Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Autocomplete still fcked up

chaiguy vor 12 Jahren 0

Whenever I try to create an anonymous javascript object formatted like this:



And hit the tab key to line up my values, Sublime gets totally screwy and starts changing what I typed for "field". It just keeps attempting to autocomplete "field" into "fieldkey" for some reason. There's no auto-complete popup though, this just happens all on its own with no way to cancel it. Anyway it's totally messed up and I can't type what I want to type. Even typing shift-tab doesn't work--there's some really weird behavior there too, type shift-tab and then tab and the cursor jumps all over the place, inserting characters and stuff.


autocomplete symbols order

Andrea Interguglielmi vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 3
I think it'd feel more natural if autocomplete would sort the list of symbols based on the current position in the buffer, listing first those occurrences that are closer to the current position.
A good example of such feature is seen in Textmate's autocomplete.

Haskell syntax highlighting: Improper class declaration highlighting

Vincent Ambo vor 12 Jahren 0

Currently, Sublime Text expects any Haskell class declaration to include a "where" statement for associated functions. This is not always the case, i.e. a class declaration

class Foo a

is completely valid. The syntax highlighting breaks on the missing where statement.


Add "Mark All" to Find panel - add bookmarks to all search result lines

robertcollier4 vor 12 Jahren 0

In the Find Panel - there should be a button labeled "Mark All" to add a bookmark to all lines containing the search term. This is a very useful functionality which is shown below from Textpad - so that you can do a search, and then process and edit each of your search results one by one.

Image 219


Read and create .swp files like Vi

Nacho Garcia vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
Read .swp Vi files, so when someone else is working on that file you get informed. Also, create a .swp file every time you open a file. Just like Vi does.

Pressing ctrl+tab with no tabs open right after startup crashes the editor

dragoon vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren 3
Atleast on Windows 7 64bit.

If you open tabs and then close all of them, ctrl+tab doesn't crash the application anymore.
Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren
Fixed in build 2020

hello I would like sublime supporting lilypond -> maybe it does and I don't know how.

Henrik Pantle vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Henrik Pantle vor 12 Jahren 3

hello I would like sublime supporting lilypond  ->  maybe it does and I don't know how.


Wrap each line of selection in tag

H C vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 12 Jahren 4
Love the new "key binding to wrap the selection in a tag" feature. Please add the ability to select multiple lines and have each line wrapped in a tag. TextMate does this beautifully. I think TM's key binding for this is command+cntrl+shift+w
Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren
This can be done by first splitting the selection into lines (command+shift+l on osx), and then using the regular wrap selection in tag binding - I don't think a separate binding is desirable in this case.

OS X: Font rendering/anti alias of search bar messed up in fullscreen

Frederic Hemberger vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 1

Today I noticed something strange. After switching to fullscreen mode, the font rendering/anti alias of the search bar breaks.

Image 192

Image 193

Switching back to windowed mode and everything works fine again. I don't have any font_options set im my config.

OS X 10.6.8

Sublime Text build 2220


Package ratings

Chris Eigner vor 11 Jahren 0
I'd love to see github fork/star counts next to packages in the package explorer. This would give some indication which packages to use when there are many dups.