Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


OCCATIONAL BOOKINGS: Westhill Consulting Rooms

Michele Rouze fa 10 anys 0
Occasional bookings:
£14.50 an hour
Regular bookings:
weekly hours:
1-4 £13.70 an hour
5-9 £12.95 an hour
10-14 £12.20 an hour
15-19 £11.45 an hour
20-24 £10.70 an hour
25 and more £ 9.95 an hour

£20.00 an hour
£120.00 a day

All prices include VAT

Welcome: Westhill House HighGate Consulting Rooms
The consulting rooms are located in West Hill House, a quiet building in Swain's Lane, set back from the road. Swain's Lane is one of Highgate's most charming streets. It is within 50 metres of Hampstead Heath and with easy access to bus, train and underground. Local restaurants and cafés add to the friendly, village atmosphere.


Autocomplete with TAB does not work when inside a snippet

Κώστας Καραχάλιος fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 2
When initiating a snippet (eg def<tab> in a Ruby file), the autocompletion with the tab key does work properly (instead, it triggers inside the snippet).

SublimeText2 - 2165

Ability to separate colors of fix size...

Muhlis Murat Akay fa 13 anys 0

Ability to separate colors of fix size.. For example; in some ASCII formatted files, first 34 chars mean header with color1, 1024 chars mean message data with color2, 12 chars mean tail with color3. I couldn't find this. is there any way to do this?


New panes should inherit preferences from parent/first pane when changing layout.

Finbarr Taylor fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 0
When changing layout, e.g., from 1 column to 2 column, the newly added column does not seem to inherit the preferences from the parent column.  For example, word wrap, ruler display, tab size, etc.

Launch in...

Andres Garcia fa 12 anys 0
Shouldn't there be a way to launch code in different browsers? Sort of how Notepad++ does it (in Chrome, IE, Firefox, etc.)

right click context menu include command palette command items

jaychou fa 12 anys 0

it would be great if you guys add command palette menu when right clicking above blocked / selected text so I can easily add comment block or line

thank you


moving folded blocks

Khalis Totorkulov fa 12 anys actualitzat fa 12 anys 0
If I try Ctrl+Up or Down on a line to which code block was folded it does something strange.
Expected behavior would be to move that line Up or Down, while it is still folded.

SublimeEdit is behaving like TextMate: Cmd + T is slow

Brad Gessler fa 13 anys updated by Jon Skinner fa 13 anys 0
On dev build 2052 Cmd + T on the mac is really slow and the dreaded "beach ball" is displayed.
Jon Skinner fa 13 anys
Resolved in 2053

Differentiate HTML Tag

Alexander Elisenko fa 13 anys 0

It would be great if the syntax highlighting for HTML tags could differentiate between tags. For example have all the HTML tags associated with forms in a different color then the rest of the tags for easy code browsing.


Softer wrapping

Oktay Acikalin fa 13 anys 0

Normally if "Word Wrap" is enabled, everything gets wrapped at a certain column.

The idea is to have a switch to enable softer wrapping. This would not break words or lines of dashes / asterisks which are too big for the rest of the line. It would only break on word_separators. One could then modify this var if necessary - e.g. not breaking ascii tables.
A problem which I see here is that Sublime would somehow have to guess how big the paragraph is or something like that.

Another idea would be the possibility to mark certain lines as unwrappable - either via syntax definition or view commands.

Personally I kind of prefer the latter one.