
What You Need to Know About IPO Investments - Westhill Consulting Jakarta

Tim Florian 11 år siden 0
(1888 PressRelease) Westhill Consulting is an international financial advisory firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Below is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a market leader in the Financial Services category. Here is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a reputable investment advisory firm based in Jakarta Indonesia, dedicated to providing you the most advantageous investments based on how you want your portfolio managed for the private middle market.

You might be wondering how you can increase the profits you make from your market investing strategies. If you're searching for the most profitable forms of investing that are available today, you should definitely investigate the possibilities of using Initial Public Offering (IPO) investments.

A simple description of an IPO includes the fact that you're buying a business that is just entering the open marketplace. The moment the IPO is released to the public is the first time anyone has the ability to buy the company openly, and this will surely give you a good idea on where the stock itself resides when it comes to the value of the offering. You can wage it is preparing for a large rise in its value because they are just releasing their stock to the public.

Though most of the Initial Public Offering stocks skyrocket after they are first released, you must keep in mind that they are hardly a definite investment. Because of this, there are several factors you must definitely examine before you place your capital into this type of investment.

One of the first factors you must take into consideration before investing into the stock you are interested in is the basic fact that once the stock is available on the market you can't guess if there will be a great deal demand or a total lack.

Because of this, you must do your best to ascertain every bit of information available about the company before making a purchase.

As you comb the market for the best IPOs available today, you must consider the fact that IPOs are usually offered only to the market when a company plans on expansion. There are other instances where companies only want to increase their ability to borrow capital, but IPOs are mostly released to increase the amount of funds they have available for expansion plans.
It may look like a company which is preparing to expand is a sure bet on the stock market. However, that is not really the case. IPO stocks are usually considered as high-risk investments. That is why if you want to secure your investments to a degree, you must explore the overall performance of the company's operations in the long run.

When you have analyzed the essentials of the company you are interested on, you must also try to guess where the capital generated from the IPO will be used by the company. If you think the company's only choice is to put their capital into expansion activities, you can be sure that the stock value will increase over time because of the expanding capabilities of the business operation. As you examine the essentials of the company and estimate where the capital will be going once the IPO is sold to the public, you can make a reasonable evaluation of how the stocks are going to fare in the future. Being one of the top advisory firms in the industry, we gain the confidence of our clients by acting with integrity on all our business decisions.

Westhill Consulting practices a specific valuation procedure to determine how much a profitable business is worth and determine possible market opportunities.


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Jonathan Stanton 13 år siden 0
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lexx tor 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 0
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Api to draw into the editor?

Patrick Guido Arminio 11 år siden 0

Is there any api to draw an overlay under some rows?

I want to do something like this: https://twitter.com/patrick91/status/375999782444990464/photo/1


Warsaw Climate Change Conference Inconclusively Concludes

Pana Inn 11 år siden 0

Warsaw Climate Change Conference Inconclusively Concludes

Image 268

Warsaw-"For the third year in a row the (member) countries have found a new way to say absolutely nothing,"  asserted Oxfam director Winnie Byanyima, as the U.N.’s annual climate change conference limped inconsequentially to its end on Saturday in Warsaw. The 19th Conference of the Parties (COP-19) to the U.N. Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) was supposed to set out a roadmap toward completing a global treaty that would bind all countries to some kind of commitments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions after 2020 at the Paris COP-21 in 2015. No commitments were made and no clear roadmap was adopted at the Warsaw talks.

Citing the “historical responsibility” of rich countries for causing climate change, China, India, Brazil, South Africa and other developing countries want to maintain the original obligation established in the 1992 UNFCCC that only developed countries are required to do anything about man-made climate change. In the  agreement reached at Warsaw, the developing countries, including the largest and fourth largest emitters of greenhouse gases—China and India—forced the rich countries to drop their insistence that all countries make “commitments” to address climate change. Instead, countries will now make vague nationally determined “contributions” toward addressing man-made global warming.

The United States and European negotiators in Warsaw had sought an agreement in which each country would use a common transparent framework for calculating its emissions reductions. In the new Warsaw agreement, countries set their own baselines and define their own reduction strategies, thus making comparisons between countries’ efforts far less transparent and harder to calculate.

The developed country negotiators also wanted all countries to put forward their initial commitments no later than the first quarter of 2015. That deadline would make it possible for the initial commitments to be critiqued before the 2015 Paris conference. The goal of the pre-Paris scrutiny would be to see if they were collectively adequate to keep the world on track toward restraining future global temperatures to an increase of no more than two degrees centigrade. Instead, countries will announce their contributions only when they were good and “ready to do so.”

The poor countries also demanded that the rich countries make commitments to establish a new bureaucratic mechanism under the UNFCCC to compensate them for the loss and damage caused by climate change. For their part, the rich countries did not want to create a new international agency that would be empowered to make them legally liable for weather damage anywhere in the world. The Warsaw agreements reached a compromise in which a  Warsaw mechanism for loss and damage will be set up under the existing institutions that are supposed to fund projects that help poor countries to adapt to climate change. That decision, however, will be reviewed after three years.

In 2009, at the Copenhagen climate change conference, the rich countries committed to “mobilizing” $100 billion annually by 2020 to help poor countries to cope with climate change. At Warsaw, the poor countries sought to get the rich countries to pledge that they would hand over $70 billion per year by 2016 as an interim measure. The developing countries also wanted to make it clear that the climate change financing should be “mobilized” from public, not private funds. At Warsaw, the rich countries refused to make specific interim financial commitments, although they did agree to file biennial reports outlining what their plans are for funding climate change adaptation for poor countries between now and 2020. 

So the Warsaw conference ended with no firm commitments on either greenhouse gas emissions or on finance. The diplomats and the activists will convene to do it all over again next year in Lima, Peru.

Source: Global Treaty


please add wrap paragraph support on os x

David Alexander 14 år siden opdateret af colinta 12 år siden 4
Not sure if the wrap paragraph command is exposed and just not bound to any keys on Mac OS X, but in any case it would be nice to have Alt-Q bound to wrap paragraph on OS X (as it is on Linux and Windows).

Westhill Property Consulting London

Coleen Smith 11 år siden 0

U.S. millionaires see real estate as the top alternative-asset class to own this year, according to Morgan Stanley. (MS)

About 77 percent of investors with at least $1 million in assets own real estate, according to a survey released today by the New York-based investment bank’s wealth-management unit. Direct ownership of residential and commercial properties was the No. 1 alternative-investment pick for 2014, with a third of millionaire’s surveyed saying they plan to buy this year. Twenty-three percent said they expect to invest in real estate investment trusts, the second-most popular choice.

Wealthy investors are turning to a rebounding real estate market as fixed-income yields remain historically low and equities surge. U.S. commercial-property values rose 8 percent in the 12 months ended Jan. 31, and have jumped 71 percent since hitting their post-recession bottom in 2009, research firm Green Street Advisors Inc. reported today. The S&P/Case-Shiller index of home prices in 20 cities is up 24 percent from its 2012 low.

“After a year where the Standard & Poor’s Index rose 30 percent, some millionaires are moving money out of traditional, long-only strategies to find outperformance, and turning toward alternatives such as real estate and private equity,” said Gary Kaminsky, a vice chairman at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management in New York. “Sophisticated, high-net-worth investors are much more concerned about losses.”
Photographer: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg

The One57 residential building stands while under construction in New York.

Collectibles ranked as the third-most-popular alternative-investment choice this year, with 20 percent of millionaires saying they planned to buy, followed by private equity at 19 percent and precious metals at 16 percent.
Interest Rates

Wealthy investors see stocks getting expensive and interest rates staying stable or even declining over the next couple of years, Kaminsky said in an interview at a conference for Tiger 21 investors last week in Scottsdale, Arizona. That’s why they are looking more closely at alternatives including real estate for returns and income, he said.

Tiger 21 members, who have at least $10 million in investable assets, increased their average allocation to real estate last year to 21 percent as of the fourth quarter from 19 percent in the first three months of 2013, according to a separate study released by the New York-based group last month.

Will Ade, a Tiger 21 member, said real estate is a particularly attractive investment as stocks show vulnerability in 2014. The S&P 500 has fallen more than 4 percent this year, while developing-country stocks have tumbled on concern that the outlook for economies is worsening.
‘Lame’ Bull

“We had a great bull run last year,” Ade, a 60-year-old geologist, said in an interview today. “I don’t know if the bull is dead, but it certainly is lame right now.”

This year may be the tail-end of attractive investments in property before interest rates rise, said Ade, who has made his money finding oil companies and private investors to fund the drilling of wells. He said he is trying to purchase residential real estate in Miami right now.

“The really good real estate deals are getting harder and harder to find,” Ade said. “Once interest rates start to go up, whether it’s farmland or single-family dwellings there’s going to be huge downward pressure on real estate.”
Foreign Buyers

The Manhattan high-rise condominium buildings One57 and 432 Park Ave., where units have gone under contract for more than $90 million, are evidence of the faith that the very wealthy have in real estate, said Mitchell Roschelle, real estate advisory leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Such properties have also attracted international buyers.

Wealthy foreigners have bought high-end U.S. properties for their safety and because they’re denominated in dollars, the world’s reserve currency, he said. This helps domestic millionaires maintain the value of their property investments.

“It creates competition, which drives the price up for everybody,” he said. “The sellers have multiple channels to sell into. That gives you more liquidity.”

Self-storage properties are among commercial real estate investments wealthy individuals are buying, Kaminsky of Morgan Stanley said. Retail shopping centers are seen as less attractive as more consumers shop online through companies such as Amazon.com Inc., he said.
Chilean Fund

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management surveyed 1,004 U.S. investors ages 25 to 75, with least $100,000 in assets, during the fourth quarter of last year. A third of them had more than $1 million.

BigSur Partners, a Miami-based wealth-management firm, has been helping some of its wealthy clients, who usually have at least $50 million, work with institutional investors such as a Chilean pension fund to invest in commercial real estate, said Chief Executive Officer Ignacio Pakciarz. Deals include an office building in Princeton, New Jersey, he said.

“We don’t feel there’s a lot of value in emerging-market bonds, high-yield bonds and highly rated fixed income,” Pakciarz said.

Owning the real estate is attractive because of the expected appreciation of property value and stream of rental income, as well as better control and supervision over the investments, he said.

For more information:
Westhill Property Consulting London | Contact
Westhill Property Consulting London | Result

Allow the use of +<linenumber> in the command line to open a file and jump to that line

Harro van der Klauw 13 år siden opdateret af Jon Skinner 13 år siden 1
Allow me to use +<linenumber> when opening a file like vim does, this is useful when you know where you want to do.

`subl somefile.txt +120` would open the file with the cursor on line 120 and that line centered in the editor.
Jon Skinner 13 år siden
You can use subl somefile.txt:100 for this

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Rob Daniels 11 år siden 0
The ability to rt. click on the Sublime icon in my windows 7 taskbar and have my project folder be an option. Currently only individual documents can be pinned.

Double click empty area on the side bar to create a new file

Mikko 13 år siden 0
I think the header is pretty self-explanatory. The action doesn't do anything at the moment, so it won't interfere on anybody's workflow.

Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours

Lahh Fang 11 år siden opdateret af markeldwins 11 år siden 1
When looking for the perfect holiday destination, don’t choose the conventional Holiday; instead go on an exciting and exotic trip. It is this type of vacation that will bring you the most memories. You can do this with the help of Westhill Consulting.

The thought of traveling to the Maldives, the carribean, the Middle East, Indonesia and many other exotic and interesting destinations is interesting and exciting. But planning this type of trip on your own is quite unnerving. Sure, you can book the airplane, but what comes next? What places do you visit once you are there? How do you communicate?

These are all questions that start coming up. What to Do? Actually, the solution is pretty simple. Instead of booking your own flight and hotel, you could hire the services of a company like Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours. Westhill was founded by a group of avid travelers. Those that go to out of the way places, study the area s culture and learn of the people.

They know of the sights and interesting activities that are of interest to travelers. It is the travel services offered by this type of experienced traveler that can add the depth and color you expect from any exotic trip you choose. On a Budget? Even when you have a specific budget for your trip, and this doesn’t t allow for a lot of expense, Westhill Consulting and Tours can help organize and put together the most exciting trip of your life.

Where Can I Go? There are thousands of interesting destinations throughout the world, and that can make it difficult to choose the one you want. Some destinations you may not even know about. To learn a little about some of the most interesting places in the world, visit the Westhill Consulting Blog. There you’ll learn of some of the most interesting places to visit.

For more information:
Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours | Quora
Jakarta Travel Tips Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours
Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours Singapore

Westhill Consulting & Employment How to Give Yourself the Best Possible Chance of Landing A Job?

Tiffany Westhill 11 år siden 0
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 3 years, you’ll know that job hunting is tough. In fact, in general the world of employment is rocky and is something that has affected people massively over the past couple of years. With people being made redundant, companies cutting back on new intake and less opportunities being made available, people are stuck. This has resulted in massive numbers of people applying for vacancies when they do become available – which means that the recruitment process is tougher than ever! Does this mean you need to be stuck in a job you hate or living a life on benefits? Not at all. It means you need to be inventive, organized and well informed on the ways of recruitment, to give yourself the best possible chance of being given any job that you apply for.

Keep At It

It can be disheartening when you’re looking for a job and nothing seems to come up of. The first thing to remember is that climbing a career ladder is tough and you’ll be up against some stiff competition. Companies can only see a limited number of people during their recruitment process so are often very picky when it comes to who gets to the interview stage. You need to bear this in mind and don’t give up when it seems like you’re just not getting anywhere at all.

Instead make sure that you look in different places for job adverts and keep applying for any that peak your interest. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket and apply for one job at a time – get your application out there to as many companies as possible in order to give yourself the best possible chance of being successful.

Think Outside The Box

Sometimes you need to take the initiative and contact a company, even if they aren’t advertising jobs. It’s not recommended that you simply spam every company in your local area with letters, but if there is a company that you would love to work for – why not let them know? Companies generally like people that are passionate about a brand or product, so if they can see this passion in you then you never know they might give you a chance.

Sometimes the initial offer will be a work experience opportunity, but you should grab this with both hands if you can because you never know what this will lead to.

Brush Up Your CV

Before you start applying for jobs you need to make sure that your CV is on-point. Don’t just assume that because it was good enough a few years ago that it is good enough now, because trends change. It is a good idea to contact a local recruitment agency and ask them what they look for in a decent CV. You’ll also find loads of information on this online. It might not be necessary to start your CV from scratch, but you’ll probably need to make a few tweaks to the layout to make it perfect.

It goes without saying that your CV should have no spelling errors and be grammatically correct. Generally speaking your CV should be 2 pages long, with your work history and experience at the top of this. Remember that recruiters usually have lots of CV’s to read through; you don’t want to give them any excuse not to read yours.

Think about the layout of it – you want it to look crisp and easy to read. They will usually skim read a bunch of CV’s to see how they match and then spend longer reading the ones that they liked and thought suitable. A messy layout could mean that they dismiss you and your CV at the first stage and of course this is something that you want to avoid.

Interview Techniques

If you get through to the interview stage then firstly give yourself a massive pat on the back. We have seen how tough the world of recruitment is, so to get to this stage should be seen as a massive positive.

There are loads of places you can get interview hints and tips, so there is no need to go into one unprepared. One of the best pieces of advice that can be given to you about interviews is to make sure that you are organized and prepared. Don’t assume you can just read up on the company the night before – this will just leave you feeling stressed and anxious, which is not the best approach for a job interview.

Read up about the company before you go and write down a couple of questions that you would like to ask them. This could be to do with the company, its growth, its plans or even specific to the job role you are applying for. It is important that you show an interest, so asking questions is essential.

You also need to think about what they are likely to ask you – prepare answers for questions about your strengths, weaknesses and experience. You’ll usually be allowed to take interview notes in with you so have buzz words written down to remind you of your answers. Interviewers will generally allow for nerves but you still need to come across as confident as you can.

Remember, as well as assessing your suitability for the job role they’re also looking at how you are going to fit in with a team. They want someone that is out-going, friendly and confident so that they don’t have to worry about how you are going to fit in with the people you are working with. Even if you’re shaking on the inside, try and project positivity and confidence as much as possible.

Sealing The Deal

End the interview on a high note so that you feel positive. Ask them when you’re likely to hear from them and encourage them to contact you should they have any more questions that they want to ask you.

Remember, just because you have had a good interview that doesn’t mean you should give up looking. If you miss a couple of day’s job hunting, you could miss out on your dream job. Instead, keep at it and carry on applying for jobs until you land your dream job role!

Global Issue and a Transdisciplinary Challenge: New Book Sheds Light On the Energy Poor

glenslori 11 år siden 0


Fires, Fuel, and the Fate of 3 Billion: The State of the Energy Impoverished aims to raise awareness of energy poverty and household air pollution

Close to 3 billion people in the developing world rely on biomass combustion — burning fires in rudimentary stoves — for cooking and heating needs. As a result, 4 million people die each year, and the large amount of black soot created has a staggering negative impact not only on health, but also on climate and advancement of the poor.

It’s an issue that has weighed heavily on Gautam N. Yadama, PhD, professor and director of international programs at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis, who has spent much of his academic career researching communities that are dependent on forests for livelihoods in India, Nepal and Bhutan.

This fall, Yadama and photographer Mark Katzman are taking that issue to a broader audience with the publication of Fires, Fuel and the Fate of 3 Billion: The State of the Energy Impoverished (Oxford University Press 2013), a 152-page collection of photos and essays that tell an eye-opening, insightful story about energy access in the rural villages of India, where the hunt for safe, affordable energy is often a matter of life or death.

“This book represents a call for transdisciplinary action on the problem of household air pollution that is really about much more than cookstoves,” Yadama said. “It’s about understanding gender inequalities; it’s about understanding the vulnerability of poor populations and communities to climate change; it’s about understanding ecosystems and how livelihoods within those ecosystems are connected. And then, understanding ways to sustain clean energy systems in these complicated lives of the very poor.”

“At multiple levels, this book will help raise awareness of this global challenge and the need for transdisciplinary research and interventions to overcome this wicked problem,” he said.

It’s an issue gaining momentum on an international level as well. Last month, Yadama was in New York at the third anniversary event of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, where it was announced that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will chair the alliance’s Leadership Council.

Kandeh Yumkella, PhD, special representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative, wrote the foreword for the book. At the Global Alliance event, Yumkella referred to the book as highlighting the central issues of the energy poor from health to climate.

Yadama said the book would not have been possible without the input of WUSTL colleagues Tiffany Knight, PhD, associate professor of biology in Arts & Sciences; Pratim Biswas, PhD, chair of the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering in the School of Engineering & Applied Science and the Lucy and Stanley Lopata Professor; Brent Williams, PhD, the Raymond R. Tucker Distinguished I-CARES Career Development Assistant Professor; Mario Castro, MD, professor of medicine and of pediatrics at the School of Medicine; and graduate student Nishesh Chalise.

“The Foundation for Ecological Security in India was absolutely essential for getting this work done on the ground in rural India,” he said.

Yadama and Katzman traveled through seven states of India in 2011 and 2012 to come up with the photographs and stories in the book. Fires, Fuel and the Fate of 3 Billion examines the complex nexus of issues at play in the developing world’s use of crude cookstoves — factors such as poverty, energy, environment and gender inequality — and melds them with succinct prose, scientific synthesis and unforgettable images of communities in rural India.

Yadama, who also is a faculty scholar at WUSTL’s Institute for Public Health, continues to teach and conduct research at Washington University.

“The book is based on research we’re doing across multiple disciplines at the university, such as aerosol science in the School of Engineering & Applied Science; pulmonary science at the School of Medicine; and system science from the social system design lab at the Brown School,” he said.

 “The book captures the elements that have been important in this transdisciplinary research, made possible by several pilot grants to our team from the McDonnell Academy Global Energy and Environment Partnership and the Institute for Public Health,” Yadama said. “The book itself has been made possible by generous support from Charoen Pokphand Group, Indonesia and Washington University.”

“We will be taking forward some of the ideas in the book through simulations of uptake of clean-energy systems in rural India to reduce household air pollution and improve health. This work has just begun, with support from the Institute of Clinical and Transnational Sciences at Washington University.”


Juan Carlos: Spanish monarch struggling to revive a tarnished crown

Kennie Nash 11 år siden 0
BP Holdings Tax Management

FT.com - The King of Spain could not have wished for a better occasion, or more loyal company, to mark his return to public life on Monday. Surrounded by the gilded splendour of the throne room in Madrid’s royal palace, Juan Carlos was presiding over the traditional New Year ceremony to honour Spain’s armed forces.

Facing him below the glittering chandeliers stood the country’s senior military officers, chests loaded with medals, along with the prime minister, cabinet members and army veterans. Amid the polished boots and purple sashes, there was not a republican in sight.

The ceremony ended as it does every year, with throaty cries of “Viva España!” led by the king himself. Yet there seemed nothing vivacious about the man at the centre of attention. Juan Carlos, 76, had arrived on crutches, shuffling uneasily, his face reddened and blotchy. He delivered his speech in halting tones, faltering over words and gasping for breath. It came as a stark reminder that the king is an old man. He had not appeared in public since a hip operation in November, the latest in a series of small but persistent health problems.

It was hard to look at Spain’s ageing monarch and not read more into his stumbling performance than the simple advance of time. Just a day before the ceremony, a Spanish paper had released a poll showing just how far Juan Carlos has fallen in the estimation of his subjects. Almost two-thirds said they wanted him to abdicate in favour of his son, Crown Prince Felipe; more than 40 per cent said they wanted Spain to be a republic.

On Tuesday, the royal house suffered a fresh humbling: Princess Cristina, the king’s younger daughter, was formally declared a suspect in a criminal probe into her husband’s alleged shady dealings. The investigating judge said she may have committed money laundering and tax fraud, and called her in to testify in court on March 8. Another bad day for the Bourbons looms.

The monarch has faced testing times before. He showed acute political judgment along with remarkable personal bravery, traits rarely demanded from a modern monarch, in the early stages of his reign, as he helped steer Spain from dictatorship to democracy. In 1981 he intervened decisively to squash an attempted military coup, earning the gratitude and respect even of diehard republicans on the left. Paul Preston, the historian of Spain and biographer of the king, argues that without Juan Carlos, it is hard to see how Spain could have ended the dictatorship of Francisco Franco “without another civil war”.

Compared with the drama of those days and the hardship of his early life, the king’s current problems may seem trivial. But modern royals need at least a degree of popular respect if they are to survive. The ridicule and open hostility that often greets Juan Carlos’s tribe today – the royals have repeatedly been booed at public functions – would pose an existential threat to any monarchy. Spain’s royal house, however, is more vulnerable than most.

Born in exile in Rome in 1938, Juan Carlos had a lonely, unhappy childhood, scarred by his family’s failure to reclaim the throne. It was a quest that led his father to commit an act of cold regal realpolitik, when he handed his 10-year-old son over to Franco to be groomed as the dictator’s heir. Raised amid ageing aristocrats in Madrid, frequently called in for political lectures from Franco, Juan Carlos passed a joyless adolescence. He finally assumed the throne on 22 November 1975, two days after Franco’s death.

What sustained him during his early life was an overwhelming sense of duty to his family, and a burning desire to see the Bourbons restored to the throne. It was the same motivation that convinced Juan Carlos to break with Francoism – and to help steer Spain towards democracy. “He realised that the only way to survive on the throne was to not do what Franco wanted, and aim for a constitutional monarchy,” says Professor Preston.

His role in Spain’s transition made him a hero, which in turn made it easy for Spaniards to overlook his foibles – such as the fondness for shooting at bears and his friendship with authoritarian leaders such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

His standing finally plummeted, along with that of all other post-Franco institutions, during the recent economic crisis. “The king is seen as the founding father of the current system,” says Charles Powell, a Madrid-based historian and royal biographer. When that system failed to prevent the crisis, leaving Spain with record unemployment, the king was unable to escape the public wrath. In the eyes of many younger people, who have no memory of the transition, he is simply part of the nexus of political and financial power that pushed the country towards the economic abyss.

His image took a further knock when it was revealed that he went on a luxurious elephant-hunting trip at the height of the financial crisis. Just weeks before his ill-judged holiday, the king had remarked that he was so worried about the nation’s unemployed that he could not sleep.

Looming behind these recent woes is a deeper problem for Spain’s royal house. The Bourbons may be an ancient family, but their grip on the throne is far more tenuous than may appear: no reigning Spanish king has passed on the crown to his offspring since 1885; the monarch’s father never had the crown, and his grandfather died in exile. What the Bourbons lack is that aura of timeless, inevitable continuity that is the very essence of royalty.

Some believe the monarchy will end with Juan Carlos; others hope that Felipe, a diligent prince who enjoys broad popularity, will be able to revive the royal fortunes. Palace officials say the king himself has been saddened by recent events, but that he is determined to recuperate the crown’s lost prestige himself. Juan Carlos will know what is at stake: not just his own legacy, but the survival of the throne he sacrificed so much to reclaim.


What You Need to Know About IPO Investments - Westhill Consulting Jakarta

daphne camryn 11 år siden 0
(1888 PressRelease) Westhill Consulting is an international financial advisory firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Below is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a market leader in the Financial Services category. Here is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a reputable investment advisory firm based in Jakarta Indonesia, dedicated to providing you the most advantageous investments based on how you want your portfolio managed for the private middle market.

You might be wondering how you can increase the profits you make from your market investing strategies. If you're searching for the most profitable forms of investing that are available today, you should definitely investigate the possibilities of using Initial Public Offering (IPO) investments.

A simple description of an IPO includes the fact that you're buying a business that is just entering the open marketplace. The moment the IPO is released to the public is the first time anyone has the ability to buy the company openly, and this will surely give you a good idea on where the stock itself resides when it comes to the value of the offering. You can wage it is preparing for a large rise in its value because they are just releasing their stock to the public.

Though most of the Initial Public Offering stocks skyrocket after they are first released, you must keep in mind that they are hardly a definite investment. Because of this, there are several factors you must definitely examine before you place your capital into this type of investment.

One of the first factors you must take into consideration before investing into the stock you are interested in is the basic fact that once the stock is available on the market you can't guess if there will be a great deal demand or a total lack.

Because of this, you must do your best to ascertain every bit of information available about the company before making a purchase.

As you comb the market for the best IPOs available today, you must consider the fact that IPOs are usually offered only to the market when a company plans on expansion. There are other instances where companies only want to increase their ability to borrow capital, but IPOs are mostly released to increase the amount of funds they have available for expansion plans.
It may look like a company which is preparing to expand is a sure bet on the stock market. However, that is not really the case. IPO stocks are usually considered as high-risk investments. That is why if you want to secure your investments to a degree, you must explore the overall performance of the company's operations in the long run.

When you have analyzed the essentials of the company you are interested on, you must also try to guess where the capital generated from the IPO will be used by the company. If you think the company's only choice is to put their capital into expansion activities, you can be sure that the stock value will increase over time because of the expanding capabilities of the business operation. As you examine the essentials of the company and estimate where the capital will be going once the IPO is sold to the public, you can make a reasonable evaluation of how the stocks are going to fare in the future. Being one of the top advisory firms in the industry, we gain the confidence of our clients by acting with integrity on all our business decisions.

Westhill Consulting practices a specific valuation procedure to determine how much a profitable business is worth and determine possible market opportunities.

Best travel tips ever

Leonie Blau 11 år siden 0
I log around 400,000 real air miles a year (those earned in the air, not by credit card purchases) as travel editor for CBS News, and if there's anything I've learned, it's that most airport, airline, hotel, and other rules and policies are only misguided suggestions. Here are my special tips on saving time, money, and stress, without breaking any rules or ever cutting in line -- in fact, without ever standing in a line!

Avoid baggage blues
If you're like me, you believe that there are two kinds of airline bags: carried on, and lost. And while the airlines are doing a better job with baggage these days, I still don't check bags on domestic flights. I FedEx them or UPS them (or there are 15 other courier services that will do this job). And for $40 to $50 -- not much more than what the airlines want to charge you for losing your bags or making you wait endlessly at baggage claim -- yours get picked up from your home or office and will be waiting for you in your hotel room by 10:30 the next morning. (Smart travelers send luggage two to three days ahead and get a big discount on shipping. Same thing for the way back home -- because who cares if your dirty laundry arrives three days after you do?)

Pick the farm-team airports
Unless I'm flying long-haul international nonstop, I try to forget O'Hare, J.F.K., San Francisco, and Boston. Instead, in good weather or bad, I head from, to, or through Milwaukee, Islip, Oakland, and Providence. Those are the alternative airports that function so much better than their huge counterparts. San Francisco is often weather challenged, with low fog -- not so Oakland. Milwaukee is actually Chicago's third (and secret) airport. Just look in the parking lot: A third of the cars have Illinois plates, which tells you everything you need to know. Providence allows you to avoid the congestion and delays of Logan, and last but never least is the often forgotten gem of MacArthur airport in Islip, N.Y. These airports have better parking and fewer delays, and maybe it's just me, but people yell a lot less there. I save time, I often save money, and I almost always save stress.

Another travel story?… Jakarta travel tips | Travel adventure

Crown Capital Securities LLC Management

Lapaz Batchoy 11 år siden 0

Crown Capital Securities LLC Management

About Crown Capital Securities, L.P.

Image 251

Crown Capital Securities, L.P. is a registered broker/dealer which provides a complete range of financial services and quality investments to independent securities representatives, serving investors throughout the country. These investment professionals are able to offer their clients a wide selection of approved, non-proprietary products. This complete selection gives people all the choices they need to meet their goals of preserving capital, generating income and accumulating wealth to finance education, caregiving, travel and retirement.

Crown Capital Securities, L.P. is an independent member firm of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). Headquartered in Orange, California, the management group at Crown Capital is led by Darol and Phyllis Paulsen, an executive team with 60 years’ experience in securities and financial services.

All Crown Capital representatives are independent business persons in their own communities -- not employees of a mega-firm owned and operated by strangers in a remote location. As owners and managers of local financial services businesses, these representatives make a long-term investment in their community and are focused on building lasting relationships with their clients. In our experience, clients prefer the level of service they receive through this structure over that given them by Wall Street firms.

Crown Capital has no proprietary products to sell or sales quotas for its representatives. This allows its representatives to make honest and appropriate investment recommendations based strictly on client needs and product performance. High performance, credibility and dependability -- that's how Crown Capital representatives help clients make excellent financial plans and sound investment decisions at fair and competitive fees and commissions.

Clients choose from a vast array of investment products, including full service stock trading, tax-free municipal bonds, U.S. government and agency securities, corporate bonds, unit investment trusts, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, mutual funds, insurance products, fixed and variable annuities, direct investments, options and margin accounts.

Investment representatives are supported by a strong home office staff, with the experience and expertise necessary to identify and service the highest quality investment opportunities. This support is enhanced by Crown Capital's relationship with Pershing, LLC.

Transactions are cleared through Pershing, LLC, a subsidiary of the Bank of New York and a member of BNY Securities Group, with almost 60 years of experience.

You've worked hard for your money. Now, you want your money to work just as hard for you. That's why you should demand the utmost from your investment advisor. When you choose a Crown Capital representative, you are choosing an experienced professional dedicated to making your money work for you without taking unnecessary risks.

Perhaps most important, you are choosing a solid, value-based, complete financial services firm that can provide you all the strength, professional expertise and research capability of any Wall Street firm. One that is genuinely concerned about your financial well-being and ultimate investment success. One that avoids short-term aggressive strategies in favor of long-term capital appreciation. Crown Capital offers all these benefits and more.




Ombygning gruppen Shearin

justinemund56 10 år siden opdateret af honeyhillinete13 10 år siden 3

Et hus for at tilføje værdi til det er en måde at udnytte ens ejendom, især i vores nuværende flygtige økonomiske betingelser. Man er ikke kun at få en højere værdi fra sælger det, men også at få et større lån ud af det til forretningsformål eller til andre udgifter. En stor bonus, selvfølgelig, er der tilfredshed og glæden ved at leve i et bedre eller endda luksuriøst renoveret hjem.

Cindy Shearin deler sin ombygninger projekter på sin blog gennem videopræsentationer af før løbende efter art. Og det virker lige så godt eller endda mere end ethvert hjem-visning besøg til en faktiske hjem kan.

Brug high-definition Videografi og effektiv time-lapse fotografering, tager Cindy os gennem tiden som sin gruppe går gennem ombygning projekter af prime egenskaber i South Bay, Los Angeles, CA. Det er klart for enhver, der har set på disse videoer, et nedslidt hus med nok investering, kan slås rundt for at blive en tiltalende nye ejendom værd sælger eller bor i igen.

Her er en mini realityshow værd at se og værdsætte af boligejere. Ens ejendom kan være en kilde til kontanter, hvis man er modig nok til at overveje remodellering. At tage et lån at gøre en ombygninger projekt kan der foretages en mindre skræmmende opgave ved hjælp af fast ejendom eksperter som Cindy Shearin. Og det gode ved det er, at selv om processen er stadig i gang, de kan endda sætte din ejendom i deres programoversigter som en projekt-i-øje.

Nogen planer om at forfølge en ombygninger projekt skal ved hjælp af designere og ingeniører, der vil give idéer til nogen bestemt egenskab mens du overvejer de optimale omkostninger for projektet. Ejere, der vil genbruge egenskaben vil, selvfølgelig, foreslå deres egne ideer om, hvordan de ønsker den ombygning vil ske. Den primære ting at overveje er, at ejendommen ikke vil tjene tilbage de penge, put i processen. Derfor skal man iagttage finansiel disciplin og personlige tilbageholdenhed.

Ombygning er ikke et simpelt valg at gøre. Det er en alvorlig sag.


The Blue Crown Capital Management Specialists: Ten worst states for mortgage fraud

franz xiel 11 år siden opdateret af Seamus Lowe 11 år siden 1

10. New York

MFI: 98

2010 population: 19,378,102

Percentage of homeowners: 54.5

New York also ranked No. 4 on the 2012 Collusion Indicator Index. (The CII is based on factors, including cohabitation and shared assets, that make collusion possible or likely. The factors are particularly relevant when a property has been transferred at a loss.)

9. Georgia

MFI: 106

2010 population: 9,687,653

Percentage of homeowners: 67.1

The state's MFI fell 27 percent between 2011 and 2012. Georgia also ranked No. 9 of the 10 states with the largest percentages of properties in default, at 2.94 percent, though that was down from 4.32 percent in 2011.

8. Michigan

MFI: 110

2010 population: 9,883,640

Percentage of homeowners: 74.5

Michigan posted a significant drop—just over 40 percent—in MFI between 2011 and 2012.

7. California

MFI: 116

2010 population: 37,253,956

Percentage of homeowners: 56.1

Two of the metro areas with the highest number of mortgage fraud suspicious activity reports were in the Golden State: San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, at 12.1 percent, and Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, at 6.4 percent.

6. New Jersey

MFI: 120

2010 population: 8,791,894

Percentage of homeowners: 66.5

New Jersey is the only state making the Worst 10 on all three NexisLexis mortgage fraud indexes: It also ranks No. 7 on the CII for properties with a sale price decrease of 50 percent to 95 percent, and it's No. 6 on the default index.

5. Illinois

MFI: 150

2010 population: 12,830,632

Percentage of homeowners: 68.8

The state also had the second-largest percentage of mortgage defaults last year.

4. Delaware

MFI: 165

2010 population: 897,934

Percentage of homeowners: 74.7

This is the state's first appearance on this Worst 10 list. It also ranks high on the CII.

3. Arizona

MFI: 174

2010 population: 6,392,017

Percentage of homeowners: 66.6

The state was also third on in 2011; it ranked No. 2 in 2010.

2. Nevada

MFI: 280

2010 population: 2,700,551

Percentage of homeowners: 59.7

Nevada was also No. 4 last year among the 10 states with the largest percentage of properties in default, though the number decreased dramatically—to 4.13 percent from a high of 14.94 percent in 2009.

1. Florida

MFI: 805

2010 population: 18,801,310

Percentage of homeowners: 69.3

With its long history of real estate fraud, Florida has ranked No. 1 for mortgage fraud investigations for five years. It's also first for properties in default. Still, defaults fell to 5.42 percent last year from a high of 13.42 percent in 2009.

read more: http://www.bluecrowncapital.com


Climate change could spawn more frequent El Ninos

kerry david 11 år siden 0

Some of the worst El Niños, the infamous climate patterns that shake up weather around the world, could double in frequency in upcoming decades due to global warming, says a new study out Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change.

During an El Niño, water temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean tend to be warmer-than-average for an extended period of time – typically at least three to five months. This warm water brings about significant changes in global weather patterns.

The most powerful El Niños – such as the ones that developed in 1982-83 and 1997-98 – are forecast to occur once every 10 years throughout the rest of this century, according to study lead author Wenju Cai of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia's national science agency. Over the past 100 years or so, however these "extreme" El Niños occurred only once every 20 years, he said.

This means that the extreme weather events fueled by El Niños – such as droughts and wildfires in Australia, floods in South America and powerful rainstorms along the U.S. West Coast – will occur more often.
The most recent El Niño ended in 2010.

The research results came from an aggregation of 20 climate models, which were used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.

The models found that this doubling of extreme El Niño episodes is caused by increased surface warming of the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean because of climate change. This area of the ocean warms faster than the surrounding waters, the researchers found.

But Cai acknowledges those findings stand in contrast.to previous studies that found no solid consensus on how El Niños will change because of global warming.
"The question of how global warming will change the frequency of extreme El Niño events has challenged scientists for more than 20 years," said study co-author Mike McPhaden of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "This research is the first comprehensive examination of the issue to produce robust and convincing results."
"It looks like a solid study," said meteorologist Michael Mann of Penn State University, who was not involved in the research. "The authors appear to provide reasonably convincing evidence that El Niño events are likely to become more extreme as the climate continues to warm, in turn implying greater future regional climate/weather extremes than past studies."

However, another expert, senior scientist Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo, said that some aspects of the study are not really new, although it is cast in a new way. He notes that there remain issues in how well models simulate El Niño events, which means uncertainty remains on just how El Niño and the climate of the tropical Pacific will actually change.
He suggests that a way forward is to also look at the atmospheric component of El Niño and how that is changing.

"Even if the projection for this increased frequency of extreme El Ninos is correct, there will still be extended periods of infrequent and weak El Ninos, such as has been experienced since the late 1990s (since the last big event of 1997-98)," said Lisa Goddard, director of the International Research Institute for Climate and Society with Columbia University.

"This is likely the result of decadal variability, which is something the climate community is actively researching at present," she added.

A separate study published in Nature Climate Change in 2013 found that El Niños appeared to occur a lot more than normal over the last 50 years, just as temperatures worldwide rose because of global warming, also suggesting a connection.

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