
Vintage mode: Implement ":wq" and ":q"

Lucas Jenß 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Fredrik Ehnbom 12 aastat tagasi 1
Vintage mode: It would be great if it was possible to close a tab using ":q" and write-and-close a tab using ":wq"

Highlight open files in sidebar

Josh Reisner 12 aastat tagasi 0
For those of us who don't like tabs, it would be nice to see which files are open in the sidebar with a visual cue such as a highlight.

Reopen the window in snapped position in Windows Vista, 7, 8

Taimar Teetlok 11 aastat tagasi 0

When I use Sublime Text in Windows 7 (or Vista or 8) and snap Sublime to the left/right side of the screen and exit Sublime Text, it doesn’t open in the snapped position and size, but rather in the old unsnapped position and size.

I tend to use Sublime Text mainly in snapped position (covering 50% of the screen) and it’s really annoying to snap it every single time I open Sublime Text.

Please make it reopen the window in snapped position and size in Windows Vista, 7, 8. My former code editor – EditPlus – has this capability and this is really convenient.

Thank you.


Snippets not working in php and html files. They work in css and other file types.

Barry Casey 11 aastat tagasi 0

Snippets not working in php and html files. They work in css and other file types. 

I have tried a fresh install but it's still not working. They were working yesterday. 


Move the goto box

Joe Frambach 12 aastat tagasi uuendatud 12 aastat tagasi 0
screenshot: http://cl.ly/1B020k181c0x44221y3d

It's great that the goto box shows a preview of the file, but I can't see the file. Can we move the goto box somehow?

With the last version, CSS completion not work fine

dav_twix 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
Hi, with the last version, fresh install on mac os lion updated, CSS completion not work properly


Add support for Windows Command Line

Romain Goncalves 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Wojciech Bederski 12 aastat tagasi 5
Could you add support for the Windows command line into the Sublime Text console ?  Some people (myself included) are obligated to use Windows at work, and have to use some command line tools (SVN, Git, Compilers, Databases, ...). Using them directly from Sublime Text would be a great feature !

Snippets with special character tab triggers dont seem to work

jaap groeneveld 14 aastat tagasi 0
for example the javascript
which should trigger on ':' but does not. replacing ':' with 'x' makes it work.

Smart codecompletion like in flashdevelop. Try it you'll be amazed

Νίκος Καπάτος 12 aastat tagasi 0

SL2 is a great editor with a very bad code completion implementation (personal opinion). I've tried a lot of editors and the only one, doing an amazing job was flashdevelop.

Give it a try.


Autocomplete menu truncated vertically

Sven Axelsson 12 aastat tagasi 0
I use a fairly large text font and the autocomplete menu has recently started to cut off the last item displayed. It looks like this:

Image 143

I don't quite remember, but maybe it didn't use the text font before?

Implement selected text deselect by mouse and selected text drag&drop in same time

condemil 11 aastat tagasi 0

It will be better to implement selected text drag and drop like in other editors, for example visual studio.

1. Select text
2. Mouse down on selected text
3. If mouse moves out of 7x7 pixels box from the initial click position drag&drop is started
4. If mouse up is happened while mouse still inside the box text just deselects

This variant is more user friendly and cover both user operations.


Window hidden when disconnecting monitors on MacOSX

Michael Newman 13 aastat tagasi 0

On Mac OSX if you have a window open on a second monitor and disconnect the monitor the window is completely unaccessible. Most windows recenter on the one display instead of staying in the non-existent monitor.


Spell checker marks unknown words ending with period as misspelled.

Aleks Kissinger 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
After I click "ignore" on an unknown word (in OS X), the spell-checker persists in marking the word misspelled whenever it comes immediately before a period. E.g., "spacetime" will not be marked, but "spacetime." will.

Merge tool

Rodrigo Kochenburger 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja beer mz 11 aastat tagasi 1

I'd love to be able to use sublime to merge differences and git conflicts. Similar to what you can do with vimdiff or opendiff.


Out-of-the-box Command-line Tool Support for Windows

Jaakko Salonen 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Artem Navrotsky 11 aastat tagasi 3
I am using command-line a lot in Windows (both command-prompt and PowerShell).

Right now, if want to use Sublime Text from command-line, I need to:
  • Add Sublime Text 2 folder to PATH
  • Use `sublime_text [whatever]`

I wish I could use `subl` instead of `sublime_text` just like in OS X.

Also I wish there was an option in Sublime Text setup (like checkbox) to automaticaly add Sublime Text 2 folder to PATH.


Opening large files on Windows causes excessive BranchCache and Search Indexer usage

Robo210 Robo210 12 aastat tagasi 0
When opening a large file (>4GB, using Windows 64-bit version) off a local hard drive, the progress bar quickly (relatively speaking) gets to 99% then things turn bad. The Windows BranchCache service appears to kick in and start performing large amounts of I/O, and the Search Indexer service appears to start indexing the file. I'm believe one of these services is being triggered by the other, but I'm not sure which. The end result is that the excessive I/O from each brings the entire machine to a crawl, and it takes hours for the file to finish opening (it does successfully open).

Since I have never seen this behavior with other text editors (64-bit VIM, for instance) I suspect Sublime Text is doing something to trigger one (or both) services. Note that seeing BranchCache kick in may require a domain joined machine, but it shouldn't be doing anything in the first place since the file is not being loaded off the network. I have also configured the Search Indexer to not index Offine Files, but this had no effect.

goto symbol in project does not bring up results from SASS / SCSS files

Greenwich 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Matthew Fordham 11 aastat tagasi 1

Currently goto symbol in project does not bring up results from SASS / SCSS files, which would be particularly useful for searching through partials.


Render CJK font

Brant Young 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
When input Chinese characters, Sublime failed to render font.

Goto file should open on the previously opened files, like in Textmate

Henri Morlaye 13 aastat tagasi 0

 It allows users to fast switch between last opened files. Textmate Goto File behaves very well to browse previous files as well as opening any other file.


File and git (or whatever) metadata in Goto Anything

Henning Christiansen 13 aastat tagasi 0
A la PeepOpen would be awesome

Image 38