Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Command line option to open files with SublimeText

Andrew Pennebaker 14 year бұрын жаңартылды 14 year бұрын 4
TextMate has a "mate" command line script that could open files, e.g. "mate" or directories "mate ."

Permit <TAB> character to be used for autocompletion in dialogs

Chris Burgess 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 1
In ST2's quick panel and palettes, a <TAB> keystroke is interpreted as a literal TAB character.

ST2 offers autocomplete results frequently, and in this context a TAB keystroke means "accept default autocomplete" to many users.

I asked wbond about this (in context of his excellent SFTP plugin browser), and he replied,

"I agree with you that it would make sense if the Sublime quick panel would accept using the tab key to select an item. Unfortunately there isn't any way with the Sublime API to do that. I tried adding a key binding with a context so that it would only affect the quick panel, however I could not get it to fake the enter key when I press tab."

I would be a very happy user if ST2 was to either -

1. Treat TAB as ENTER (=accept selected result) in autocomplete contexts, or

2. Permit plugin authors to override the default behaviour of accepting TAB as text entry.

There might be valid reasons for typing a TAB character in a panel, but I think that would be far less common a use case than using it for autocomplete.


Tabs shortcuts like in browsers: re-open closed, move tab

Vincent Voyer 13 year бұрын updated by Timo Lehto 12 year бұрын 4
We should be able to do like in any browser:

re-open last closed tab : ctrl+shift+t (> 1 level of close)
move tab right-left : ctrl+shift+pageUp/Down

Drag & drop a file

Tamás Kinsztler 12 year бұрын 0

On Windows i can't drag & drop a file from filezilla to sublime to open it, it worked with previorus version (sublime 2)


Allow deletion of file on right click

Mike 12 year бұрын 0

More like Notepad++.  Sometimes I open a file an realize it is obsolete.  


On the tab (which indicates a file) I'd like the ability to do the following: 1) open the folder of the file, 2) Copy the path of the file, 3) Find and select the file in the browser

drwe 12 year бұрын 0
On the tab (which indicates a file) I'd like the ability to do the following: 1) open the folder of the file, 2) Copy the path of the file, 3) Find and select the file in the browser

In multiple rows layout, create a little separator between rows

Henri Morlaye 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0


Don't toggle the Discreet GPU

Jonathan Guerin 12 year бұрын updated by dweiner 12 year бұрын 1

ST seems to sometimes toggle the Discreet GPU. This is a drain on the battery, and I don't understand why an app like ST needs such a powerful GPU. Could the next version make sure that this doesn't happen? :)

I'm on a rBMP running OS X 10.8.2.


improve UI for rectangular selection

Roberto Esposito 13 year бұрын 0
The current UI for rectangular selection (multiple cursors in ST2) could use some clean up. For instance: different shortcuts are to be used depending on the context:
   keyboard entry: ctrl+arrows
   multiple-mouse-clicks: cmd+click
   mouse-drag: alt+drag
Clearly this is confusing (to say the least). I don't know about others, but (as an old textmate user) I would go with alt in all cases.

In addition I found no way to extend a rectangular selection by using the shift. Namely, I would like to click somewhere in the file, move around as I like without moving the cursor and then with a combo (say alt+shift+click) 'rectangular'-select the portion of text between the cursor and the current click. 


Word Wrap never stays on

mike henken 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0
I have a problem with word wrap turning off occasionally while editing. 
Also, is there any way sublime can remember that word press is suppose to be enabled? As in every document I open with have it enabled by default.