Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Remember File Group Files List

Mike 12 jaar geleden 0

When opening a new group, open files not already opened that were previously in that group.


file-type specific color-schemes

Allen A. Bargi 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jon Skinner 12 jaar geleden 2
Just wondering is it possible to have a file-type specific color-schemes?  I would like to edit all the programming stuff in a dark color-scheme but for writing markdown files and latex files I do prefer to have a light color-scheme like "Dawn" 

Is it possible right now?
Jon Skinner 13 jaar geleden
Yep - describes how to do per-syntax settings

About Environmental Defender's Offices

deniss brusko 11 jaar geleden 0

The National EDO Network was established in 1996. It consists of nine independently constituted and managed community environmental legal centres located in each State and Territory of Australia. Each EDO is dedicated to protecting the environment in the public interest. The National EDO Network has a core of common objectives, including:

Protecting the environment through law.

Ensuring that the community receives prompt advice and professional legal representation in public interest environmental matters.

Identifying deficiencies in the law and working for reform of these areas.

Empowering the wider community, including indigenous peoples, to understand the law and to participate in environmental decision-making.

Assisting the growth of the National EDO Network across Australia.
Apart from legal representation and advice, the EDOs take an active role in environmental law reform and policy formulation. The Offices provides advice on legislation, environmental planning, local government, pollution, heritage and natural resources law. They also makes submissions on pending legislation and lobbies to achieve stronger environmental protection through the law.

The EDOs have a significant education program designed to build the community's skills and knowledge and to facilitate public participation in environmental decision making. This is achieved through an extensive conference, regional workshop and publications program.

Any member of the public can get initial free advice from the EDO. Development applications, tree preservation, air, water and noise pollution, forestry, mining, contaminated land, wildlife protection and environmental impact assessment are all areas in which EDOs can help.

The EDOs are members of the National Association of Community Legal Centres.

The EDO office in NSW is also the Australian coordinator of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (E-LAW). E-LAW Australia is part of an group of public interest lawyers, scientists and academics from over 40 countries committed to protecting the environment across borders. For more information about E-LAW Australia you can visit the E-LAW Australia homepage.

Support of variables within env path's of build systems

Sascha Müller zum Hagen 9 jaar geleden 0
There are a lot of possibilities to customize the build system with variables.
But I miss the possibility to use the variables also within the env arbitrary option.

For example:
The following sublime-project file will print PYTHONPATH=${project_path}/my_path instead of the replaced project path

            "name": "Env Examples",
            "path": "."
            "name": "Echo",
            "shell_cmd": "printenv"

Enable syntax highlighting to transfer with cut and paste into something like Apple's Mail app.

Todd Burke 12 jaar geleden 0

When making a selection to copy text into Apple's Mail app from XCode, the color syntax stays with the paste.  Could this be enabled in sublime?  When collaborating with my team this is makes code snippets much easier to read. 


I would like to write syntax highlighter for php templating language Latte

Michal Gebauer 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 13 jaar geleden 0
Could anyone help me with development. I am confused with markup of TextMate and AAADev is not really helping.

AsyncProcess::read_stdout() fails decoding when receiving split UTF-8 sequences

Mathias Anderssén 12 jaar geleden 0

I discovered an issue with AsyncProcess::read_stdout() and read_stderr() in If for some reason returns a split UTF-8 sequence the decoding will fail.

I found this by having a custom build system running g++ on a remote machine over Putty's plink.exe

Not being proficient in Python the fix I use is to simply buffer up the returned data:

    def read_stdout(self):

        buf = bytes()

        while True:

            data =, 2**15)

            if len(data) > 0:

                buf += data


                if len(buf) > 0 and self.listener:

                    self.listener.on_data(self, buf)


                if self.listener:




open_files_in_new_window spontaneously not working

Edward Grefenstette 12 jaar geleden 0

I've only noticed this behaviour once in Mountain Lion 10.8.2, but Sublime Text  2.0.1 (Build 2217) suddenly started ignoring the setting

"open_files_in_new_window" = true

Restarting the editor did not solve the problem.

The behaviour was fixed by setting this option to false, then back to true again.

I was not doing anything special at the time, so don't really know how to reproduce the bug. Hope this helps someone!


bug in C syntax highlighting

-10375 12 jaar geleden 0

Image 172


Cancel a running input panel.

Filipe Cabecinhas 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 13 jaar geleden 0
Hi. I want to be able to cancel an input panel that is visible. How can I do that?
I'm implementing an asynchronous debugger mode and am showing the panel immediately after a command is sent (before the command finishes).

My problem is when the command makes the debugger quit. The panel is already visible. How can I hide it or destroy it?