Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Support Delphi files(.dpk, .dpr, .pas, .dfm) and *.rc, *.ini *.mc

JingYu Han 12 lat temu w Plugin announcements zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 1

I use delphi, will be great to have support Delphi files(.dpk, .dpr, .pas, .dfm) and  *.rc, *.ini *.mc files


Vintage - better command mode cursor

Christopher Bottaro 12 lat temu 0
The underline cursor is hard to see.  Would be much easier to see if it was a block like in vim.

Add "Open with Sublime Text" context menu item to folders

Mark Johnston 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
"Open with Sublime Text 2" works great on individual files, but I often prefer to open a whole folder in the sidebar.  It would be nice if the context menu item was available on folders, to do exactly what the "Open Folder" menu item does in Sublime Text 2 itself.

A live browser preview just like Cssedit

Leandro Flaherty 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Arsen T. Holsteinson 12 lat temu 6
A live preview just like cssedit does would be fantastic (override stylesheets, live updates, splitpanel, element inspector) 

make search highlighting stick around after find window closes

David Baumgold 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Giampaolo Rodola 11 lat temu 2
When you search for a piece of text, the matches in the file are highlighted as you type. That's cool! The problem is, once I press Escape to get out of the search dialog, the highlighting vanishes. I'll often want to use Cmd+G to jump to the next instance of what I wanted, but without search highlighting, I'm effectively jumping blind, and I don't know where my caret will land until it gets there. Combine that with the fact that I can't use a block cursor, and I keep on getting lost in my editor.

Ideally, there should be a preference to leave search highlighting on after completing a search, and a command to dismiss it when I'm ready. For reference, check out ":hlsearch" and ":nohlsearch" in vim. (I'm coming to ST2 from Vim, and I always use it in Vintage mode.)

ftp synchronisation

Alexander Schramm 13 lat temu 0
auto ftp synchronisation would be very nice

Incomplete C++ syntax highlighting

John Moutrihas 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Nicholas Braden 12 lat temu 2
The syntax highlighting for C++ look incomplete. For instance very common keywords are not highlighted at all and are treated as common identifiers. More specifically keywords like while, for, if, return, namespace, switch, case look the same as identifiers while other keywords such as using, type modifiers (cost, static) and data types (float, int) and literals (true, false, NULL) are properly highlighted.

This makes code structure hard to read and easy to miss :) Is this a conscious choice, an omission or a bug?

I'm running on ubuntu 64bit on version 2.0, build 2210, but also in previous builds.

Save Asynchronously

Scott Bowers 13 lat temu 0

When saving files, sublime will freeze until the operation succeeds.  For local file systems, this is not normally noticeable. For remote file systems, this can cause frustration with the interface being totally unusable while you save a file for 2-10 seconds.

I suggest making sublime save a temporary copy of the file in memory, and then save that file to the file system asynchronously from the user interface.  This way, a person can save a file and continue to edit the same file, or switch to a new file, etc.


Sublime won't respond to applescript set bounds of window

Chase de Languillette 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Robby 12 lat temu 1
I have some ghetto applescripts that resize my windows, that work wonderfully with just about every program, except sublime isn't responding to them.  this is the general script -- it's pretty simple.

set cw to 2560 -- cinema width

set ch to 1440 -- cinema height

set lw to 1440 -- laptop width

set lh to 900 -- laptop height

set mb to 21 -- menu bar

set activeApp to (path to frontmost application as Unicode text)

tell application activeApp


set bounds of window 1 to {cw * 2 / 3, mb, cw, ch}

end tell

It's just annoying to resize windows manually.  It's worth noting that I can still resize the program dynamically with a window sizing program like Divvy, but I like the simplicity and price (free) of applescript.  Thanks!


Gutter in distraction-free should be next to text, not all the way to left of screen

chocolate camera 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jacob Magnusson 11 lat temu 1
The gutter's position should change according to the Word Wrap Column's size, falling right to the left where the text starts..

When enabling the gutter and line numbers in distraction-free mode, the gutter appears all the way to the left of the screen, whereas the text area's width, way shorter than the screen's, is centered. As a result, line numbers are disconnected from the text they refer to. Numbers should be next to the text, not far away.

Considering the point is focusing ones' attention, having line numbers so far away from the line they refer to does not help the purpose.