Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


make {"include": "$self"} (optionally) also include parent definitions

Jan Kurella 12 jaar geleden 0

When you include a syntax definition that contains spans and therein {"include": "$self"} (e.g. the shell syntax rules), then within such syntax blocks (shell loops) your own syntax rules are not further used.

it would be nice, to have something like

{"include": "", "propagateSelf": true}

This would then make sure, that each {"include": "$self"} in would get access also to my tree first.


Snippets do not show up in auto complete box on Windows

Alexander Rechsteiner 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Ajjaykummar Naagley 12 jaar geleden 1

Snippets that have a <tabTrigger> attribute which starts with a special character do not show up in the auto complete box on Windows.

A good example for this are the jQuery plugins that are currently available, which contain tab triggers like this one:


If the dot is removed, the snippet will show up in the auto complete box as expected. The same snippets seem to work fine on OS X.


an auto-populated list of include files within script

Jay Taylor 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Nicholas Riley 13 jaar geleden 1

The one feature I've failed to find in an IDE outside of Dreamweaver code view is simple sub-menu tabs for 'include' files within the open script. Its such a handy feature for jumping between associated files. I can even put an include statement within comments and it will appear on the sub-menu. And by right clicking on one of the menu items you can open it as a separate file if you so wish. great feature in my eyes.

Heres an image of what I mean...

dreamweaver sub-menu

You can see 'source code' is the file you are currently working on and the others listed next to it are linked to it within the file in some way. That could be an include statement, js file, css file....


5 health insurance tips for students travelling abroad

Machael Andrews 11 jaar geleden 0
If you are planning to go overseas for higher studies, here are a few things you should know about the health insurance you should carry.
1. Know your options
Unless the university makes it mandatory for you to buy the health cover it provides, you can waive it, especially if you are already covered as a dependant or want to purchase it privately. You can pick one from a local insurer in the country you are travelling to, or an Indian insurance company before you leave.
2. Compare cost
The university cover is much more expensive than one from a domestic insurer if you are studying in western countries. For instance, Columbia University's basic health plan with a $300,000 cover will cost $2,157 (Rs 1,29,420 @ Rs 60/$) annually. On the other hand, a domestic insurer, say, ICICI Lombard, offers plans with a cover of $500,000 at an annual premium of Rs 46,851. The rule changes if you are closer home, say, in China Medical University. The college charges 600 CNY (Chinese yuan renminbi) annually, that is, Rs 6,000 (@ Rs 10/CNY).
A cover from a domestic insurer will cost you around Rs 7,500 in this case. However, do not pick a plan solely on the basis of cost. Compare the cover How to gain size and benefits as well.
3. Factors to consider
Since you are travelling to a foreign country, consider features like cashless facility, network hospitals near your campus, claim settlement procedure and past record of insurer.
Though a domestic plan costs less, the university policy is likely to score more on these parameters and also cover pre-existing conditions. Another important factor is the sub-limits and deductibles. University plans usually have higher deductibles. For instance, while the plan from Columbia University has a deductible of $500 (Rs 30,000 @ Rs 60/$), the plan from the domestic insurer has a sub-limit of $100 (Rs 6,000). This means, if you are hospitalised and run a bill of $1,600 (Rs 96,000), the university plan will only pay $1,100 (Rs 66,000), while the Indian insurer will cover up to $1,500 (Rs 90,000).
Also, the university plan will cover only health. The domestic insurance is a bundled travel insurance and covers loss of baggage and passport too.
4. Continue with your plan
If you already have a health plan or are covered by a family floater policy, do not stop paying the premium. It is not a duplicate cover. The student plan will exist only for a few years till the time you are studying, but a regular health plan in India offers lifelong renewability. So, unless you plan to settle abroad permanently, don't end the policy. When you return, you'll be older and will have to pay more for buying a new policy.
Besides, discontinuing the plan will mean you'll lose the benefits accrued on it and will have to serve the four-year waiting period clause on pre-existing disease coverage all over again. Since you are young, the regular health plan premium won't be very high and losing these long-term benefits for a few thousand rupees will be imprudent.
5. Not mandatory
Having insurance is a must if you are going to study in the US, Canada or the Schengen countries. However, it is optional in the UK, Australia, China, and Southeast Asian countries like Singapore and Malaysia. It is important that you buy one in either case as health care is expensive in developed countries.
Since the cover is optional, you won't be advised by the college and will have to do your own research. Look for the country's health policy on the Net before deciding on the cover size and features. However, typically, there are study facilitation centres for international students, which can guide you on the insurance you are likely to need.

Cursor gets "detached" from it's actually location

Stuart Allen 11 jaar geleden 0
The indicated cursor position becomes detached from the actual position, and its easy to see because the line highlight and the cursor are clearing on different lines, the highlight is correct, the cursor is incorrect.

This seems to happen after deleting many lines, which I usually do using Ctrl-X. The file has to be reopened to correct it.

2.0.2 / 2221


The editor I was looking for!

Sergio Rus 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door only buxz 13 jaar geleden 1
Easy to install (no install), easy to use, lots of features... I've just downloaded it, tested and definitely, I will switch from Gedit + (lots of) plugins to Sublime! From now on, it will be my main editor for Django development and other languages/tasks. Fantastic job guys!!

Auto Update

Emils Walker 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Sven Axelsson 11 jaar geleden 2

Autoupdate abilities when a new sublime text version is available, this will save time.


Cannot start 2.0.1 x64 on vanilla Win2k8R2 SP1

Oleksandr Nikitin 12 jaar geleden 0

Installed Windows in a fresh VM. Then installed Sublime 2.0.1 x64. Got the following error: 

"application failed to start side-by-side configuration is incorrect".

32bit worked fine. On all other my machines, including 2008r2sp1, but not vanilla (i.e. with updates etc) x64 works fine too.


Code tips

Rahendra Putra K 12 jaar geleden 0
I'm one of sublime user, it's light-weight and powerful editor. and for suggestion or request feature, i have a request to give a code tips while we tiping.. if we tiping function there will be a code tips to display description from the php documenter and available param from that function.. last, sorry for my bad english :)

Goto line and column

Leo Gallucci 11 jaar geleden 0
Currently, the Go to line shortcut (CTRL+G in windows/linux) only allows to navigate to an specify line.

It would be nice to optionally allow the column number to be specified after comma, e.g.
to go to line 30, column 11