
Support for Racket syntax

André Rendeiro 11 years ago updated by jan otte 11 years ago 1

Supporting Racket syntax would be great. Currently it is not available (ST2).


Ctrl+Left/Right to traverse the parts of a camelCase or a snake_case identifier

Ivan Krechetov 14 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 14 years ago 0
Just like TextMate does
Jon Skinner 14 years ago
Added in 20110203 - Available via Ctrl+Arrow keys on OS X, and Alt+Arrow keys on Windows and Linux

Westhill Consulting Insurance - IRS Offers Health Care Tax Tips

Machael Andrews 11 years ago in Plugin announcements 0
IRS Offers Health Care Tax Tips to Help Individuals Understand Tax Provisions in the Affordable Care Act

February 25, 2014 - The Internal Revenue Service is offering educational Health Care Tax Tips to help individuals understand how the Affordable Care Act may affect their taxes.

The IRS has designed the Health Care Tax Tips to help people understand what they need to know for the federal individual income tax returns they are filing this year, as well as for future tax returns. This includes information on the Premium Tax Credit and making health care coverage choices.
Although many of the tax provisions included in the law went into effect on Jan. 1, 2014, most do not affect the 2013 tax returns.

The Health Care Tax Tips, which are now available at IRS.gov/aca, include:

IRS Reminds Individuals of Health Care Choices for 2014? Find out what you need to know about how health care choices you make for 2014 may affect your taxes.

The Health Insurance Marketplace - Learn about Your Health Insurance Coverage Options – Find out about getting health care coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

The Premium Tax Credit? Learn the basics of the Premium Tax Credit, including who might be eligible and how to get the credit.

The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment – An Overview? Provides information about types of qualifying coverage, exemptions from having coverage, and making a payment if you do not have qualifying coverage or an exemption.

Three Timely Tips about Taxes and the Health Care Law? Provides tips that help with filing the 2013 tax return, including information about employment status, tax favored health plans and itemized deductions.

Four Tax Facts about the Health Care Law for Individuals? Offers basic tips to help people determine if the Affordable Care Act affects them and their families, and where to find more information.

Changes in Circumstances can Affect your Premium Tax Credit? Learn the importance of reporting any changes in circumstances that involve family size or income when advance payments of the Premium Tax Credit are involved.

In addition to Health Care Tax Tips, the IRS.gov/aca website offers informative flyers and brochures, Frequently Asked Questions and in-depth legal guidance regarding the tax provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

"Ctrl+I" quick find should remember history

Jiyin Yiyong 11 years ago 0

Quick find is not as handy as "Ctrl+F" find. One cannot use Up key to find back the previous query string


New file created from sidebar does not have focus

lanzz 13 years ago 0
If I create a new file while the sidebar is focused, the new file tab does not have focus. It would make sense to focus the new file, since you're most likely to start typing into it. Saving the new file also does not work without first focusing its tab ("save"/"save as" items are disabled in the file menu), but strangely you can still close the new tab without focusing it (either from the menu or with a shortcut).

OSX 10.6.8, ST2 build 2139

Word Wrap

SkS 13 years ago 0

Does not always work correctly with .py files. Even if the strings with spaces.

Ubuntu 11.04

I apologize for my bad English.


Guideline for user keybindings

Kai Grossjohann 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
As a user, when I add a new keybinding, I never know whether tomorrow someone is going to take it.  So WIBNI there was a certain set of keybindings that are reserved for users?  Packages would never bind one of those keys.

For example, Super+K followed by a letter (not Super+letter) could be reserved for the user.  Or all Super+Alt+Shift+... combinations.  Or...

Asia Global Energy Updates - BP and Shell Having a Fine Time in America

Henric Laugi 11 years ago 0


A report from a former FBI director has concluded that BP has a bit of a case over its Deepwater Horizon payments. The energy giant had alleged fraud—kickbacks, to be precise—in the handling of payments from the fund set up to handle claims over the oil spill.

Louis Freeh said there may have been criminal fraud on the part of some lawyers overseeing payments. Such examples were isolated, Mr. Freeh said and, in a blow to BP, he has ruled there were no reasons why payments shouldn’t continue to be made.

BP has previously attempted to put a block on all payments pending Mr. Freeh’s conclusions. Having read them BP’s spokesman said the whole affair “underscores that neither BP nor the public has had any idea of what’s really going on” within the claims process.

BP has tried repeatedly and unsuccessfully to get the judge overseeing the case to change how the business economic loss claims are interpreted, The Wall Street Journal’s Tom Fowler says. Facing costs that are reaching far and beyond anything it had imagined, the company has tried to get the process started over, having already paid out more than $3 billion.

BP has also taken its case direct to the public, through its “do the right thing” campaign that was met with some disbelief.

The fallout from Deepwater Horizon has been difficult for BP in terms of both its reputation and finances, and will likely continue to be so for some time.

BP’s old rival, Royal Dutch Shell, has also felt the effect of environmental breaches, but the $1.1 million it will pay to settle violations of the Clean Air Act in the Arctic Ocean last year won’t break the bank. The fine merely adds to Shell’s already-enormous investment in the Arctic, from which it has seen no return.

Shell’s balance sheet may be untroubled by its fine, but its reputation is as damaged as that of BP. Shell is taking a break from the Arctic in 2014, in order to reassess its approach and, perhaps, let the dust settle.

Despite the huge outlay in the frozen north, Shell can afford to step back. BP, on the other hand, is itching to get back into the Gulf of Mexico. Its need is much greater.


Norwegians go to the polls today, with incumbent Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg likely to be defeated by his challenger, “Iron Erna” Solberg, the Journal’s Kjetil Malkenes Hovland reports.

The result could usher in an era of change in Norway’s key energy industry. Growth in oil and gas sector investments is expected to slow to around 1% next year, from more than 15% annual growth since 2010. BG Group has warned of delays to its projects in Norway, and North Sea offshore oil worker wage growth is a pressing issue.

The oil sector’s capital expenditure has been a key source of Norway’s exceptional growth and low unemployment. In an attempt to maintain this, and reduce the burden on the nation, the new government may look to sell down some of the state’s ownership in Statoil.


Crude oil futures started the week slightly lower than Friday’s multi-month highs, but views continued to differ on whether the long-term view is bullish or bearish. You can read the Journal’s latest oil-markets report here.





Is Jakarta Dangerous?

Joseph Carmichael 11 years ago 0

Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours Singapore presents to you safety tips while travelling in Jakarta, Indonesia. Applicable to any Asian city.

Safety on the road: High
I think that your biggest threat while being in Jakarta will be dealing with motorized vehicles, whether your are walking, in a car, or in a motorcycle. If you take the taxi for instance, you will notice cars don’t have a safety belt in the back. If you take an ojek (moto-taxi), the driver will give you a shitty helmet and drive recklessly, putting your life in danger every second.

How to avoid it: Take silver bird taxis, go in the passenger seat, avoid taking ojeks, be very careful when walking in Jakarta.

Natural Disaster: High
Flood, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis… Jakarta, as the rest of the country, is prone to natural disasters. In fact, according to theNatural Disaster Risk Index, Indonesia is the world’s second most dangerous nation regarding natural catastrophes after Bangladesh. I don’t think it can impact your stay in Jakarta though, because it is something you cannot really protect yourself from. All you can do is cross your finger and hope that everything will be OK.

Terrorism: Medium to High
I don’t know what I should say about terrorism. It happened in Jakarta and Bali, and even though the government is very active in fighting terrorists, we cannot ignore that new bombings could happen again in Jakarta/Indonesia in the future.

The targets of terrorists have always been places frequented by expats, like embassies, night clubs, restaurants or 5-star hotels. A safe precaution therefore is to avoid too crowded areas. Check your home country’s website for current warnings.

Some extremist religious groups have been attacking entertainment venues too, especially during religious times of the year like Ramadan. It is quite rare though and they are more scary than dangerous.

Pickpockets: Medium
It is the most common offence in Jakarta affecting expats: Having a small thing stolen while in a bar (usually a phone) or in a crowd. It is not so common either, but it happened to me with a camera, and it happened to a few of my friends, in particular in Stadium nightclub. I had once a problem with a drink that almost made me pass out… The guy I was with may have put something in it, but I’ll never know that for sure.

Robbery: Medium
I don’t have statistics about robbery, but from what I could observe, it involves most of the time the people working in your house: Maids, cooks, guards. It is usually low value items (in my situation, I had all my cleaning products disappearing…), but very annoying. To avoid any problems, look for staff that has been recommended to you by fellow expats, and pay them more than average.

Scams: High
Getting to pay the right price for things is a challenge in Jakarta when you are or when you look like an expat. Most of the times, it only requires negotiation, but sometimes, it gets tougher. Taxis are usually a pain in the ass: Apart from the reputed Blue Bird and Express brands, many drivers will try to get more from you by using various tricks: No meter, longer routes, fiddled meters. Beware also of “fake” Blue Bird taxis: They look exactly like them but belong to other companies. The danger is not so high, usually you only end up paying a few dollars extra, but in some cases, drivers can get violent (it happened with girls travelling alone)

Some people will warn you about credit card fraud, and you should be cautious about that. The same precaution applies when you want to change money: Always prefer a bank rather than street vendors.

Police: High
Having to deal with the police is one of the worst annoyances in Jakarta for an expat, especially if you own a car or a motorbike. Personally I take a personal pride in never bribing policemen, but to do so you need to be “clean” and have all the appropriate documentation with you (a copy of the passport, driving license, etc..).

Political instability: Low
Many tourists are afraid of the potential instability of Jakarta and Indonesia. I know many people in Malaysia from Chinese descent who refuses to come to Jakarta, because they are scared of what happened during the 1998 riots. I also know many people who are afraid of going to a Muslim country, because they think people won’t be tolerant if they say they are Catholics. I think there is absolutely no reason to be scared. Indonesians are among the most welcoming and tolerant people on earth. Terrorism is only supported by a extremely tiny minority, and you will realize that Indonesia is not the dark, dangerous country some medias are trying to describe.

Health Hazards (Food poisoning, pollution, etc): Average
Jakarta is often dirty and not always very hygienic. It is very easy to get small diseases or asthma. If you are fragile, or if you are travelling with children or elderly people, I would advise you to be prepared to be in a hostile environment. I think if you avoid the most risky situation everything should be OK: No walking, no street food, do wash your hands, peel your fruits, drink bottled water, etc…

Physical assault: Low
It is very uncommon, but it happens. The most often, crime happens in Jakarta among gangs so you shouldn’t have troubles with it. Some clubs in North Jakarta have the reputation to be controlled by mafias, so if you want to be safe, you can start avoiding those

Related Article:

Replace across files stopped working

Anentropic 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1

Sublime Text 2.0.2, build 2221 OS X Mavericks

My 'replace' button has stopped working yesterday. I can Cmd+Shift+F and find the occurrences I want to replace, but when I click the 'Replace' button nothing happens.

I have closed ST2 and reopened it again. I see nothing in the log window when I try to replace.


CS healthcare Westhill Consulting Guide to Consultants

Mathias Finkel 11 years ago 0
Guide to Consultants

This page is designed to provide Consultant/Specialists with guidance on how we apply the terms of the 'your choice' policy in relation to treatment and fees.

Fee Reimbursement
Surgeons Fees - this is the level of reimbursement for the principal practitioner performing the procedure, which could be a Consultant surgeon, physician, radiologist or anaesthetist. The listed fee will cover all pre and post operative assessments directly associated with a day case or in-patient stay and is also to cover those common variances and complications related to the original surgery or procedure such as:

Bleeding (with the exception of returning to theatre where a further appropriate code may be charged).
Provision of IV fluids and management of medications.
Infection & management of deep vein thrombosis.
Management of catheters and drains.
Removal of sutures and simple wound care.

Anaesthetist Fees – the level of reimbursement for the anaesthetist is to cover a general or regional anaesthetic (including epidurals), the listed fee is to include:

A simple pre-operative assessment.
The induction and maintenance of the anaesthesia, and related life support.
Pain relief post operatively and until discharge.
Intravenous / Central Line Management independent of:
High dependency / Intensive Care / Critical Care up to 24hrs post-operatively.

Epidural for analgesia set up in the period preceding surgery or 24 hours after the surgery will be settled in full according to the listed level of reimbursement.

Local anaesthesia, with or without IV sedation performed by the principal practitioner is covered by code AC100 and will be reimbursed in full in addition to the appropriate procedure code.

Please note: Where a patient requires a separate consultation prior to the admission for surgery, because they have co-morbidities which may need investigating, or discussion as to the type of anaesthesia and aftercare or whether they are suitable for a procedure. Subject to CS Healthcare being notified of the need, this will be covered.

Multiple Procedure Policy
For a single procedure we will pay the 100% customary and reasonable fee according to the required CCSD code and its recognised complexity.

Primary procedure - up to 100% of the listed fee price.
2nd procedure - up to 50% in addition to the primary procedure.
3rd procedure - up to 25% in addition to the primary and second procedure.
For bilateral procedures not identified within a specific CCSD code we will pay 100% of the actual procedure plus an additional 66%.

Critical Care
CS Healthcare policies automatically cover up to 3 days Critical Care following an elected pre-authorised procedure, the first 24 hours being covered within the listed procedure fee, and the further two days can be billed separately. Beyond this period the Managed Care Team at CS Healthcare must be contacted for further advice. They can be contacted on 020 8410 0440.

Other information
'Standby' Fees: These are billed for surgeons and anaesthetist who may need to intervene in an event of an emergency, where appropriate, these fees will be reimbursed according to the correct CCSD code.

Second Consultant: If out of medical necessity there is the need for a second consultant to assist during a procedure, please contact the Managed Care Team for assistance, and consideration for reimbursement can be given. Fees for a surgical assistant are not covered. If a second Consultant is to be present during a theatre time to perform a separate procedure under the same anaesthetic then they will be reimbursed accordingly using the allocated CCSD code.

Where there is no CCSD code appropriate to the procedures / surgery that is required: We are aware that on occasions there might not be a CCSD code appropriate to the procedure or surgery which needs to be performed – in these instances please provide the details to the Managed Care Team, who can be contacted on 020 8410 0440. Where you have a procedure which is likely to be performed on a regular basis and there is not a code you should inform the hospital that you are performing the procedure in, or member of the CCSD group at CCSD Project Office, c/o Westhill Consulting, Amadeus House, Floral Street, London, WC2E 9DP - or via their web site at www.ccsd.org.uk or by email at

Experimental Treatment & Clinical Trials
CS Healthcare policies do not cover experimental treatment, unlicensed drugs or Clinical Trials. We do however cover cases where we would have covered an established procedure, up to a similar financial limit, providing a clear treatment plan is submitted to CS Healthcare, and we have the consent of the patient that they fully understand the nature of their treatment. Please contact the Managed Care Team for further advice on 020 8410 0440.

CS Healthcare will settle invoices directly to each provider within 28 days of receipt of the invoice by cheque; however, if you prefer BACS transfer we are happy to pay by this method.

To receive payment from CS Healthcare you will need to be recognised by us and added to our provider system. Therefore if you have not already received payments from CS Healthcare, you will have to provide us with a CV outlining your career, including your GMC number, your Consultants post and hospitals to which you have admitting rights; and as outlined above your preferred method of payment, and your billing address.

Co-payments & Excesses
Some CS Healthcare policy holders will have opted for a co-payment or excess arrangement in return for paying cheaper premiums, in a situation such as this any sum which we are not able to pay will be detailed on the payment advice sheet sent by us. The patient will also be sent information on how much to settle with you.

CS Healthcare makes every effort to avoid our members having a shortfall on the levels of fee reimbursement, Where a fee cannot be paid in full because there is not a reason related to a medical necessity or major complications not normally covered by the surgeons or anaesthetist fees, you will need to liaise with your patient directly for the outstanding sum. We will have informed the policy holder of any shortfall that is their liability.

All CS Healthcare members must contact us prior to any, consultations investigations or treatment to enable us to confirm if benefit is available. They will then receive a Pre-Authorisation Certificate out-lining the terms of their insurance for each procedure they undergo. This certificate clearly states what level of fees we would expect to reimburse for each procedure.

command to switch to corresponding header that works when the header is in a different folder

smealum 12 years ago updated by David S 11 years ago 3

command to switch to corresponding header that works when the header is in a different folder


please support MQL4 in sublime test please

Qin Hao 12 years ago 0

please support MQL4 in sublime test please.

MQL4 is metaquote language


Crown International NSA spying: "hiccough" in international relations, or lasting damage?

cofeymeyt 11 years ago 0

Fresh allegations have surfaced about US spying activities in Europe. The Spanish press are reporting that the National Security Agency may have been monitoring up to 60 million calls in a month. Meanwhile Germany is sending intelligence chiefs to Washington for discussions over the admission that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone may have been tapped for a decade. VoR’s Tom Spender reports. - voiceofRussia

Following allegations of mass spying against Germany, France and Italy, it’s now being reported that Spain was also targeted by the Americans, who are said to have secretly monitored 60 million phone calls there in a month.

Spain | On Monday the Spanish government summoned the US ambassador for an explanation and said the spying was “unacceptable between friends”. Martin Roberts, a freelance journalist in Madrid, says there is so far no suggestion that current Spanish government ministers have been spied on – although ministers from previous governments may have been.

And he says most people’s main concern is the continuing recession in the country.

….the crown international affair

Germany | But while reaction in Madrid has been muted, German anger is continuing to mount. Over the weekend new allegations surfaced that the chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone may have been tapped for a decade. And in a rare public statement, America’s NSA denied it had told US President Barack Obama directly that it was eavesdropping on Mrs Merkel.

Mrs Merkel is dispatching intelligence chiefs to Washington to demand more answers. On Sunday, Der Speigel magazine published details of what it said was a sophisticated listening post hidden in an anonymous-looking structure on the roof of the American embassy in Berlin.

The embassy is located in Pariser Platz, within sight of the German parliament and government ministries. The listening post is reportedly able to monitor much of all mobile phone communication in the government quarter. Dr James Boys is an American policy expert at Kings College London.

He says it’s embarrassing for the US but most countries use their embassies around the world to gather data. However, Dr Boys says that in future, host countries may place restrictions upon the locations of foreign embassies over spying concerns. With the list of countries targeted for spying growing almost by the day, pressure is mounting on the US government.

Japan, China | A Japanese news agency has reported that the US asked it for help in monitoring fibre optic cables carrying data to the Asia-Pacific region in a bid to spy on China. Japan is said to have refused, citing legal restrictions and a shortage of personnel. However, US  members of Congress have suggested Germany in particular should not be surprised it is being spied upon because the 9/11 hijackers were able to hatch their plot while living in the north German city of Hamburg.

But James Boys says the spying affair is a “hiccough” in transatlantic relations rather than a long-term crisis. Last week, EU leaders said that US spying activity against friendly countries could damage trust harm and the fight against terrorism.  And Germany and Brazil – which was also targeted – are leading efforts to pass a United Nations resolution condemning excessive spying and invasion of privacy.


Explorer integration to "Open in Sublime"

David Bates 13 years ago updated by Erik Anderson 11 years ago 1
Would love, on the windows side, a right click context menu entry kind of like what E has to "open as project"

As I usually use this method to sort my projects, that would be right awesome.. would make it much faster to open up rather the "Browse" window with Open Folder.. sometimes that takes a long time.. 

Sublime SFTP

mm256 11 years ago 0

Is it possible to set a scheduled upload and retry a number of times on failure?


Extend autocomplete api to send something like

audrius 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
for x in elements:
sugs.append({"trigger": "Google " + x.attrib["data"], "contents": x.attrib["data"]})
return sugs

The essence of a manager

dollah chick 11 years ago 0
As an avid activist for a distance of sports, visit many places where people sweat runs out in the service of their health. Zwiedzam them, because I like to watch others tire:) And soon to join them.

I've always been attracted to combat sports. I did so recently a practical review of the styles in which people struggle with each other. And I came across MMA.

Here I saw the hardest. On their faces clearly etched "molluscs are loitering!". Air until dense from the adrenaline.

And in their midst: boss of it all-coach. But, but-he doesn't look like a tough guy. Kind of has a broken nose, but back thinner truck. And somehow calm. Maybe it is the substitute?

Here We Go! The trainer shows the first grip by translating "you catch an opponent for stem, flip it to Bacon, then hold down the handle." I am in shock. What Bacon? What handle? I wasn't expecting this, it will throw the students on the walls, but LEG?!? I think I was right: proxy.

An hour later I had no doubt, however, that the guy is a warrior. Firmly, without hesitation he seemed, by teaching others what he can. He did it at the same time with a lot of respect for the other, carefully listening to what they need. The authority for many a manager could envy.

What's the secret to the authority of the boss? In how it looks? As it says? How much is experienced?

What is the essence of the Manager? What is your essence? Courage in making the decision? Bold vision? Niezłomność policy? Think what You appreciate reports. Or what would you like to be appreciated. And peel it for dating.

Not enough knowledge of management techniques, master. It obviously helps. It is necessary, in order to be effective.

But what really stands out and makes you believable, it's your personal figure. You might want to have something of his, what to keep, even though I do not know what.

What is your essence?

Additional Notes:


OECD urges reforms - The Michael Shearin Group Morgan Stanley

Franchesca Tenebaum 11 years ago 0
OECD urges reforms to avoid era of sluggish growth

The world risks slipping into an era of slower growth and high unemployment unless governments push ahead with sweeping structural reforms, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development warned ahead of this weekend’s talks between G20 finance ministers and central bankers in Sydney.

In a report published on Friday, the Paris-based group became the latest to warn that failure to reform is costing growth. Earlier this month the International Monetary Fund said aggressive reforms could add $2.25tn to the size of the global economy by 2018.

The OECD said the pace of reform had slowed over the past two years. This is leaving emerging economies vulnerable to the tightening of monetary policy as the financial crisis abates, exposing some European countries to persistently high unemployment, it cautioned.

This warning was echoed by the US, which pushed back against the concerns of emerging countries – expected to dominate the G20 talks – over the Federal Reserve’s decision to taper its quantitative easing programme.