Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
trash folders, delete unempty folders
Don't move the view position when I adjust tab size
Default keybindings should match default Xcode bindings
"Open Recent" file names not parsed correctly
May be just a Linux issue, but when I go to "Open Recent", the menu is not properly escaping the file names listed, so underscores become alt+[letter] key combination indicators.
For example, the file stats_controller is listed as statscontroller, with the "c" in the middle underlined.
It does open the file properly. Just needs to be escaped properly in the menu control, and unescaped when executing the fopen()
When having the "Open Files" section shown, the tab bar has GUI glitches
I enabled "Open Files" (from View > Side Bar > Show Open Files) and I started to have GUI glitches in the file tab area:
- While switching between files using the keyboard the current file wasn't highlighted properly, like leaving the previous one highlighted
- after a few minutes and files switched I would end up with something like this:
- Changing the Layout will create other glitches and inconsistencies like overlapping file tabs:
- The "go to anything" panel has transparent margins: If I call the panel from the sublime preference file it is shown correctly
Notes: Disabling the theme does not help.
By hiding the "Open Files" section in the sidebar and restarting the app (once or twice) these problems don't appear.
Automatic docbloc comments
adding the above and pressing enter should generate the docblox comments.
Eg :
* @param type $hello
* @param type $world
* @return type
public function helloWorld( $hello , $world)
Netbeans has the functionality, not sure whether I am missing something in Sublime
Toggle comment shortcut removes other comments
- File type : .js
- I have a class description comment at the start of my file :
* Class description
*/- I have a big comment block at the end of the file (classic /* ... */)
How to reproduce : with that similar file structure, select multiple lines, and use the "Toggle Comment" shortcut (Ctrl+/ on my machine)
At first you think nothing has happened, and if you try it again, it will comment your lines. But what you may not have noticed is the effects of the first shortcut use : it removed the "/*" at the start the file and the "*/" at the end, causing execution issues.
I can reproduce the bug on 2 computers (build 2126 on one and 2181 on the other) with the same effects. Both computers use Windows XP Pro x86
vintage mode: paste over visual selection
Control-drag selection to immediate next line
Customer support service by UserEcho