Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.
OSX add "new window" option when right-click on the icon
same way the maxosx terminal works.
I'm using Mission Control a lot, and let's say i have SublimeText open on desktop 2. if i go to desktop 1 and for some reasons i will like to write something in sublime text, right now i go to desktop 2, open a new tab, detach the tab so it is in it's own window then move it to desktop 1.
If i could just right click on the icon and have an option "new window" that opens a new windows right where i am that will be amazing..
Replace in Files across folders offers no feedback for user
Git Compatability
Within the file viewer maybe dots to show weather the file has been changed, and if you want to view actual changes click on the dot?
The biggest thing I miss coming from Geany is a "save all" function to save all open tabs. Would change my life
I just want to save all open!
Goto anything ranking should be case-sensitive
Bug with "Open Containing Folder ..." function
If you are editing a file in the root of a drive (e.g., C:\file.txt) you will get an error from windows saying "The path '\C\file.txt' does not exist or is not a directory."
Find text does not have proper highlight after clicking Replace
build window should scroll automatically
On Mac, Cmd + F and Cmd + I display search box with different height
Very similar search panels are brought up with the shortcuts Cmd + F and Cmd + I. It seems one is taller than the other by 1px.
Confirmation box when you delete a file from sidebar
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