Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
Find in files: option to not warn about "Unable to open file".
I have a project with a lot of broken symlinks that I can't really do anything about, so most of my "find in files" searches have a few dozen garbage lines that I can't really get rid of. It would be great if there was an option to turn these warnings off.
Add indentation event listener to API
A really great product!
line highlighting and spell check
On the Mac version, if you have line highlighting and spell check both set to true, the spell check (at least with the Twilight theme) is very flakey. The lines always show up, but the text will go from black to white quite often.
Embed the Sublime editor into other applications as a win32 control
Goto Symbol in Project: display additional context (like Goto Anything)
When using Goto Symbol in Project in version 3 beta, it would be great to see the filename for the symbols, just like you do when using Goto Anything.
Even better would be a preview of the file as you navigate through the list, again like Goto Anything.
Supporting Ubuntu 11.04 AppMenu
Class browser implemented in the file panel
Did a quick mockup of what could be done:
The outline could be configurable by language using plugins with basic regexp rules to find function names and attributes
open_dir always uses Explorer.exe - Use python os.startfile() instead to invoke custom Dir Handlers
Many Windows users have Explorer replacements such as Total Commander, XYPlorer, Directory Opus, xplorer2, etc. These usually replace explorer.exe via changing the Folder handler in the registry at: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\]
However - even when someone has a custom folder handler setup - SublimeText currently always opens a folder via Explorer.exe and not through an os-specific way. An alternative to fix this that I have tested is to use os.startfile("C:\folderpath"). For example the following will respect the user's custom directory handler:
import sublime, sublime_plugin, os
class OpenContainingDirCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
branch, leaf = os.path.split(self.view.file_name())
So please use os.startfile(dirpath) for things such as "Browse Package".
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