2 config/plugins on another computer

earlyadopter 12 лет назад обновлен Jordan Brough 12 лет назад 1
What would be a way to save all the configuration/plugins I have on one Mac to restore it on another one? Is there some predefined location I need to copy all the files and restore them on another machine?

Fixes to java syntax

Matt Hauck 11 лет назад обновлен 11 лет назад 1

The following additions to the Java.tmLanguage file would be very wonderful. 

Add to `repository -> parameters -> patterns`:





Add to `repository -> parameters -> enums -> patterns`:






MultiMarkdown mode not recognizing 'format: complete' on first line (should be case insensitive for keys)

Darin Morrison 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 1
In the MultiMarkdown user guide on page 18 it says:

Metadata keys are case insensitive and stripped of all spaces during processing. This means that Base Header Level, base headerlevel, and baseheaderlevel are all the same.

However, in MultiMarkdown.tmLanguage, the check for "Format: complete" on the first line is case sensitive:



Changing it to the following fixes the problem:



problems with C syntax

David Raleigh 11 лет назад 0

I was looking to use sublime text 2 in order to help me sort through some c code.  This one file messes up the sublime c syntax coloring. Proj4 is a fairly popular projection library used for mapping and GIS. I think sublime is ready to rock some preprocessor statements and is confused by the crazy pound defines in this code.  I hate looking at code from this library and would much rather look at sublimes gorgeous colors, but for now I'm stuck with Proj4:

Here's a screenshot:

Image 232


Add the ability to enter a license key via bash or some other development environment automation tool such as boxen

Jeff Fairchild 11 лет назад 0
I'd like to specify a team multi-user license in our development environment setup and have the sublime use the key during installation. The dev then loads up a fully registered sublime without ever having to see/worry about the key.

"Where" box of the Find in Files dialog should have a pull-down

Mike Cline 12 лет назад обновлен Joel Thornton 12 лет назад 1

I did not realize until just now that you could use the arrow keys in the Find in Files dialog's "where" field.  This is great, but not obvious at all. 

A more common idiom in software that remembers past entries is to have a down-arrow on the text field that makes it function like a drop down (containing past entries) when you click the arrow.  I would suggest adding this kind of a drop-down to any text field in sublime where it is possible to view a list of past entries.

Apart from being more obvious to the user, the drop-down has the additional advantage of being able to see all  the options, rather than having to tap tap tap tap on the arrow keys, where you have find trade off speed vs the possibility of skipping over what you are looking for.

auto complete

Kerem Ulutaş 11 лет назад 0
Auto complete popup disappears when trying to go up on the 1st item with the up arrow key or trying to go down on the last item with down arrow key. The issue is the same as stated under "issue 1" here.

I've also encountered related info on the dev builds changelog page,: under Build 2161:

  • Auto complete: Popup can now be dismissed with the arrow keys

Can there be a fix (a setting for example) which at least offers a way to disable this "feature"? I think it is needed by many people who are trying to learn programming in a language or who don't want to memorize method names or attributes of a language at all.

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