Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Visually mark modified tabs

lanzz 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
Please restore the visual marking of tabs with unsaved files, which was available before build 2165. This is a crucial feature.

How can i open the same project in many windows?

Guillaume Thomas 11 aastat tagasi 0

I have a big project with several subproject and i would need a window for each sub project. When i open in a new window the project, it goes back to the window with project already opened. thanks


Linux drag and drop

mARK bLOORE 12 aastat tagasi 0
I am using 2.0.1 under Linux, and I can't get drag and drop of text to work. Is there something special that I need to do?


How to overwrite Ctrl-x to not cut lines?

Luc Pionchon 11 aastat tagasi 0

Ctrl-x cuts the current line when nothing is selected. That's great. BUT, as an emacs user, I have the habit to hit Ctrl-x-s to save a file. With any other editor it is fine because if nothing is selected, Ctrl-x has no effect. BUT with Sublime Text, it cuts the line... and saves the file! This is destructive.

How to overwrite Ctrl-x to not cut lines? and just cut selections?


API support for custom menus

Jake Wilson 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
It would be nice for plugin writers to be able to create custom menus for their plugins.

Could you please make this great tool more than portable (Please Please)

Danny Malm 11 aastat tagasi 0

This great tool would be even more great if you added it to Portableapps for fast download / usage. I would love it cause i use it on many PC's, and can keep all my settings / plug-ins this way. I know it's already possible with the existing portable version, but for those who want a fast download / usage, and a launcher for this program from a USB-Key, then it would shine even more :D


Shift+Tab to unindent a single line from anywhere in the line

Vashmyvindows 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi 0
The editors I'm familiar with will un-indent the currently active line when you shift-tab, regardless of where the cursor is within the line. 

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but shift+tab only works when the cursor is at the beginning of the line (or if there is a selection). I'm using build 2165 for Mac OS.
Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi
The shift_tab_unindent setting controls this - a description for it is in the default file settings

Wrap paragraph should use a different setting from "wrap_width"

Brian Clapper 13 aastat tagasi 0
The Sublime "wrap_width" setting controls both on-screen wrapping and the column at which the WrapLinesCommand folds lines. Those two settings should be different; otherwise, things don't look right on the screen.

See, for instance

move command amount argument

Chris Barnett 12 aastat tagasi 0

The move command should have an "amount" argument instead of the "forward" boolean just like the scroll_lines command. 

So you should be able to do something like:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+up"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "amount": -10} },


Crown Capital Management: Alex James: nothing more festive than a biomass boiler

ayaquinn869 11 aastat tagasi 0
There’s always plenty to see on a farm. The newborn lambs were a universal Christmassy hit with visitors, but we’re not lambing this year. I’ve diversified.
I was showing a local dignitary around on Saturday.
“So, where do you make the cheese?” he said.
“Ah, yeah. That all happens over there, but look at this.”
There are still one or two big holes in the garden, but the trenches are filled in. The place looks less like a First World War battlefield and more like a builder’s merchants. There’s a crane here, a cherry picker there, a 3-ton dumper blocking the drive, huge piles of insulation panels and pallets of breeze blocks all around.I’m hell bent on getting the biomass heating system up and running by Christmas and the new boiler room has been taking shape rapidly this week.Inside, the buffer tank, where the hot water is stored, is gigantic. It looks like a submarine standing on its nose.“How was touring South America with the band?” said my dignitary.“Oh yeah, that was great… and the wood chips flow into the boiler via the auger here…”“And where did you say you make the cheese?”I could see I was getting nowhere. Maybe boiler installation doesn’t have the glamour of newborn lambs, of rock-and-roll or even cheese, but I’ve found it a captivating.Mark Allen, the Dairy Crest boss, invited me to the Cathedral City factory recently and the first thing he showed me was their new biomass boiler. Knowing nods were exchanged. There’s something about these contraptions that goes beyond the function of providing heat. They make energy, from stuff I can grow, for next to nothing.And that’s almost a miracle. We’re going to fire it up on the 20th and go down the pub to celebrate.

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