Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Block comment in Ruby

Alex Luckjanov 12 ár síðan Uppfært 12 ár síðan 2

I select some lines and press ctrl+shift+/:

Image 178

It's incorrect. I expect to see this:

Image 179


Remove unnecessary/unused File types

vilas kadam 12 ár síðan updated by Andreas Backx 12 ár síðan 1

I primarily use sublime for Web development, and the file types in use are HTML, CSS, JS, PHP.  I want to remove the unnecessary filetypes and syntax files that gets loaded like c++, erlang, java etc. Is there a way to configure this? 


Open in browser of choice option for ST3

Daniel Pritchett 9 ár síðan 0

Whenever I run a command that opens the browser by default it opens in firefox. I primarily use chrome and even have that set to the default.


JSP Autocomplete for self terminated tags fail if there is a ":" in the element

Ryan Park 11 ár síðan 0

When typing the code below, using syntax JSP, when you get to the closing div tag it will not auto complete the div but rather the <foo:bar .../> because it doesn't understand that it is self terminated. Only reproducible when a ":" is present (which are common in JSP for TagLibs).


<foo:bar attribute="hi" />



same keybindings on all platforms

pixelpixi 11 ár síðan 0

I just started using sublime and I'm loving it! I work on both mac and linux, however, and I'm finding it super annoying that the default keybindings are so different between platforms. I know I can go through them all and remap them, but an easy way to do that by default would be awesome.

-1, b)) scrolls to wrong region in view

Oktay Acikalin 14 ár síðan Uppfært 14 ár síðan 6
I've written Today I wanted to refactor it 'cause it behaved strangely in some cases. Now I'm trying to come up with an algorithm to center the visible region over the current line or selection. I've got the final row numbers and could translate them into a proper region. If I compare the visible region I get by scrolling there manually and the target region my script calculates they seem to be nearly identical. But the view scrolls somewhere else - often the cursor is at the top of the screen. When querying the visible region again the coords are totally off.

Some vars I work with:
visible_region = (366, 998) # manually centered view
selection = [26, 26] # cursor in line w/o selection
region = [26, 26] # in this case same as selection
visible_region = [16, 36] # first row, last row from above
size = 2099 # self.view.size()
region_size = 0 # diff between region end and begin
visible_size = 20 # diff between last and first row
begin = 16 # calculated first row
end = 36 # calculated last row
target_region = (366, 946) # calculated for
target_region = [16, 36] # translated into first, last row
visible_region = (603, 1351) # region I get after

Any idea?

A few things

bentastic 13 ár síðan Uppfært 13 ár síðan 2

my wishes today:

1) While using colums, rows or grid and working on a special file, can open only the file i wish in an new view (like new instance) in fullscreenmode, so i have all the screen just for this one file (maybe a bigger script as the others). When closing or saving or just tipping in the file, the original in colums, rows or grid becomes the same content (just mirroring in the new view).

2) Make borders in colums, rows or grid flexible to move right/left/up/down. Fe: in grid moving the top vertical border from group 1 and 2 a bit to the left, but vertical border of group 3 and 4 stays in the middle. 

3) When working with two or more monitors and using ST2 and one Browser (for example), i wish to have a new instance in Montor 2 without TAB (means: not TAB monitor 1 (ST2), TAB monitor 2 (ST2), TAB browser; i wish to TAB just ST2, TAB browser, TAB ST2, TAB browser,...

4) Show/hide MiniMap for each file separatly (just for this and for this file for ex.)

5) MULTILINGUAL (wanna got german and german dictionary)

So far, sublime text is the best and nicest editor i got (and i got many editors for editing HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, SQL,...). The last few years i used Notepad++ most of my time, now i got Sublime and i love it!



Browse for Folder Dialog - Clipboard

Jeff Sheldon 13 ár síðan Uppfært 13 ár síðan 0
Would be nice if the default 'Browse for folder' location was the path I had on the clipboard if any.

Bug in multiline commenting

Kim Blomqvist 12 ár síðan 0

If I select the following code below and press Ctrl-* to comment the whole block, ST2 only uncomments this line /* Disable master mode and enable as slave with SLA */.

void aery::twi_init_slave(uint16_t sla)
	/* Software reset. */
	aery::twi->CR.swrst = 1;
	while (aery::twi->CR.swrst);

	/* Disable master mode and enable as slave with SLA */
	aery::twi->SMR.sadr = sla;
	aery::twi->CR.msdis = 1;
	aery::twi->CR.sven = 1;
void aery::twi_init_slave(uint16_t sla)
	/* Software reset. */
	aery::twi->CR.swrst = 1;
	while (aery::twi->CR.swrst);

	 Disable master mode and enable as slave with SLA 
	aery::twi->SMR.sadr = sla;
	aery::twi->CR.msdis = 1;
	aery::twi->CR.sven = 1;
Expected result:
// void aery::twi_init_slave(uint16_t sla)
// {
// 	/* Software reset. */
// 	aery::twi->CR.swrst = 1;
// 	while (aery::twi->CR.swrst);

// 	/* Disable master mode and enable as slave with SLA */
// 	aery::twi->SMR.sadr = sla;
// 	aery::twi->CR.msdis = 1;
// 	aery::twi->CR.sven = 1;
// }

"z" key misbehaving in Vintage insert mode

Trevor Whitney 13 ár síðan Uppfært 13 ár síðan 0
I'm using Sublime Text 2, build 2139, on Ubuntu linux 11.10.

When I enable Vintage and enter insert mode, I am unable to type two consecutive z's. The second z is causing Sublime to replace the previous letter. So, for example, if I type "pizza", I will get "pia". However, type "size" has the expected result. Disabling Vintage alleviates the problem, but then I lose all my wonderful Vi shortcuts, which makes me very sad :(