Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Sublime Forum RSS

Jae-Kwang Lee 13 ár síðan Uppfært 13 ár síðan 0
It would be useful to provide a rss at 'Sublime Forum'. It's too inconvenient to go there everyday.


Find in Files 'unable to open [file]' text is missing a newline

Ben Vanik 13 ár síðan updated by Vardaman Pk 8 ár síðan 2
If you attempt to find in files and files cannot be opened (broken symlink, permission denied, etc) a message will get logged to the results window:
'Unable to open /some/path/'
BUT it is missing its newline, so it ends up running into the file name of the next results (in this example, line 32 of /some/other/):
'Unable to open /some/path/some/other/:
  32:  some text...'
If you attempt to click on the result a new empty tab will open with the busted concatenated path /some/path/some/other/.

Output all key bindings to easy to read HTML file

Agile Apricot 14 ár síðan updated by Abigail11 11 ár síðan 4
Adobe Fireworks has a useful feature that lets you export a list of all the current keyboards to an easy-to-scan formatted html table. I know I can read all the JSON file but it would make for quicker reading in one nice formatted list.

OS X three-finger-tap "Look Up" broken

Daniel Shannon 12 ár síðan 0

OS X's three-finger trackpad tap to look words up behaves unexpectedly in the latest build of Sublime. It tends to pick a word several ahead of the one I've tapped, but not quite at the end of the line.


We need clone tab

Jeff Yeo 14 ár síðan 0
Bring it back please. :(

do not show ruler in the console

Vojta Jína 11 ár síðan 0

When using rulers, they are displayed in the bottom console too. I don't think that should be the case.


Textmate bundles manager

v lunch 14 ár síðan updated by Denis Tomilin 14 ár síðan 1
I would be great if there was a bundle manager for easy installation of textmate bundles from internet like e-texteditor has it.

Shouldn't open a new window when restarting on Lion

Ross Smith 13 ár síðan updated by Felipe Cypriano 13 ár síðan 1
When I restart a Mac, with Lion's "re-open apps on restart" behavior, ST2 always opens a new window with a blank document when the system starts, even if there was no ST2 window open before.

Show filename including path in status bar

Oktay Acikalin 14 ár síðan updated by Shyam Habarakada 12 ár síðan 2

Show line terminators

Arne Hormann 13 ár síðan Uppfært 13 ár síðan 0
I sometimes have to work with files where both "\r\n" and "\n" are used and have different semantics (e.g. a datafeed containing market data where they are used as record and field group separator. I don't know who's brilliant idea that was...). I also need this feature to debug generated MIME-Emails, where e.g. Outlook and Thunderbird are very sensitive to which line terminators are used in header and body text. HTTP-requests or responses are another scenario where this could be useful.
For now, I have to switch back to Notepad++ whenever I encounter one of these files. I'd really love to only use Sublimetext.