
A few things

bentastic hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 2

my wishes today:

1) While using colums, rows or grid and working on a special file, can open only the file i wish in an new view (like new instance) in fullscreenmode, so i have all the screen just for this one file (maybe a bigger script as the others). When closing or saving or just tipping in the file, the original in colums, rows or grid becomes the same content (just mirroring in the new view).

2) Make borders in colums, rows or grid flexible to move right/left/up/down. Fe: in grid moving the top vertical border from group 1 and 2 a bit to the left, but vertical border of group 3 and 4 stays in the middle. 

3) When working with two or more monitors and using ST2 and one Browser (for example), i wish to have a new instance in Montor 2 without TAB (means: not TAB monitor 1 (ST2), TAB monitor 2 (ST2), TAB browser; i wish to TAB just ST2, TAB browser, TAB ST2, TAB browser,...

4) Show/hide MiniMap for each file separatly (just for this and for this file for ex.)

5) MULTILINGUAL (wanna got german and german dictionary)

So far, sublime text is the best and nicest editor i got (and i got many editors for editing HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, SQL,...). The last few years i used Notepad++ most of my time, now i got Sublime and i love it!



Browse for Folder Dialog - Clipboard

Jeff Sheldon hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
Would be nice if the default 'Browse for folder' location was the path I had on the clipboard if any.

Bug in multiline commenting

Kim Blomqvist hace 12 años 0

If I select the following code below and press Ctrl-* to comment the whole block, ST2 only uncomments this line /* Disable master mode and enable as slave with SLA */.

void aery::twi_init_slave(uint16_t sla)
	/* Software reset. */
	aery::twi->CR.swrst = 1;
	while (aery::twi->CR.swrst);

	/* Disable master mode and enable as slave with SLA */
	aery::twi->SMR.sadr = sla;
	aery::twi->CR.msdis = 1;
	aery::twi->CR.sven = 1;
void aery::twi_init_slave(uint16_t sla)
	/* Software reset. */
	aery::twi->CR.swrst = 1;
	while (aery::twi->CR.swrst);

	 Disable master mode and enable as slave with SLA 
	aery::twi->SMR.sadr = sla;
	aery::twi->CR.msdis = 1;
	aery::twi->CR.sven = 1;
Expected result:
// void aery::twi_init_slave(uint16_t sla)
// {
// 	/* Software reset. */
// 	aery::twi->CR.swrst = 1;
// 	while (aery::twi->CR.swrst);

// 	/* Disable master mode and enable as slave with SLA */
// 	aery::twi->SMR.sadr = sla;
// 	aery::twi->CR.msdis = 1;
// 	aery::twi->CR.sven = 1;
// }

"z" key misbehaving in Vintage insert mode

Trevor Whitney hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
I'm using Sublime Text 2, build 2139, on Ubuntu linux 11.10.

When I enable Vintage and enter insert mode, I am unable to type two consecutive z's. The second z is causing Sublime to replace the previous letter. So, for example, if I type "pizza", I will get "pia". However, type "size" has the expected result. Disabling Vintage alleviates the problem, but then I lose all my wonderful Vi shortcuts, which makes me very sad :(

Bug of replacing text when "preserve case" is active.

Ziang Song hace 12 años actualizado hace 12 años 1

Find What: dddWooID

Replace with: eeeID

However, the result is eeeId

Please fix it. I am using 2.0.1 Build 2217. Thank you.


Using tag#with-hyphen doesn't work.

braftre hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
Would it be possible allow hypens when using tag#with-hyphen/tag.with-hyphen like in the snippets? As we use it as a common naming convention for css styles.

Also great work mate love this editor more and more.

Make escape set focus on sidebar when focus is set on the editor

aristidesfl hace 13 años 0
Currently escape has no function while the focus is on the editor and no panels are open.

It is possible to change the keymap to achieve this by verifying negatively if all the other possible contexts for the escape key are not met.

This is very cumbersome and doesn't provide compatibility should new cases for the use of escape be added to the keymap file in future versions.

Would be nice to have a key which indicates if the focus is set on the text editor so the context of the escape key could be set in a affirmative manner.

Anyway, this doesn't really work because escape is hardset to take focus from the sidebar so it only gains focus momentainly and then goes away..

Force sublime text 2 not to load python files under a plug-in's directory

Filipe Cabecinhas hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 1
Is there a way to tell sublime text 2 not to load certain files from my plugin directory? Either not load files under a certain directory (blacklist), or "only load these files" (whitelist).



Italic rendering does not work properly with the font I use

William Ledoux hace 13 años actualizado por Darin Morrison hace 13 años 2
Hi there,

The new italic rendering of text  does not work with the font I use, making the text unreadable.
Each italic character seems to take double the space, as you can see on the screenshot below:

Image 56

The font is HobTiny, you can download it for free: 
I think it only works on Windows.

Thanks for the amazing work
William Ledoux

The about box isn't closeable in Gnome 3

joey hace 14 años actualizado por Noe Nieto hace 13 años 1
There is no close button or anything. I think this may be due to Gnome 3's new style for displaying dialog boxes. Strangely, it is possible to right-click on the mini-titlebar of the about box and close it from there. Of course, this is neither obvious nor ideal...

Image 6


Support for multi-user environment ($SUBLIME_DATA)

eric ripa hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 1
Today we can launch Sublime Text with --data to use a custom data dir location. It would be good to have the option to set for example $SUBLIME_DATA to a custom location to make this change "permanent".

This would make it easier to use Sublime Text in a multi-user environment (like a Citrix/VNC terminal service type of corporate environment) where only one central installation of Sublime is present and each user have their own data directory. 

Custom closing bracket position for CSS

Илья hace 13 años 0

Here is an example of what is happening now:

.class {


So when I'm typing ".class {" SublimeText automatically inserts "}" (which is correct). Then I press Enter and get this:

.class {



But what I really want is (attention to the closing bracket - it's indented by additional tab):

.class {



I've even seen (ok, it was only once) in some editor special setting for this. Now I start using SublimeText (which is cool!) and I feel that it can be customized in a such way but I'm not quite sure how.


Indentation of PHP 5.4 arrays with new square bracket notation

dan78 hace 11 años actualizado por Flavio De Stefano hace 11 años 1

Indentation of PHP 5.4 arrays with new square bracket notation

It would be helpful to change the auto-indentation settings for PHP files  such that the content of arrays with square bracket syntax is indented.

PHP code auto-indented with ST3 v 5054 looks like this:

Image 259

For nested arrays this quickly becomes very hard to read. 

ST3 correctly indents traditional PHP arrays:

Image 260

Any suggestions how to auto-indent square bracket arrays are welcome. 


The Avanti Law Group: Bankruptcy and Debt Settlement Services

Efrain Hensley hace 11 años 0
Too many consumers feel that their debts are overwhelming and there is nothing they can do other than file a bankruptcy. Due to lack of information, many consumers turn prematurely to bankruptcy. We can help you avoid bankruptcy by settling your unsecured debts on your behalf.
Youtube video


ability to combine counterparts (.h .cpp .m) in sidebar or tabs.. both for open files and folder-browser

walter lynsdale hace 13 años 0
Clicking such a tab would select the last viewed item, clicking again would toggle. another idea for helping c/c++ coders out without needing to remember a hotkey (which may be forgotten when moving between platforms & their IDE's)
The ability to combine multiple extensions for the same filename could be done in a non-c/c++ specific manner, and binary files (.o? .pyc?) ignored.

open files list window

dannie s hace 13 años 0
It would be nice to have the functionality that was in MultiEdit for DOS/Windows - open files list with selection ability (or maybe quicksearch), called by customizable hotkey.

Build system not automatically selected

Adam S hace 12 años 0

I have a question regarding a custom build system. It contains two file types (source.sass, source.scss), but for .sass files build is greyed out until the build system is selected manually. Details here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15868151/

Is there a simple explanation or does this happen to be a bug?


Fold Away Non-Matching Lines

Eric Meyers hace 13 años 0
Back in my IBM 3270 mainframe days we used an editor called XEdit. It had a neat feature whereby you could hide away all lines in a file not matching a pattern or keyword.

There is something similar for Vim, called foldsearch (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2302).

I suspect some smart person could write a Sublime plugin to do this. Maybe one exists and I haven't found it yet.

unify shortcuts under windows and linux

Antoine Hebert hace 13 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 1
I use sublime text on Windows and Linux and some shortcuts are different which is always confusing me. Specially the multiple selection which is shift+alt+down on linux ans ctrl+alt+down on windows.
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
Key bindings are the same between Windows and Linux, except where platform conventions dictate otherwise (e.g. Ctrl+Q to quit on linux), or where the window manager will typically eat the key bindings on Linux.

Support Dart

Mathieu Breton hace 13 años 0

Could TextMate support the Dart language (for the syntax colorization)
