Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


After exceeding threshold of n open tabs, remove the least recently used tab

Edvard Majakari 12 years ago updated by adzenith 11 years ago 1
Simply, kill the least recently selected tab, if number of tabs exceeds the configured value (could be by default say, 64 or so, in order to not baffle users who don't want this feature).

I usually work with the window split in two (cmd+opt+2), and the number of tabs grows quickly too large (say, over 15 tabs or so) and I can't see the ones I'm actually working with.

It'd be really nice if the least recently used were killed automatically, and the user could specify this number. It could default to 100 or so, so that users not wishing this feature would still see all the tabs (files) they have

No file association and no split screen

chip siskey 11 years ago 0

Why would you NOT have file association as an install option and same-file split screen? I used this program for months, but kept bumping against these 2 limitations. Missing features that are simply standard interface practice is a deal breaker.


A mirroring instance of one file

bentastic 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
While using colums, rows or grid and working on a special file, nice to open only the file IN A NEW VIEW (not the same as new instance) in fullscreenmode, so i have all the screen just for this one file (maybe a more complex script as the others). When closing or saving or just tipping in the file, the original script (laying in colums, rows or grid) becomes the same content (is just mirroring in the new view) so i havent to open a new instance, just this single view. Its noisy to move the borders to a bigger view for one file in a group and its noisy to move it back every time i working on some more special scripts. Better one click (right mouse on tab for example) to choose: create new view.
Not a bug

Bug in View.syntax_name()

Alex Gaynor 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 14 years ago 0
Traceback I got when trying this from the command line.

>>> window.active_view().syntax_name()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
    syntax_name(SP<TextBufferView>, long long)
Jon Skinner 14 years ago
This is working as expected: syntax_name() takes a point, and will return the scope name at that point. The name isn't ideal.

If you want the name of the syntax file currently in use, you can use view.settings().get('syntax')

10 Tips for Buying Insurance In 2014

Rosy Mishie 11 years ago 0
Image 276

2014 marks the biggest change in health insurance since Medicare. For the first time ever, health insurance is mandatory for most Americans under age 65. The biggest change is that those people with pre-existing medical conditions will now be able to buy quality health insurance without fear of being declined, or facing a surcharge or a waiting period for pre-existing conditions that won't be covered.

The second biggest change is that those who earn less than 400% of the federal poverty level -- $45,000 for individuals or $95,000 for families of four -- will now be able to qualify for premium discounts on health insurance costs. The requirement to qualify for the discount is that insurance must be purchased on one of the new health insurance exchanges, aka marketplaces.

1. Work with a knowledgeable health insurance agent.

Eliminate about 80% of the difficulties of buying insurance online. A good agent can help you navigate the exchange site, help you determine whether you qualify for a discount and, if you do qualify, help you choose from among the various plan options and even help you enroll. They will be able to answer your questions as they come up. Best of all, having an agent help you doesn't cost a dime extra.

2. Don't buy insurance on an exchange if you don't qualify for a discount.

Insurance companies that participate in the exchange in most cases offer many more options for qualified health insurance beyond what they make available on the exchange. You can go to individual insurance company websites to see what each company has available. Or, you can have your agent do that for you (see Tip 1).

3. Work with an insurance agent to plan health coverage for your family if dependents aren't covered adequately by your employer plan.

If you have dependents covered under your group health insurance plan at work, unless the employer is paying for some of the cost, work with an insurance agent who will help you determine if you can get better coverage for less money on your spouse and/or children. Chances are if you have employer paid group insurance on yourself, you won't be eligible for an individual plan. But that doesn't preclude your spouse and children from having one, especially if the employer doesn't contribute anything toward dependent coverage costs.

4. Before choosing a health plan, be sure the doctors are "in network" and you can see specialists without a referral.

Less costly plans often don't let you see specialists without a referral from your primary care doctor.

When you are considering plans, don't just choose the cheapest. Pay attention to who is and is not in network. About 90% of the time, it probably won't make a difference. But, that 10% can be a life-and-death situation.

In Minnesota where I'm from, the gold standard of choice is the Mayo Clinic. I won't pick a plan myself or recommend a plan that doesn't include the right to go there without begging for a referral.

5. Hire an expert insurance agent or consultant to audit your insurance program.

Look for someone to make sure that all the major risks in your life are well-protected for risks such as major lawsuits, major damage to or destruction of your residence, premature death, long-term disability and, of course, major medical expenses.

An expert can help you identify where the gaps are and recommend custom endorsements to plug those gaps. I have done several hundred audits over the years and typically find at least 15 to 20 coverage shortfalls or inconsistencies.

6. Protect your income with long-term disability insurance.

Some employers provide it. However, benefits that you receive while disabled usually are taxable income. So, if the benefit is 60% of your salary, you will be lucky to yield 45% after taxes.

Unless you can live on that 45%, contact your employer. Request that the company include the premiums it pays you for long-term disability insurance in your taxable income. By doing this, you will have paid income taxes on the relatively small premiums so that if you become disabled, you can collect those benefits tax-free.

If your employer can't or won't do that for you, buy a supplemental individual policy that will cover at least the income taxes that you will have to pay on your group benefits.

If you don't have coverage at work, talk to a knowledgeable agent to help you qualify for and buy a privately owned long-term disability insurance policy. Because you're buying this policy with after-tax dollars, benefits will always be tax-free to you!

7. Buy an umbrella liability policy to cover insurance gaps in your primary policies.
All umbrella car or homeowners insurance policies cover lawsuits. Typically, these policies will provide a base layer of coverage, usually $300,000 or $500,000 per claim. Then, if you're sued for more than those limits, an umbrella policy will pay excess amounts up to the umbrella limit of $1 million or more.

The real advantage of an umbrella policy is that it will defend and pay some judgments against you from personal lawsuits not covered by your primary auto or homeowners policies.

Never worry about the price of an umbrella policy. Instead, focus on whether it is broad enough to cover those uncovered risks in your life not covered by auto or homeowners insurance.

Here are just a few examples of lawsuits not covered by auto or homeowners insurance that can be covered by the right umbrella policy:

  • Damage to rental cars in the U.S. or abroad.
  • Injuries you cause to a water skier while renting a powerboat on vacation.
  • Liability that you agreed to in a contract such as a wedding reception contract, making you responsible for all injuries and/or property damage caused by wedding guests.
  • Injuries you cause to a co-worker while driving a company-furnished car.
8. For a townhouse or condo unit, be sure you get the "deductible assessment coverage."
The rates for condominium master policies have been on the rise. To keep the premiums affordable, many associations have opted for higher deductibles of $5,000, $10,000 or even $25,000. Not only does that keep the premiums affordable, it also minimizes the number of claims made against the master policy, which helps keep the rates low.

Here's the problem: If the loss is caused by you from, say, a kitchen fire or dishwasher overflow, or is confined to your unit, most associations will require you to pay the deductible on the master policy.

"No problem," you say proudly. "I have loss-assessment coverage on my homeowners unit-owner policy." Virtually all laws on assessment coverage limit deductible assessments to $1,000. If that wasn't enough bad news, it also requires that the assessment be against all unit owners.

The bottom line is that you will need to get a relatively new coverage -- separate coverage -- called "deductible assessment" coverage. Find out what your association master policy deductible is and buy deductible assessment coverage for that amount from your insurance agent.

9. If your home is for sale, watch out for vacancy exclusions.
With the housing market in the dumpster the past few years, this common problem has arisen. A couple buy a new home before their existing home sells. They move into the new house, leaving the old house empty. Three months later, vandals break into the old home, have a wild party and completely trash the place, causing $50,000 in damage, and the owner has no coverage.

Homeowners policies exclude glass breakage and vandalism damage if the house has been vacant, that is without enough furniture to be lived in, for 60 days or more. There are high-risk policies you can buy to cover a vacant house, but the coverage is watered down and the premiums are three to four times greater than what you've been paying for homeowners insurance.

The better way to keep your homeowners policy and still have vandalism coverage is by keeping enough furniture in the house so it can be lived in, such as a kitchen table, a couch and a lamp in the living room, and one bed.

10. For all of your insurance needs, pick an insurance agent with great expertise.
What most people don't realize is that you can get an insurance expert for the price of an intern. Since all agents work on commission, an agent with a lot of experience costs exactly the same as a less knowledgeable agent.

The biggest mistake that people make when they buy insurance is that they shop based on price and end up with the agent who gave them the best quote, often with very little expertise. In fact, they would be much better off coverage-wise and price-wise if they shopped for the expertise of an agent first, then had the expert design insurance coverage with the right specifications and had the expert shop for that coverage.

Shopping for the best price first leaves you with a good deal but the wrong coverage. Shopping for expertise first leaves you with a competitive price for the right coverage.

When you have a serious claim, which choice would you make?

Multi line snippet get indentation wrong if there are trailing white-spaces right of the cursor

Hakan Ardo 11 years ago 0

When invoking a multi-line snippet such as "def" in python, and there happens to be white-spaces to the right of the cursor,  the second line ("pass") will be indented too much. 

I'm using Build 3047.


Show replace toolbar when Cmd+Shift+E is pressed

pazsxn 12 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 12 years ago 0
When I use "Use Selection For Replace" option, obviously I'm going to use find'n'replace function, so it would save me a few keypresses if this function made replace toolbar visible at the same time.
Jon Skinner 12 years ago
The current behavior allows replacements to be made without showing the replace panel, using the Find/Replace Next menu item or keyboard equivalent

Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours Singapore is Proud to Announce Personalized Escorted Tours in Three Major Asian Cities

dawn camp 11 years ago 0

SINGAPORE, February 20, 2014 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Thinking of the first to do in a foreign city on your first day? You may try being adventurous, come what may and do whatever. Or why not, let us organize your tour with a local travel guide. This is a way to revolutionize the way you explore new destinations through Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours.

Is it a walking tour with a difference that you wanted or an adrenaline-fuelled activity that thrills you the most? Westhill connects you to the place and will make your stay memorable and enjoyable. This can be seen in the company's past success overseas launching tours in many other Asian cities, such as Bangkok Thailand, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Jakarta Indonesia.
The recent launch of personalized travel guides has meant that quintessentially Asian pastimes such as picnics, shopping at the night markets and many various activities each country has to offer are now available to buy as a group or individual experiences. Instead of using big name tour companies, we are utilizing the girl or guy-next door types sharing their insider knowledge of the city.

Jason is an architect and enthusiastic music lover. Jason will escort 1-4 people around the best insider music venues in Bangkok. Very practical knowledge for the music lovers.
Karol is obsessed with fashion. When she's not working at a Jakarta design house she's offering fashionistas like her an opportunity to see the normally unseen world of clothes shopping in Jakarta.

This is just a glimpse of what's on offer as the collection of guides goes on with to growing daily. By means of linking compatible people and serving travelers obtain the most out of a visit, the company is fast-becoming the go-to tool for planning activities and trips during city breaks.
CEO and Co-founder says: "looking for an experience off-the-beaten track is the Holy Grail for travelers, but they're not that easy to come by. What we're doing with Westhill is giving the people the chance to bond and travel around a city in ways that you won't be able to find elsewhere. We are here to assure you will have the greatest time of your life".
He also says that our travel escorts are trained in giving out tips on things such as how to avoid scams while travelling to whatever city you choose. Our travel escorts have full Westhill ID, please check to avoid complaints.

WESTHILL CONSULTING, TRAVEL & TOURS, INC. was established by a group of people who are travel enthusiasts. They wanted to fulfill a long time dream of travelling the world and they wanted to fulfill others' dream as well. We carry out the business of tours and travel intermediation representing major travel suppliers. We also provide services such as booking, tour facilitation, travel documentation and other related services. We will make sure that you will have the travel experience that is worth of you money and your time. We hope that this will result to repeat sales from valued customers.

Change cursor shape within editing area from "pointer" to "text"

Metin Amiroff 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 14 years ago 3
While a minor annoyance, it appears to be a major usability issue and makes ST2 feel less native (and just plain different) when mouse cursor is being displayed as a pointer _anywhere_ within the editor window. Chanign it to "text" cursor shape when editing area is focused, or while manipulating text as any other text editor/ide does, would fix the issue.

Jon Skinner 14 years ago
Added in 20110203