Insurance commissioner Stewart provides tips for confirming health coverage

valetine deslauriers fa 11 anys 0
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and the Delaware Department of Insurance have some tips for confirming coverage if you still haven't received proof of insurance from your insurance company.

Since open enrollment began Oct. 1, insurance companies have had some difficulties that have prevented the companies from being able to enter new numbers into their systems. Consumers should contact their insurance company to verify coverage. Insurance commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart stated, "The insurance company will be able to verify if you are indeed enrolled in a plan or not." When you speak to your insurance company, take detailed notes of the conversation. Include the date and time that the conversation took place, and the name of the representative. Hold on to copies of any written communication you received from your insurance company such as emails or letters as you may need these materials later.
If you have yet to purch
ase coverage but are planning on buying insurance through the federal Health Insurance Marketplace, print out any paperwork or confirmations that you receive during the enrollment process. If you do not have a printer save digital copies of forms or take "screenshots" of any confirmation numbers or account numbers.
Individuals have until March 31, to enroll in a health insurance plan in order to meet the Affordable Care Act's "individual mandate" without incurring a penalty or fee from the IRS.

Make the code complete better!?

Tran Quang Vinh fa 13 anys 0

When i type a tag in html and i close it, i must type the close tag.

When i type a function in php, the auto-complete does not show up


Super+Shift+[ and Super+Shift+] (go to right tab, go to left tab) don't work with Russian keyboard layout selected on Mac OS X

Roman Vorushin fa 14 anys 0
If I have English keyboard layout selected, I can switch between tabs with Cmd-Shift-[, Cmd-Shift-]. But when I have Russian layout selected, these combinations don't work (I believe because of the different characters linked to [] buttons).

Have the ability to execute builds and supply dynamic properties through the Command Palette.

Jason Hatton fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
For build systems like Ant, Maven, and Gradle it is very common to supply various targets or tasks to the build system depending on your workflow, not to mention switches to change default behavior.  This is something that is not well support by having the build-system configuration file be the only source for defining build tasks.  I think having a Command Palette build command is a very useful built-in feature at a basic level and then have it support dynamic arguments would be really useful. 

Piano roll editor

Дмитрий Алмазов fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
It would be nice if piano roll (like in Aptana 2) effect present in editor section.

Not properly closed HTML tags

cresus18 fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
Suppose you have a P tag like this:

<p<?php if($foo) echo ' class="foo"'; ?>>

Trying to close it using the keyboard shortcut 'Alt+.' will insert </p<?php> instead of </p>

Configuration file format enhancement

pmaupin fa 11 anys 0
RSON is a more human readable/writable superset of JSON.  (The RSON parser parses JSON fine)


Command line parameter to hide sidebar

Sander fa 12 anys 0
I use Sublime Text in 2 ways: 1) Projects (software dev); 2) Quick editing (sysadmin). 

In scenario 1 the sidebar is mandatory for me. In scenario 2, I'd rather not see it. 

It would be great if the initial state of the sidebar could be set with a parameter.


Pressing Ctrl+3 with only two groups visible crashes sublime

temp01 fa 14 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 14 anys 1
With view set to dual view (vertical), pressing Ctrl+3 or Ctrl+4 crashes the editor.
Jon Skinner fa 14 anys
Fixed in build 2027

PHP inside HTML and Javascript

it would be nice to have php syntax highlight inside <? ?> tags, see:
tracker.addVisitorProperty('name','<?php echo str_replace("'","",$this->identity()->fullName); ?>');

insides of <? ?> are not standing out.


Commas in Clojure should always be recognized as whitespace

David Foster fa 11 anys actualitzat fa 11 anys 1

The following code is legal yet Sublime's highlighting warns that it is not:

Image 253


Could the new British Gas efficiency tool help you save hundreds of pounds on bills? Or is it a gimmick?

jaden allenie fa 11 anys 0


How does the British gas tool work?

The tool works via a questionnaire, which asks you basic questions about your financial situation and your home to fit you in to one of three categories - low income, living in a hard-to-treat home or potential Green Deal customer.

Here's how it works:

First, provide your postcode and flag up whether you are currently on any benefits.

If the answer is yes, you will be sent to another page letting you know that you could be eligible for free insulation under the ECO.

It then provides you with a number to call, or you can request a call-back, to fin out more and see if you qualify for a free survey of your home.

If your answer is no, you will be asked several questions to find out if you could have a 'hard-to-treat home' under another part of the ECO. Again you could be eligible for a free survey.

If you don't qualify for either, you will be directed to a page with an explanation about the Green Deal. You can also organise an assessor visit for £129.

For an explanation of what the Green Deal and ECO offer, see the box below.


Green Deal

The Green Deal allows households to pay for energy efficiency improvements using a loan they later repay through their energy bills. 

As part of the incentive's golden rule, the savings you make on your fuel bills through any improvements should not be outweighed by the loan repayments you make through your bill - but this is not guaranteed.

The improvements can also be self-financed but the scheme allows those that sign up to claim cashback on some improvements.

For example, simple draught-proofing measures will earn £50, double or triple glazing could make you up to £320 and solid wall insulation pays as much as £650.

Energy Company Obligations

The ECO is split into three different schemes which are all funded by money from the 'big six' energy providers.

The Affordable Warmth Obligation funds improvements such as boiler replacement and repair, and insulation for those that qualify through means testing.

The Carbon Saving Obligation helps fund insulation on internal, external and hard-to-treat cavity walls where the costs would be cripplingly expensive.

Under the ECO there is also a Carbon Saving Communities Obligation, which aims to provide 100 per cent funding for insulation for the bottom 15 per cent most deprived and rural areas in the UK.

Read more:




Left/Right arrow keys should exit Find mode.

Heather Arthur fa 12 anys 0
It would be nice if pressing the left/right arrow keys exited out of selection mode and set the cursor to the left/right of the current selection during a Find operation.

TextMate does this, for an example.

Westhill Consulting - WHY WORK WITH U.S.?

lidia pinto fa 11 anys 0

The success of our Clients

Our clients through our projects experiencing measurable business results, such as an increase in rankings or awards for exceptional quality.Deutsche Bank: ranked Friendly Bank NEWSWEEK,increased its position from 22 to 7th place.Polish Airlines:best airlinein Central and Eastern Europe, in the category of high standards of customer service.DB Schenker: emblemInvestor in Human Capital.Financial House QS:The Golden Customer Laurelin 2008, 2009 and 2010.comprehensively support our clientsin the areas of our expertise with the client move the process .We carry out projects from managing change, implementing staff analysis of potential employees in the required fields (such as internal coaches), managing the design team creating Standards Manual, to the training.Ethics is a core value for usWe teach only those methods of communication with customers and coaching that are transparent ethically.They have no manipulation, tricks and activities designed to create a one-off effect.kind of work we know our customersare reliable for the participants, because we know their work (almost) as good as they do!Why?We achieve this by the fact that one of the first stages of a project is always a clear understanding of the specifics of project participants.We look at their work, learn about the products, the tools they use, talk with them and their clients.Training is always exactly based on the daily realities of the work of the participants, based on the specific products and topics of conversation that they face every day.More energy implementation activities!Our customers expect us to effect this consistency and discipline Implementation causes permanent changes.We do not give customers peace after the end of training.We know that acquiring new knowledge and skills is more attractive than the consistent application of its work.However, the latter gives a real return and ensure success.

Why not give the UN and Ban Ki-moon a chance?

ayaquinn869 fa 11 anys 0

You have to admit that the timing of the Russian ploy to trip up (or at least drag President Obama’s feet on) — any US bombing of Moscow ally Syria was exquisite. I for one would now not only want to avoid playing Russian roulette with Vladimir Putin but also would stay out of a high-stakes all-night poker game with him. 

Contemporary historians will now feel required to reassess the quality of the diplomacy of the Putin government. At the moment it does not looks so heavy-footed or even particularly un-artful, does it?

The proposal pushed into prominence is that Damascus consign its chemical stocks to international authority. This came on the eve of expected US Congressional votes on Obama’s proposed punishment of the Assad government’s evident use of chemical weapons inside Syria. The result is to delay that vote pending clarification of the Russian position, and move the world spotlight to the negotiating battlefields of Geneva – and the United Nations in New York. 

To be honest, I couldn’t be happier about this development. Count me as among one of the gazillions of Americans with general growing doubts about the efficacy of US military power to deal with issues that are either primarily political or do not directly threaten US national security. 

There is no question that we could get away with a bombing run or missile shower into Syria. But the main achievement might be only to show further disrespect for the role of the UN Security Council as the primary legitimate international sanctioneer of the use of force against any given sovereign state. 



ransom fa 13 anys 0


{ "trigger": "input", "contents": "<input>" },

it's not really enough see: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp

No hints on: <input type="{ctr+space}" />

Format should include: <input />

to be self closing and more xhtml compliant

{ "trigger": "input", "contents": "<input type=\"$SELECTION$1\" name=\"$2\"value=\"$3\" />" },

would be a good start to a replacement.

inputtext selecting text before hitting tab would then work. Must be done backwards, Forwards selection from first T to last T in text for example should work as well but will fail.  Control+section should work in thought and doesn't in practice.

input.test text should also work but doesn't. 

I know this could be more than one bug report but it's a bit related and I'm tired. 


Clicking a submenu in the the syntax chooser doesn't work on linux

Jacob Ferrero fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 0
I can't click the syntax chooser in the bottom right, hover over the Python submenu, and then click Python.  I must pres enter over it.

Debian Linux 64-bit.

The Elm Street Group at Morgan Stanley: Client Service Team

Amandine Petre fa 11 anys 0
Clare M. Cail

Senior Registered Associate
tel: (603) 629-0270
fax: (603) 624-8199

Professional Details
- Joined Morgan Stanley in 2000
- Over 12 years of security industry experience
- BS - English Education
Plymouth State College
Plymouth, NH
- Series 6, 7, 63, 65 Licensed


Bryant Trombly

Portfolio Management Associate
tel: 603.629.0263
fax: 603.624.8199

Professional Details
- Joined Morgan Stanley in 2011
- 3 years Industry experience
- BS-Environmental & Resource Economics
University of New Hampshire
- Currently pursuing MBA in Finance
Southern New Hampshire University
- Series 7, 66 Licensed


Christine E. Hughes

Registered Marketing Associate
tel: (603) 629-0269
fax: (603) 624-8199

Professional Details
- Joined Morgan Stanley in 2011
- Over 8 years in the Finance Industry
- BS- Business Administration
Southern New Hampshire University
- Graduate level work
MBA with a Certificate in Accounting
Southern New Hampshire University
- Series 7, 6, 63 Licensed
- www.linkedin.com/pub/christine-hughes/85/904/249/

Find Out More:
Michael Shearin at The Elm Street Group
Elm Street Group at Morgan Stanley


Editing a file in two panes - newlines mess with view

rekamso fa 13 anys actualitzat fa 13 anys 1
  1. Open a file in two panes.
  2. Scroll to the bottom in one pane, then edit at the top in the other pane.
  3. Watch as the code you so desperately wanted to see is pushed out of view in the secondary pane due to lines being added in the editing pane.
Emacs doesn't do this, pretty sure VI doesn't either.