Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Add an entry in .theme-settings for currently active view tab

Adam Lemmon 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 0

To help differentiate between active views in different groups. Currently the active view tab color is a global setting. You can set the active view tab color to help distinguish it from inactive tabs, but there is no way to easily tell which group is the currently active view. This should have its own setting so as to be customizable.


VXML and CCXML Support

Cameron Yeager 11 years ago 0

I have always loved Sublime Text, and am getting into IVR, and while the regular XML support that is provided in Sublime Text is getting me by for now, it would be nice to have full CC/VXML support, for some of the custom tags that are defined, as well as the getting code highlighting for the javascript inside the XML.


Right click folder in side bar-> search this folder

Jeff Yeo 14 years ago updated by Oktay Acikalin 14 years ago 4
Like a subset of find in project.
I know there's different ways to do this. But I think this would be really convenient.

Curly brace background color

jeffhatz 12 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 12 years ago 1
When the caret is inside of a function, the "caret" color is used to underline the opening and closing curly braces. However, this is not terribly easy to see to quickly see the associated braces. It would be nice if the "lineHighlight" color could be used as a background behind the curly brace.

Navigation history

rdeangelis 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 0
It would be nice to have a navigation history for the open files. So each time I select a file it will be put in the navigation stack. So that with a short-cut like strg+alt+left or strg+alt+right it is possible to navigate between the last open (visited) file.  
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
Ctrl+Tab does this

class names or theme components list

isomorph 0 11 years ago updated by alice monday 7 years ago 3

where the hell can one find a complete list of all the theme components (classes) and their respective configurable attributes?  i've been wasting an hour googling to find just a few examples here and there, but basically nothing telling me what the full set of configurable theme component might be and all their possible values. i mean, seriously, don't the developers keep docs or something. (and yes i went to the official and unofficial docs page, both of which are a joke in terms of the depth of detail available. i am seriously pissed off--when i write code, i document everything, down to the single smallest detail possible, no matter how stupid it seems at the time regardless of all the hooting and jeering that causes from the crowd of the "it is so 'obvious' that no one will ever need to read up on it." wrong! you never know what kind of user or coder noob might use your software later and who would find an exhaustive documentation quite useful. s/he'll thank you for it. or curse you if it's missing, and rightly so. in other words, if you are gonna do something, why do a 1/2-assed job when you can give a 110%? i never understood this shoddy attitude. perfection, man. perfection.  if jobs hadn't strived for it, you macbook would suck as bad as a Lenovo Thinkpad. think about that for a moment, you goddam slackers.)

anyway, rant over--this is what i am talking about:



        "class": "name_of_theme_component",

        "configurable_property": "desired_value",

        "another_property": "desired_value"



        "class": "another_theme_component",

        "configurable_property": "desired_value"




selection-expand to line

svalere 11 years ago 0

in selection menu the shortcut for 'Expand to line' is not there, and 'Super+l' does not work, yet it is included in the Key Bindings - Default?


Install and run subl from .deb file on a headless server

Michael Kropat 11 years ago 0
Basically I just want to be able to do this:

ssh -fX subl -w

But after installing Sublime Text 3 from the .deb file on a headless Ubuntu server, subl fails to run, printing out many lines about missing libraries:

$ subl 2>&1 | awk '{ print $NF }' | sort | uniq<br>

I can manually install the depencies with:

$ sudo apt-get install libcairo2 libgtk2.0-0 libpango1.0-0
Then it works. But it would be easier if the depencies were listed in the .deb file, so I don't have to figure out the names of all the required packages each time I install Sublime Text on a new server.

As you can see, there are no dependencies listed currently:

$ dpkg-deb --info sublime-text_build-3059_amd64.deb 
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 6253946 bytes: control archive= 313 bytes.
     247 bytes,     8 lines      control              
 Package: sublime-text
 Version: 3059
 Architecture: amd64
 Maintainer: Sublime HQ <>
 Section: editors
 Priority: optional
 Description: Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
 Installed-Size: 14200

Right-click preview tab to make it a real (permanent) tab

Andrew Culver 11 years ago 0
Before I knew about double-clicking to open a file NOT in preview mode, I instinctively tried to solve the problem by right-clicking on the tab hoping to find a menu item to do that (you know, in addition the "Close, Close other tabs, Close tabs to the right, etc." menu. Maybe others would do the same and lower their learning curve.

django, html and javascript code all in one recognition please :)

Christopher Stone 9 years ago 0

I am developing a project in Django... the only thing is, Django can use multiple formats in one file... for example it has tags that work in the html document that look like this {{variable}}.

It also has tags like this {% load staticfiles %} and {% extends 'base.html' %}...

html can also run javascript code within <script> tags but when html syntax highlighting is selected in the view menu, none of the javascript shows up correctly...

The opposite happens when you choose javascript syntax highlighting in the view menu, javascript shows up but not html...

Don't get me wrong, I think you have done an amassing job to make this super editor...

I would like to suggest that you add a Django code highlighting syntax to your already extensive list to make a mixed mode highlighting of all the different coding languages that Django, and maybe other languages use...

I hope you find this information constructive

Thanks in advance

Kind regards
