Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Can no longer "delete" or "rename" a file via the command pallete (since upgrading to v3)

Simon East 11 років тому 0

I'm pretty sure I could "rename" and "delete" a file from the command palette in Sublime 2, but it doesn't appear possible in v3.  Is this a regression?  Or a deliberate change?



gruner terry 11 років тому 0

Legacy Foundation in partnership with Fuñdación Progresar in Guatemala completed a TRAINING OF TRAINERS in Solola Guatemala from 12-16th November 2012. Fifteen EcoLeña producers learned how to conduct biomass briquette training and are now available to provide comprehensive training services in Mesoamerica and Latin America, through Fundación Progreser.
This TOT was built upon the recently completed intensive biomass briquette producer's training from 16-21 April in Tecpan Guatemala with 20 participants from Sacapulas, Quichè, Coban, Huehuetenango, Altaverapaz and San Marcos. Participants also included INAB staff (the National Department of Forest Conservation). Then after the participants were producers for over six months, several producers were selected to become EcoLeña trainers. Both trainings have been a solid start to the development of EcoLeña producers and trainers in the region.

The strong connection between the project and the Maya respect for Mother Earth and its resources was profound and brought us all together even though we were speaking at least 5 different languages during both of the training events.
The challenge now will be to ensure that the information spreads, that the technology remains appropriate and that the development of skills in briquette making grows.

Richard Stanley and Peter Stanley (photographer) with the support of Josh Vinlove as translator visited some of the production sites at the end of June 2012 and were pleased to see the great progress being made on the project.

A default Build System for compiling C++ code.

Ghvarick 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
Would like to use this product instead of Visual C++, but cannot find compile .cpp files. Please help

How to set different `build system` for each opened file?

Дмитрий Васильев 12 років тому оновлено FichteFoll 12 років тому 1

Support for alt-codes on Windows

DanM 13 років тому 0

Sublime does not appear to support alt-codes (, a standard Windows text editing feature for entering characters like §.  ( I believe linux may use these too.. )


move only the last cursor created in adjacent line

Mikail Freitas 12 років тому 0
After you create a new cursor in an adjacent line (ctrl + shift + up/down on mac) I think it would be really great if you could move only that last cursor, because sometimes you'll want it to be in a slightly different position.
Say, if after creating that new cursor one would still hold the ctrl + shift keys but pressed left/right, only that last cursor would move.
(I know you can create another cursor in a custom location using the mouse, but I think it could be much faster if it could be done keyboard only).

When closing an unsaved document, the "d" key dismisses the dialog without saving it.

Hrag Chanchanian 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 3

I'd love to have this feature. Nice and simple. I got really used to it from Adobe products, and I think it is likely that users of Adobe products could wind up using SublimeText :)


Tips for Saving Money With Health Care

shvartsaliza 11 років тому 0
HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV) -- Medical bills can creep up quickly for those w­ith and without insurance.
For Kristen Drake every dollar counts. "We spend money as wisely as possible but we are still cutting it pretty close," said Drake.
So close, that none of her bills are for health insurance.
"I try to eat healthy and take good care of myself, but otherwise I just try to hope I don't get sick. I don't go to the doctor," said Drake.
Harrisonburg Ob/gyn Associates office manager Windy Lamoreaux gives a 20 percent discount to those uninsured or paying cash.
"Even with a 20 percent discount, I am sure it would be too expensive," said Drake.
Harrisonburg Ob/gyn Associates also has the option of a payment plan.
"It could be a three month payment plan, it could be a 12-month payment plan, it could be until that bill is paid in full," said Lamoreaux.
She said if cost is an issue, at her office, you can refuse to get some lab work that the doctor recommends.
"We are trying to help you do what you are willing to do, we are not going to force you anything you can't afford," said Lamoreaux.
At Harrisonburg Ob/gyn Associates ,you can also check for medication prices at different pharmacies before you get your prescription.
Before you get any procedure done, Lamoreaux recommends to talk to your provider about costs.
"The last thing you want to do is do the procedure or the lab and after it's over then we have the problem. It is better to be notified ahead of time," said Lamoreaux.
Also, always be sure to double check your bill and ask questions which will help you make sure your insurance company pays what it is supposed to.
Every doctor's office or hospital may have different policies when it comes to payment.


Access command line arguments from plugins

Calvin Rien 13 років тому оновлено Streamlet 9 років тому 2
Script access to the command line arguments used to load a view would allow plugins to handle custom command line parameters.

This would be useful for people trying to integrate Sublime Text with external applications.
Jon Skinner 13 років тому
You can already pass data to plugins from the command line by using the --command argument.

"word wrap column" is applied to search fields

senzo 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 1
It is a bit annoying if for example a long path in the "where" field of the search is wrapped, even if it would be wide enough . Especially if this field is just one line hight.