Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Grayscale font hinting too bleak (Win XP)

U N. 13 years ago 0

Not sure if it is a bug, but when rendering text with `DejaVu Sans Mono` (and pretty much any other font, which is not "crisp") and using grayscale hinting under Windows XP, the letters appear to be lighter and bleaker, than in, say, Netbeans, Notepad++, Firefox, using the same font family, size and color.

At first I thought it has something to do with DPI I use (106 currently), but it appeared not to be the case (besides, the font is rendered of the same size, just lighter).


HTML suggested tag format

Rob Pungello 13 years ago 0
When accepting a suggested HTML tag that will usually contain more than one line in it (such as <table>, <tr>, etc...), the formatting should be
{New Cursor Position}
Instead of the default <tagname>{New Cursor Position}</tagname>
In my option this makes code easier to read, and is one of the features the text editor I currently use has that I really like to have.

In the sidebar, highlight the selected views for all groups

adzenith 14 years ago 0
The sidebar only shows the name of the current file in the current group. If I've turned off tabs because they're useless when I have a lot of files open, then I can't tell what the file in the other group is without some thought.
Not a bug

Default file settings are lost on application updates

fackler 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 2

 I have to enter in my custom settings for Prefs > File settings - default  every time the application is updated, which is almost daily.

Jon Skinner 13 years ago

If you place your settings in the User File Settings, then this won't happen.

The defaults are intended as a reference, rather than something that should generally be edited.


button4 and button5 mouse bindings do not work on linux

Jocelyn Turcotte 13 years ago updated by Baltasar Sanchez 13 years ago 3
Those buttons seem to trigger button1 instead.
If I look in xev I see them as different buttons (button 8 and 9)

`.` repeats last text-changing command ONLY WITHIN THIS FILE

Chad Ostrowski 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
In vintage mode, I expect `.` to repeat the last text-changing command, such as entering a semicolon on the end of this line, but this doesn't work between files. It seems that ST2 stores these commands on a per-file basis. This is unexpected and not beneficial.

Improve management of unsaved files when switching project

William Ledoux 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 2
When there is open unsaved files (or saved but modified), and you "switch project in window", all the open files are replaced by those of the project without warning thus loosing all your unsaved modifications or files.

Maybe a question could be issued for the modified files (save/discard), and for the unsaved files (save/discard/take with me on the project). 
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
The changes aren't lost: they'll still be there when you next switch back to the project.

View.score_selector gives zero in PHP, expected score > 0

colinta 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
In PHP, when I view the selector (crtl+shift+p), I see this:
text.html.basic source.php.embedded.block.html

But when I run view.score_selector(pos, 'source'), it returns 0L

I have a command (bracketeer, insert single quote) that tries to determine whether the cursor is in a string, a text scope, or in a comment.  In this case, I expect view.score_selector(pos, 'source') to be greater than view.score_selector(pos, 'text').


"Find in Files" open files hands free under cursor at that specific line

Geoff Hogg 13 years ago 0
After doing a "Find in Files" search one is presented with occurrences in different files.
I would love to be able to put the cursor over a specific line press a key-combo and that file is opened at that line.
I can click on the mouse and that works OK, apart from it not being hands free, Grrrr.