
Supporting Ubuntu 11.04 AppMenu

Ali Aliev hace 14 años actualizado por Laurent Drouet hace 13 años 3
In Ubuntu 11.04 there AppMenu (Like mac os x menu). Will support this function in Ubuntu?

Class browser implemented in the file panel

Christophe Robin hace 14 años actualizado por Oktay Acikalin hace 14 años 1
A list of methods ordered by name, or by lines
Did a quick mockup of what could be done:

The outline could be configurable by language using plugins with basic regexp rules to find function names and attributes

open_dir always uses Explorer.exe - Use python os.startfile() instead to invoke custom Dir Handlers

robertcollier4 hace 12 años 0

Many Windows users have Explorer replacements such as Total Commander, XYPlorer, Directory Opus, xplorer2, etc. These usually replace explorer.exe via changing the Folder handler in the registry at: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\]

However - even when someone has a custom folder handler setup - SublimeText currently always opens a folder via Explorer.exe and not through an os-specific way. An alternative to fix this that I have tested is to use os.startfile("C:\folderpath"). For example the following will respect the user's custom directory handler:

import sublime, sublime_plugin, os

class OpenContainingDirCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):

    def run(self, edit):

        branch, leaf = os.path.split(self.view.file_name())


So please use os.startfile(dirpath) for things such as "Browse Package".


Switch to the new GTK+ File Chooser

Stéphane hace 13 años 0
Many Linux desktops and applications have switched to GTK+ 3, it would be great to update Sublime Text to GTK+ 3 to offer a more coherent visual experience.

Search in the code only (ignore comments)

Justin Drake hace 13 años 0

It would be really nice to have the option to search

in the code only,

ignoring any match that comes from the comments.

Please see this stackoverflow post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7311870/fulltext-search-ignoring-comments

Use tab to cycle through auto-completions

Jan Kassens hace 13 años 0
It would be great if TAB would cycle through completions when pressed multiple times. I never need a non-leading tab and would prefer the behavior like in Textmate.

A pure terminal version, to use on servers (like vi or emacs)

Henri Morlaye hace 13 años 0
So that we can definitely forget about vi and emacs, and use Sublime Text everywhere

YAML Parsing Doesn't Follow Continuations

Zach Riggle hace 13 años 0

The YAML syntax highlighter doesn't follow lines terminated with slashes, surrounded with single-quotes, or unquoted.  

Additionally, tab indentation is an error according to the YAML spec, so the default should be to use spaces.

Example data in screenshot:
Image 32

goto anything should open with current selection

Tiest Vilee hace 13 años 0
If I have a 'word' selected, it would be great if that selection appeared in the Ctrl+P thingy when I hit Ctrl+P. If the text in the pane were selected, then I could just start typing if it wasn't what I wanted (and hit right arrow to go to the end if I wanted to edit it)

Signed installers

Tom Ligman hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
A developer signed executable for Mac and Windows would not be terribly expensive for you to get and would allow your application to run on systems with more stringent security against unauthorized installers enabled.  I learned about this editor just after installing Mountain Lion and so far what I've learned is that Gatekeeper works.  On my domain managed windows desktop at work it was also blocked as "unknown" publisher.

Clicking on an active tab in another split window does not change focus.

Dan Rogers hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
When I have two columns open in split view, clicking on the file's tab in either split window should give focus to the appropriate file. Instead, we must currently click on the file buffer itself to switch between splits.

And as a bonus, it would be fantastic if "Goto Anything" would open new tabs directly to the right of the current tab (instead of all the way at the end of the current tab list).

Named Bookmarks

David Brown hace 12 años 0

Bookmarks are great. This is a suggestion that adds upon the current bookmarks implementation.

As a user of Sublime Text, I want to be able to name my bookmarks in conjunction with a searchable list of bookmarks so that I can have a method for quickly finding my bookmarks again.

One possibility would be to include bookmark names in the Goto Anything dialog. It might also be useful to have a dialog that shows only bookmarks as well, just in case I want to browse my bookmarks. Maybe something like the file@symbol feature, only for bookmarks, but using another symbol such as # (like an href). Examples:

  • "file#mybookm" looks for all bookmarks in 'file' that match "mybookm"
  • "#mybookm" searches all bookmarks in all files for "mybookm"
  • "#" displays all bookmarks


Open a single file in two or more different views.

Jeff Yeo hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 1
I found this feature very helpful in vim, when I have a very lengthy file with two areas of interest. It will be cool to have it in sublime.
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
This can now be done via the File/Clone File menu item

alternative to tabs: bufferswitcher w. filepath

jeandeluxe hace 13 años actualizado por aristidesfl hace 13 años 9
preface: i'm a fairly die hard jEdit user.. it's a ugly duck with a lot of rough edges, _but_ does have some powerfull features that keep me sticking to it.. However these days i discovered ST2, and it does so many things right out of the box, that i'd be switchin in an instance if it weren't for a few crucial topics ... In this post i'd like to address the views(groups)/buffer management:

In ST2 i don't know what exact file i'm editing unless i hover over the tab and wait for the tooltip to popup.. while in generall the tabs do show the file's path, it allways is truncated - with some sense though - but in the end gone completely once a certain number of tabs accumulate.. and over the day these "whereami-hovers" become really cumbersome.

Here's how jEdit handles this: the standard buffer chooser is a select that spans the top of the edit-area showing the full path of the current file.. looks like so (yess, jEdit _is_ ugly ;) : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10220684/screenshots/screenshot%202012-04-15%20um%2013.48.02.PNG

Imho these bufferwitchers are clearly supperior to any kind of tab.. you simply know where you are without any interaction needed. And of course switching buffers becomes easier and faster as well: you know where you will switch to (or have switched to if by key-command) right away..

So: how about such bufferswitchers as alternative to tabs? ;)

extended sidenote: there're two more distinct differences how jEdit handles the buffer/view management: For one there are no predefined layouts(groups).. you just split views whichever way you need to by a simple keystroke.. or revert splits as easily one by one, or all at once. The other difference: you don't have to shove buffers around by hand.. all buffers are immediately available in any split you create.. you just choose the buffer you want to view in the given split and that's it.. of course: you can also view a single file in any number of splits at once.

thx 4 listening.. ;)

Allow using external Python interpreter on Linux, just like on OS X

Kenny Levinsen hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 2
This would allow for use of external libraries, like pyexpat used by elementtree and xml.sax parsers, without having to compile them into the builtin parser.
While it would probably mean that the interpreter wouldn't be as "clean" as sublime's, it would allow more flexibility. People would also be able to use 2.7 if they felt like it by selecting a different interpreter, living with the consequences of some potentially broken plugins.

While I like that the builtin interpreter is small and clean, I would prefer to be able to customize the modules, or versions, used by sublime. Seeing that is already the case on OS X, I believe that it has been proved to be a working solution, and should be ported to Linux as well.

(I personally use Sublime on both Linux (for work) and Mac OS X (private), and it bugs me that I have more freedom to write plugins on OS X, meaning my awesome (heh) plugins can't be used on Linux, without finding alternative methods to do a lot of things that rely on external non-py modules.)

Korean File Encodings

jgh0721 hace 13 años actualizado por Sean Liang hace 13 años 1
File Encoding / I'm korean, but Sublime Text 2 dont support Korean file encoding( CP 949, MS949, EUC-KR ... ), so I can't use it. I want to it support these encodings. 

Working with Mounted FTP Server in Win 7.

Mads Jürgensen hace 13 años 0
Being able to work with mounted FTP servers in Windows 7. It works perfectly in ubuntu 11.04, but doesnt work with Windows 7.

You are amazing!

Philipp Schaffrath hace 13 años 0
You read all the mails, requests and forum-topics, you insert yourself in the community you have created, and you give us this fantastic Texteditor.

I am verry proud to see people like you, loving what they do!
Again: You are amazing, thanks for your awesome work!

Autocomplete popup should loop/wrap when user hits UP at the start or DOWN at the end

Maurice Nicholson hace 13 años 0
When the autocomplete popup is shown and the first item is highlighted, pressing UP key dismisses the popup and moves the cursor to the previous line. When the autocomplete popup is shown and the last item is highlighted, pressing DOWN key dismisses the popup and moves the cursor to the previous line.
Personally I find this behaviour unintuitive (since I consider the popup semi-modal) and expect the highlighted item to wrap to the start or end of the list as appropriate.

Fantastic Software

Josh Benner hace 14 años actualizado hace 14 años 0

I've been using a variety of text editors for decades, from vi to Notepad++ to TextMate to jEdit and beyond. Sublime surpasses them all, and has managed to exceed my expectations for a programmer's text editor.