Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Awesome incremental symbol find

Pau Sanchez hace 12 años 0

The idea is to use something similar to "Go to anything" where you only type some letters that are contained in the symbol you want to go to, and you automatically go to symbols containing those letters in that order, but limiting the search to symbols inside the document (since most languages, if not all, support the same pattern for symbols, and you don't want to search text or anything like that, just references to functions or variables).

Imagine you have a document like this:

void function () {

   doSomething (whatever, "this is a string");

   if (runUltraComplexCheck (var1, var2)) {

      simple_variable = 1;

      doSomethingElse ();



Now, the idea is that if you are at the beginning of the document and you run "incremental symbol find" and you press "f" the first word "function" would be selected. If I type "d" then the first "doSomething" would be selected, and so if I run find next, then the "doSomethingElse" symbol would be selected. It should behave as a normal search so find previous and find next would work.

On the other hand, imagine I want to go to "doSomethingElse", then I go to incremental symbol search and type "dse" then automatically doSomethingElse would be selected. In the same scenario, typing "ru" or "rucc" or "run" or "rcheck" would all select "runUltraComplexCheck", which is the only word in that document matching that pattern.

Again, if you type "sv" in incremental symbol search, you would go to "simple_variable".

I think this kind of feature would be as awesome as "Go to Anything", and no other editor has something like this... I guess it can be written using a plugin, but anyway, native would be great.

To sum up the features:

  • incremental symbol find inside current doc
  • a symbol is defined as [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]+
  • discard searching inside comments
  • discard searching inside text strings
  • be able to use find next / find previous


File Modified status can scroll off tab. Move to left?

highfructose hace 14 años actualizado hace 14 años 1
File Modified status (asterisk/bulletpoint) appears on the right after the file name in the associated tab.  Since file names can scroll off tabs in cases where many tabs exist/file names are long, this results in the modified indicator being hidden from view.

I should always be able to glance at the tab strip and identify which files are modified and which ones are not.  Because of this issue, sometimes it's impossible to tell, which is frustrating.

Even changing to an unknown-status tab doesn't help, because the obscured name doesn't appear.  Mouseover of the tab shows the file location, still no help.  The only way to tell (in Mac OS) is because the icon at the top of the window title bar becomes slightly grey for modified files (I believe this is a systemwide visual effect). There should be a simpler way to know at-a-glance what's modified and what isn't.

(Using Build 2095, Mac OS)


Ive had some glitches where i will be typing and the indentation on the line keeps changing from 1 tab space to 2 tab spaces every other character i write.

Zachary Nawar hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 14 años 0
Ive had some glitches where i will be typing and the indentation on the line keeps changing from 1 tab space to 2 tab spaces every other character i write.

It usually happens when ive copied some code in, but sometimes it does it randomly.
Jon Skinner hace 14 años
Fixed in 2076

OS X Zoom Button Behavior

adzenith hace 14 años actualizado hace 14 años 10
In OS X, the Zoom button (the green one) is supposed to make the window as large as it needs to be and no larger. Right now the Zoom button expands the window to be the size of the screen. Could this be changed? That way I could use full-screen mode if I want it to be fullscreen, and I could use Zoom to make the window the right size.

Live Edit

Austin Condiff hace 12 años 0

I'd like to be able to use Sublime Text like my chrome developer tools. You would be able to watch local files and when it is opened in the browser, the css would change it live. Also as you hover over elements in the html on Sublime Text, it would highlight them as if you were hovering over them in the chrome dev tools.

This has already been done in Brackets (an Adobe project), and kind of in an app called CodeKit. It would be great if it were done in a much better editor like Sublime Text.


Vintaje change inner quotes does not work correctly

Juanda Zapata hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
This one I use the most, when in command mode, you can type <ci"> or <ci'> and vim replaces the inner text from doublequotes or singlequotes in that line. 

Vintage is a step in the right direction but it still feels quirky and buggy.

Syntax highlighting for Haskell unicode syntax

Wladimir van der Laan hace 12 años 0

Support Haskell unicode syntax highlighting ( ).

I've uploaded the patch here:

This properly highlights the following symbols in their context: ∷,⇒,→

No es un bug

When Updating user Keymap, the menu-keymaps don't change

Tim Buchwaldt hace 13 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 1
e.g. when you change build to cmd+r in the user keymaps, the menu continues to say "cmd+b"
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
This is because cmd+b is also bound to the same command, and the menu displays the first key binding listed for the command

Snippets (sometimes) trigger within snippets

lappri hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 14 años 0
Steps to reproduce: Create a new document and save it as "foo.rb". Type "def" and press tab. "def method_name ... end" appears, with method_name selected. Status bar says "11 characters selected - Field 1 of 2". So far so good. Type "foow" and press <tab>. Snippet triggers on the shortcut "w" and text is now "def fooattr_writer :attr_names ... end"
Note: when I ran through these steps again to reproduce it once more, it did NOT trigger within the snippet. However, subsequent tries DID reproduce the bug.
WIndows 7, ST2 Alpha 20110203
Jon Skinner hace 14 años
In build 2032, snippets will no longer trigger on tab when a snippet is currently active. They can still be triggered explicitly by using ctrl+space.

Quick find all should be restricted to selected region

Bradley Smith hace 12 años actualizado hace 12 años 1

I love the:

1. Find

2. Hit alt-f3

3. hit escape

and then edit all occurrences feature of Sublimetext. However, if I selected a region of text and do this and restrict the search to that region of text then stage 1 above is fine but hitting alt-f3 then finds ALL occurrences in the file, not just the selected region. I propose that Alt-f3 (quick find all) should observe the "in selection" option and only find those items in that selected region.