Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Language extension (better than TextMate)

Luke Scott 14 years ago 0
With a TextMate bundle you could include patterns from another language into another. This was very limiting.

It would be nice if you had a "extended language" type that would use a specified language but recursively override elements in that language. So this would go beyond simply including the patterns. A big reason for this is template systems... Smarty is built into TextMate's HTML bundle and it shouldn't be. Ruby includes the HTML bundle, but has to re-specify certain things. With a language extension you could have a pattern added before or after a languages pattern based on its name.

Also with embedding languages make this work a little better than importing patterns. If I'm working in an HTML file and have script tags it should be the Javascript language while inside those tags (not just including the patterns, if that makes sense).

crash on search

matrushka 14 years ago 0
i searched "const" in a PHP symfony project and app crashed after few seconds. i tried it for few more times and it happened again. I am using 2050 on Mac OS X 10.6.7. I can provide the OS X error report if needed.

Ubuntu PPA/.deb

Nathan Cox 12 years ago 0

I would love it if I could get a .deb package created for Sublime Text 2, either in the official sources or just on a private PPA. I would be willing to help with this process if needed.


Copy, paste with nothing selected (i.e. a whole line) shouldn't break up current line

codex 13 years ago updated by Danny Fritz 13 years ago 2
When I copy with nothing selected, I expect to the paste to paste an entire line, not break up the current line at the cursor.  Example:

foo bar<copy this line using zero-selection method>
ba<paste with cursor here>z

I want the result to be:
foo bar
foo bar

And not:
foo bar
bafoo barz

Project listing in the side bar for quick switching

Michael Irigoyen 12 years ago 0
I understand you can do CTRL+ALT+P to bring up the Switch Project window, then click on the project you want to switch to. However, I feel like being able to turn on a listing of your projects by name in the side bar would be much more useful.

Changing the surround text

Adrian Olaru 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
Typing a quote with text selected will surround the text with quotes, unless you have disabled the auto_match_enabled setting. That's a nice feature.

What about changing an existing surrounding text? What if selecting an already quoted text and pressing another matching char (a double quote for example) will change the surround? That will be a nice feature to have...

Keyboard shortcut to toggle column select mode, like alt/opt on TextMate

mrmachine 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 1
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
On OS X, column selections can be created by:

- With the mouse by holding down alt while dragging
- With the keyboard via Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down

Download links do not work

Ahmed Subhani 11 years ago 0
All of the download links for Sublime Text 2/3 Windows 32/64 Installer/Portable do not work for me, I always get the following screen:
400 Bad Request
Your browser sent an invalid request.

I am downloading from Pakistan.

emmet built in!

Chris 11 years ago 0

Would love to see the plugin emmet come standard on sublime text 3, had a problem installing with version 2 (was not very user friendly)