Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Multi-monitor / Multi-window support

Tim College 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
I have two monitors.  Right now (build 2190) opening a second window by dragging a tab and dropping creates a second window that is very much a lower-class citizen.  It doesn't have access to the project of the first window, which I think is the root issue for all other problems I've had.

I would love to have a second window open, without the sidebar, just for more code.

It sorta works right now, but the builder loses some references to the project/folder variables, if you close the second window after closing the primary window, subsequent launches open with no active project, and a few other little annoyances.


OSX: Clicking on a backgrounded window should bring it to the foreground and nothing else

adzenith 14 років тому оновлено Agostino Carandente 13 років тому 4
In OS X, when you click on a backgrounded window the window typically gets pulled to the fore and does nothing else. Currently in ST2 clicking on a backgrounded window will change your selection etc. in addition to pulling it into the foreground.

Project specific encoding like in Eclipse

Ari Palo 13 років тому оновлено Félix Delval 12 років тому 1
I really would need an option to "force" encoding for files. I think the most logical solution would be project / folder specific encoding. That one could override in "Save As" dialog. 

My Mac always saves files as UTF-8, but my team works with ISO-8859-1 encoding. I think this project specific "force encoding" method would solve the problem.

Add 'copy filename / filepath' in context menu on file tab

Leigh Garland 13 років тому оновлено Eric Perez 13 років тому 2
I very frequently need to use the filename / path in the contents of other files. Being able to simply right-click / cmd-click the tab, and click 'copy...' to get the filename or full file path would be very useful.

Find/Quick Add Next consistent with highlighted occurrences

pornel 13 років тому оновлено 0xeedfade 12 років тому 2

In a document like that:

bar foobarbaz bar foo bar

If I double-click "bar" I see words highlighted (outlined) based on whole-word find (very nice!)

[bar] foobarbaz [bar] foo [bar]

But then when I invoke "Quick Add Next" a few times I get different selection based on substring match:

bar foobarbaz bar foo bar

Notice that "bar" fragment in "foobarbaz" is unexpectedly selected, even though it hasn't been highlighted as a match before.

I wish those two features were aligned. Specifically I'd like to have "Quick Add Next Whole-Word Match" option, so it'd only select words I can already see highlighted.

Whole-word Quick Add Next is also very useful for renaming variables within a function, but currently it only works reliably when the name doesn't match substring (e.g. can't rename "i" variable, even though whole-word match would do well).

I wouldn't mind a bit of magic here too - use whole-word Quick Add if whole word is selected, and use substring if selection doesn't end on word boundaries.


Save code folding between instances.

Chris Lee 13 років тому оновлено Andy Mercer 9 років тому 3
The code folding feature is nice in Sublime Text 2 but I wan't to be able to save that for the next time I open Sublime Text 2 so that I don't have to refold what I already had folded last time I closed the program.

Support the Arabic language

Merouane KHALILI 12 років тому 0

I think the only thing missing Sublime Text 2 is the Arabic language support


Coloring the folders and files in the project sidebar

Yarden Sachs 13 років тому оновлено Alan Woo 13 років тому 1
When working with a huge repository - one has no way to set a distinction between all the irrelevant files and folder, and the relevant ones, for that day or session.

i suggest that you could color the folders and files. so that you could mark them as relelvant, and they could stand out for easy distinction.
the colors settings will reflect in the tabs also.

Option to show current file in status bar

aristidesfl 13 років тому оновлено Daniele Orlando 13 років тому 3
Being in fullscreen, without tabs or sidebar, there is no way of knowing which file is currently being displayed.
An option to display the path and name of the current file would be very useful.

Printing and pretty-printing required

Yuri Robbers 12 років тому 0

Printing - and preferably even pretty-printing - is an absolute must for me. Such a pity an otherwise more or less perfect editor can't print. I find myself continuously needing to go to other programs in order to do something so basic. University require hardcopies of all source code, analyses, etc. to be archived. 

I do not think an editor that cannot do something so elementary as printing warrants $59.