Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Expand selection to quotes

Alessandro Zanardi hace 11 años actualizado por ekard hace 8 años 4

It would be lovely and useful to have a shortcut to expand the selection to quotes. Currently I use often expand selection to line / word / brackets, but I can't find a way to expand it just to text in between quotes.

Wouldn'it be cool to have this feature in the next Sublime Text release? Vote it!   :)


Gets stuck in full screen mode if it's on a secondary monitor

Kyle Powers hace 13 años actualizado por Atul hace 8 años 3
On OSX if you fullscreen the app on a secondary monitor, then exit fullscreen mode, the toolbar never comes back to the top.

Edit: I take that back, if you resize the window, then it pops back in. Still a bit confusing. Not a huge deal anymore though.

Ignore menu mnemonics when menu is hidden

Falcon NL hace 13 años 0
Currently, pressing alt+r when searching to toggle regex searching brings up the menu because alt+r is the mnemonic for the Preferences item in the menu.

My suggestions would be to ignore menu mnemonics when the menu is hidden. Alternatively, to let keybindings take precedence over menu mnemonics.

Drag'n Drop with OS integration from sirdebar

Aggressivex hace 13 años 0
I'm not sure about other OS but in OS X , you can't import or export any file from/to the sidebar …

Macro's wont copy and paste new content, just pastes the same content originally copied

Alan Andersen hace 13 años actualizado por Les Stroud hace 12 años 2
If I make a macro to copy part of one line of code and paste it somewhere else (using bookmarks), and do this for many lines in a row it works flawlessly, except that what it pastes is the content from when the macro was first created and not the respective line's content.

osx - minimized window is not restored opening a file

Enrico Ganzaroli hace 12 años 0
OSX 10.7.3: with the option "open_files_in_new_window": false, if the main window is minimized in the dock and you double click on a file associated with sublimetext, the window is not restored.

Tag tree in the side panel

Shattered_Vision hace 13 años 0
Really self explanatory. A view in the side panel, maybe by making another tab in it so you could switch between open files and the tag tree. When clicking on a tag in the tree it goes straight to that tag in the editor.

tab row treatment suggestion

Hans Meyer hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
Subtle point, I know, but I think the background color of the tab row needs to blend more with the non-selected tabs rather than the selected tab. Otherwise, I think it sends a mixed message visually about what is primary and what is secondary since the higher contrast between the background and the non-selected tabs makes them pop more.

Perhaps this could be set forth as a design guideline and applied to the themes that ship with ST2?


Image 68


Image 69


Default Window Size on Ubuntu 11.04 is tiny

Pete Otaqui hace 13 años actualizado por U N. hace 13 años 1
When a new Sublime Text 2 window opens in Ubuntu 11.04, its window is absolutely tiny (about 20px high by 1 px wide) and is very easy to miss altogether.

Context-aware bracket matching

David Čepelík hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 14 años 0
Context-aware bracket matching: f(")"); result Sublime Text to match the closing parenthesis in the string with the opening parenthesis of the function.
Jon Skinner hace 14 años
Done in build 2051