Vintage Mode: Visual Mode Search Support

Kyle Walker 11 lat temu 0
In vim you can do the following:
1. Enter visual mode <v>
2. Search </example text> or search next <n>
This will highlight the section where where your cursor was at to the new location.

In sublime's vintage mode any searching exits visual mode.

Note: Sublime currently supports <v10gg> to highlight from your current location to line 10, and <v10j> to highlight the next 10 lines.


bug in block.py

Guy Carver 11 lat temu 0

line 43 : l = next_line(view, nl)

Should be: l = next_line(view, nr)

This bug causes the WrapBlock version of "{" key input to not work correctly.


R function with name and signature on different lines is not recognized as a function

Dan Tenenbaum 12 lat temu 0

An R function formatted like this is not recognized by 

Sublime Text (Goto Symbol, etc) as a function, although it is perfectly valid syntax and in fact is the preferred coding style in some groups:

funcName <-

    function(arg1, arg2)
    # function body


SLIDESHARE - Academy Manager - Westhill Consulting Business

Damir Pavla 11 lat temu 0
Academy manager - what are the best practices? what to do before, during and after to bring the effect?

Over the years there have been many interesting approaches, and solutions that help in ensuring that the Academy was not only intellectual adventure, an opportunity to break away from work and integration with colleagues. How to make the knowledge is in the minds and change attitudes and skills have turned into habits of daily use at work? have presented innovative solutions to support the Academy include: - effective sourcing engagement academy participants (focus groups) - show planning method based academy of Success Case Method - no matter what you have learned, it's important that you applied " - effective solutions - we will show examples of reinforcement tools to be used between training modules: gadgets substantive knowledge of film pills - How to connect the academy with the implementation of a competency model? - In a practical way rehearse together design selected item academy. Thank you for participating, under presentation of the lecture:

HR Breakfast

Concept development managers - Developing Through Challenges
Breakfast will be held on 15 January 2014 from 8.30 - 12.00 in the restaurant Halka Street. Lord 85 in Warsaw.
Research on the effectiveness of development managers confirm that training is only 10 percent. impact on their development.
70 percent. the effects are, in turn, properly selected tasks in the workplace.
What to do in order to successfully develop managerial staff?

During the January Breakfast Dr. Victor Vekselberg HR and Mieszko May, consultants from the Institute for the Analysis. Karl Gauss Sp. Ltd., will present the results of research on the effectiveness of different forms of development managers.

The meeting will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of the concept of development managers - Developing Through Challenges with concrete examples of the application in practice and open discussion and exchange of experiences.

Before breakfast we invite you to read the article studies refute the myths about developing managers published in the yearbook Employer Handbook 2013, which can be found in the annex to the invitation.

For More Information:
Westhill Consulting

Visa, MasterCard unveil Internet technologies to ease smartphone payments at stores

lielany18 11 lat temu 0
Technologies will give merchants and banks more options for incorporating contact-less payment systems into mobile apps

PC Speak: Abney and Associates News
NEW YORK — Visa and MasterCard are introducing Internet-based technologies to make it easier for shoppers to buy things at retail stores without pulling out a credit card.

The two technologies, announced separately on Wednesday, will give merchants and banks more options for incorporating so-called contact-less payment systems into their mobile apps. The customer uses the app to make purchases by tapping the phone to a store’s card reader.

The technologies tap a new feature in Google’s Android operating system. Before, card information had to be stored on a secured part of the phone. Now, it can be stored remotely instead. A retail or banking app on the phone then retrieves what’s needed to complete the transaction.

Visa said it will provide app developers with a complete service, with card information stored on Visa’s servers.

MasterCard said it will publish technical details by the end of June to help companies use the new Android feature, known as Host Card Emulation. MasterCard said it has been testing the technology with two major banks, Capital One in the U.S. and Banco Sabadell in Europe.

“The use of HCE provides a very attractive way forward to launch an increased number of NFC-based offerings,” said James Anderson, MasterCard’s group head for emerging payments, said in a statement.

Visa and MasterCard are both targeting phones that have a wireless technology called near-field communication. Many Android phones have that, and the remote storage capabilities come with the Kit Kat version of Android, which was released last fall. Apple’s iPhones lack NFC, but cases are available to enable that technology.

Visa said it will make tools available for app developers to incorporate payment capabilities. The customer can then use a smartphone instead of a plastic credit card at stores, transit systems and other places that accept contact-less payment.

The hope is to encourage greater use of contact-less payments, which experts say offer more security protections than plastic. The card number is stored in encrypted form and can be easily disabled remotely if a phone is lost or stolen. Mobile systems also permit easier use of one-time card numbers, which won’t work for additional transactions and are useless should a merchant’s computers get hacked.

Sam Shrauger, Visa’s senior vice-president for digital services in developed markets, said having payment information on remote servers is cheaper and easier to operate than using the phone’s hardware.

With hardware-based systems, he said, services need to make deals with wireless carriers and device makers. Although he didn’t cite examples, many U.S. carriers had blocked or made it difficult to get Google’s NFC-based Wallet app, for instance, as they were developing a competing system, Isis.

Visa and MasterCard made the announcements ahead of the Mobile World Congress wireless trade show, which takes place in Barcelona, Spain, next week.

Hi I would really like to be able to create my own syntax field (or edit them) form within the app - for example, Microchip PIC assembler and PIC 32 (MIPS) C functions

Antony Sutton 11 lat temu 0
I would really like to be able to create my own syntax field (or edit them) form within the app - for example, Microchip PIC assembler and PIC 32 (MIPS) C functions. Ideally this would be a simple GUI. 

Also would like to be able to set my own colours form a 'settings' section

Using Mavericks on Mac



Could there be a way to remove indentation markings?

Ilan Rasekh 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Jon Skinner 13 lat temu 0
At each line it tells you how far you've tabbed and there's no way to turn it off. Ideally I should be able to choose whether or not i care to see those indentation lines
Jon Skinner 13 lat temu
The draw_indent_guides setting controls this

embed ST in webbrowser

Ruben Nielsen 11 lat temu 0

There are a few great editors out there like Ace and Codemirror, which can be embedded into a webbrowser.

There are a lot of cloud IDEs that allow us to write our code in the cloud using these editors.

I cannot use any of those services, because I cannot do without Sublime Text's many features, like shortcuts and search. Wouldn't it be great if we could have ST in such services?  ;)


phpdoc snippet like textmate

Htain Lin Shwe 13 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Robson Peixoto 12 lat temu 1
in textmate

function myfunction($paramter="") {


I type doc (tab) and it will auto geneter like following

 * undocumented function
 * @param string $paramter
 * @return void
 * @author saturngod
function myfunction($paramter="") {


I want a same function like this. I check the textmate bundle , php -> post-doc. It is writing by ruby script. Is it possible to make like this in sublime text 2 ?


When selecting text with the mouse makes sublime jump

Rob Semenoff 12 lat temu 0

When selecting text with the mouse (with word wrap disabled and the screen scrolled to the right past the edge) when you click&drag the mouse to select text if the cursor moves to the next line down by accident sublime jumps to the beginning of the next line and you lose your whole selection and place. Very confusing.


How to permanently hide sidebar in ST2?

Mentalhead 11 lat temu 0

I'm using ST2 on Windows,and I was wondering is there a way to hide the sidebar. I know about the shortcut Ctrl+KB, but when I switch to another tab, the sidebar appears again, so I have to use the shortcut each time I switch a tab. 

Is there a way to permanently hide the sidebar in ST2?


Project Templates / New Project

Toby Tremayne 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez robertcollier4 12 lat temu 1

I understand there are ways to make a new project currently, but I think more people would find it easier with a familiar "new project" command under the File or Project menu.  Specifically I work heavily with projects and would love to be able to template a new project - IE have a number of folders and perhaps files in a template that I can choose when creating a new web project for example.


Search shortcut for project path

Robert Stuttaford 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
Is there some keyword I can use to refer to the current project's folder in the 'Where' box when using 'Find in Files'? I'd like to be able to do something like add this:

$PROJECT/subfolder, $PROJECT/subfolder2

It's a pain having to type out a full path, or use the finder window to navigate (especially since ST2's finder window doesn't start in a sensible place).

Seriously AWESOME editor, guys.

Climate change set to give us a home without the gumtrees

Annuziata Fausto 11 lat temu 0

Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia

Australia's standing as the home among the gumtrees could be challenged, with increased climate stress causing extensive change to Australia's eucalypt ecosystems.

A study by the National Environmental Research Program's Environmental Decisions Hub has found that climate stress on eucalypts will mean many of Australia's 750 species will struggle to cope with climate change.

''Those that will be most affected are the Eucalyptus and Corymbia species in the central desert and open woodlands area,'' said author Nathalie Butt of the NERP Environmental Decisions Hub and the University of Queensland.
The study found that ''under the mid-range climate scenario, these species will lose 20 per cent of their climate space, and twice that under the extreme scenario''.

The mid-range scenario suggests that ''temperatures will increase by more than 1C by 2055 and by more than 2C by 2085. For the extreme scenario temperatures will increase by more than 1.5C and 2.5C respectively'', Dr Butt said. She said there is additional concern for the impact these conditions will have on wildlife in such areas. ''Trees are habitats and food sources. So this will have a cascade effect on birds, bats and invertebrates that are reliant on eucalypt, and it will affect pollinators as well,'' she said.

While carbon dioxide alone may contribute to additional plant growth, rising heat extremes and rainfall shortages could counter any gains. ''No matter how much carbon dioxide there is, there will become a point where water limitation will override that. What the climate projections are suggesting is that the seasonality of rainfall will increase so there will be longer dry seasons,'' Dr Butt said.

One expected change is the shift of open woodland areas to savannah-like conditions, with more grassland.
As eucalypt ecosystems adjust to cope with warmer and drier conditions it is predicted that trees may shift their ranges towards the coast where growing conditions are more favourable, Dr Butt said.

Crown Capital Management Lenders Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

aerten ava 11 lat temu 0
How does the program work?
CCMBL provides short-term small commercial loans for a period of 6 to 12 months. Release of loans is based mainly on the business income and not the owner's individual credit rating. All that is required to begin the process is a 1-page application and the most recent 12-month business-bank statements. CCMBL will not require any tax returns, financial statements, business plans, credit card receipts, or itemized rundown of assets.

What are your interest rates and how are they derived?
Each applicant's cash flow, payment history and financial strengths are examined to determine a risk-compatible amortization scheme suited to that applicant. Payments are computed based on factors such as the amount and regularity of the business's cash flow, the length in years the company has operated, the assets possessed by the business, and the targeted usage of funds.

What factors are considered for approval of the loan application?
The age of the business, its revenue track record, assets, and business-credit record, among others, all determine a broad profile of the applicant.

Why does CCMBL practice daily repayments?
CCMBL loans are payable through tiny, daily automatic payments (with the exception of weekends and holidays) from the borrower's enterprise's checking-account. Because our borrowers usually earn daily income, CCMBL's daily repayment procedure allows them to control their cash more readily than if they did it on a monthly payment scheme.

Will a client's personal finances be checked?
As far as personal finances are concerned, CCMBL usually only checks the business owner's personal credit record but not their credit score.


html tags fold on click on open/closing tag.

Mukesh 11 lat temu 0

Firstly, Sorry for my grammar because i am not familiar with English. 

When user write huge line of html then very difficult to find open and closing tags of html.


More space to bottom if writing in last line

Dennis Treder 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Vitaliy Berov 12 lat temu 1

Especially when writing fullscreen: 

It annoys me to have the cursor at the very bottom of the screen when I'm writing a longer file at the end (e.g. for writing short stories, journals). I like to have the text I'm writing at almost in the center for the screen.

So I'd love to have the option to add a fixed height at the bottom of the page to force the text I'm writing appear almost in the center.


Update documentation for column selection key-combo for Linux

Jonathan Medding 12 lat temu 0
In the online documentation


it gives the wrong key combo for Linux column selection.

It says to use:
  • Ctrl + Alt + Up
  • Ctrl + Alt + Down
But the proper values are
Shift + Alt + Up/Down

It would be great if you can update the documentation.




Tribal Group plc

Jhennifer Fink 11 lat temu 0
Clinical Coding Westhill Consulting

Our business

Tribal provides consultancy, support and delivery services
focused on improving the delivery of public services in the
UK and internationally. Our broad offering combines an
in-depth understanding of our chosen markets with
professional expertise and a strong technology capability

Our approach

We work in partnership with our clients to make a positive
difference to the communities they serve and to ensure the
best possible use of public funds.

Our services

performance improvement
training and development
programme and project management
information technology
people attraction, selection and retention
procurement and supply chain
built environment design and planning

Our markets

central government
housing and regeneration
local government


Copy all text from all tabs in a group (useful for copying scripts and deps into consoles)

Tom Rathbone 12 lat temu 0
When working with the JavaScript console (or other REPL) I often open up a script and all it dependencies in ST2.  Then to run the script I need to flick through the tabs in the correct order, selecting all the text from each in turn and pasting each into the terminal/REPL.

My suggested feature would provide a menu-item/shortcut that would select all of the text from every tab in a tab-group in order such that it can be pasted in one go.

Thanks for creating Sublime, fantastic editor.