Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Shortcut icon disappeared

Marco Kellershoff il y a 12 ans 0

My icon of the shortcut for sublime text 2 acciedentially disappeared after registering. At least I think so. Weird thing is, that I am using it at 2 different computers, both running Win 7 and at my desktop it works and on my laptop it just disappeared.


Windows: Support scrolling in long menus or use multipane menus

Joel Thornton il y a 14 ans 0
Long menus such as View->Syntax are a pain to use in Windows. They are not scroll-wheel aware, leaving repeatedly clicking of the "down" arrow as the only way to scroll the list.

Two ideas:

* Hook the mouse scroll wheel when over these menus.

* Break long menus into a series of menu panes stacked horizontally next to each other. This can be seen in some other Windows applications, e.g. XP's Start->Programs menu.

configurable sublime-project file templates

Ilia Choly il y a 12 ans 0

I'd like to be able to modify the default .sublime-project template.

      "path": "/home/icholy/workspace/libdbclient",
      "file_exclude_patterns": [], // <-- add this
      "folder_exclude_patterns": [] // <-- and this
I always forget these 2 settings and am forced to look them up every time.


Load one file in 2 layouts

Yuriy Zhuravlev il y a 12 ans 0
I can't show one file in 2 layout (column or grid).
Realy need for big files!!! It is bug for layout realy!

Paste and indent in the middle of a line

Sheldon Els il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
Paste and indent in the middle of a line tries to indent only the pasted text, and ends up inserting whitespace before the pasted text.

Normally I wouldn't be bothered, but I recently switched to using paste and indent as "default" and normal paste as the shift key binding instead. In textmate it was able to indent on paste, but realise that pastes in the middle of a line shouldn't insert whitespace before the paste, but rather before the whole line (if needed)

Getting path to project directory when project file stored elsewhere

Rhys Evans il y a 12 ans 0

I want to use something like `$my_project_directory/public/index.html` in a build system file but as I store my project file in a different directory $project_path points to that directory instead. How do I get  arefernce to the correct directory?

project file


       "path": "/Users/wheresrhys/Sites/jigsnreels/dev"

build system


  "cmd": ["open", "-a", "Google Chrome Canary", "$project_path/public/index.html"]



Use the NSFindPboard on OS X.

William Taysom il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Tim Lewis il y a 7 ans 5
OS X uses a NSGeneralPboard for cut-copy-and-paste.  OS X also has NSFindPboard for sharing searches between applications.  It would be great if Sublime Text supported the NSFindPboard.  Then, for example, we could select output from a printf in Terminal, use ⌘E to set the find pboard, switch to Sublime Text, and then use ⌘G to find the printed text.  It's just another way to make Sublime feel like a first class OS X citizen.

Icons in File Browser

Shantanu Kumar il y a 12 ans 0

As of ST 2.0.1 the file and folder entries in the file browser are simple text. It would help a LOT if the filenames and folder-names are accompanied with icons of respective file/folder types.


fix wrapping to work correctly

mike bayer il y a 12 ans mis à jour il y a 12 ans 1
observe wrapping of standard python parameter specifications in textmate vs sublime2:

Image 127Image 126


Flexible borders in grid

bentastic il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0

Make borders in colums, rows or grid flexible to move right/left/up/down. For ex: in grid moving the top vertical border from group 1 and 2 (top) a bit to the left, but vertical border of group 3 and 4 (bottom) stays in the middle.

Nice too, to get one side 2 rows in a column and other side just one column (just thinking that)