Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Westhill Consulting Business Testimonials News

Burnell Duffet 11 років тому 0
Registered participants opinions

Subject of the training was very interesting. Conducting classes, although it was extensive in time (3days) nużyło not all the time level of interest in training was very high. more » Agnieszka Gielarowska Junior Advisor European Leasing Fund SA

Taking demonstrated their knowledge and preparation for training. They could encourage participants to actively participate in training and exercises conducted.

The training I was very successful. Many things are communicated in a nice, consistent way. Raised a lot of things from greeting guests, More » Milena Mućka Exposure and the Public Guardian Royal Baths Museum in Warsaw work with visitors, proactive attitude after better communication with people. I liked the combination of the theory, practice relating to interpersonal communication with fun games that also have a bearing on our situation museum employee - Visitors to the museum.

really big plus for motivation, good communication, great preparation and great transmission of information by the teacher Christopher Filarskiego. Keep it up! Good Luck!

I worked with Krzysztof and Mariusz the way of training "Conversations evaluation", organized for the leaders of manufacturing more » Margaret Delk Head of Human Resources Development Polpharma SA
ZF Polpharma SA At the initial stage of discussing a specific subject training, impressed me with your dedication, inquisitiveness and professionalism. From the beginning, explored the internal specifics of working in the plant in order to best prepare the material for the target group
proved to be extremely helpful expectations survey participants and the discussions that We fought to prepare the most appropriate exercises for the workshop.
Trainers are extremely open, create a very welcoming atmosphere during training, establish excellent contact with the participants and activate those less involved. While both have a slightly different style of work (energy bursting Christopher and angelically serene Mariusz :-)) is a great complement. The fact that they work in pairs helps improve the efficiency of training, especially when you need to give guidance to the students to many couples.
would recommend your company Westhill - adjust the scope of training specifically to the needs of the client, work professionally, specifically, and the occasion with great commitment.

I had the pleasure of working with Krzysztof Filarskim and Mariusz Siechowiczem for over a year in the project: Supervision of coaches in the DB SCHENKERinfo. more » Aneta Chlebos Customer Service Center DB SCHENKERinfo Contact Centre's Supervisor
In addition to theoretical knowledge, knowledge of techniques and tools of coaching and managing our sessions also contained what is most important to me: the practice. Many of the exercises, simulations and discussions with the coaching staff allowed me to enter the world efficient coach. Thanks to our meetings, which are fully adapted to my needs and personality, met their strengths and areas for improvement, and I received many valuable tips that will help me in daily work. Each session was an inspiration to me for further action and development.

For More Testimonials:
Youtube video


Add the ability to hit a hotkey combo and run the external Arduino IDE.

Koffee Kommando 11 років тому 0
Notepad ++ can do this. All it does is pass the file over to the Arduino IDE so it can be compiled there. Stino addon for Sublime does not work 100%. It tries to completely replace the use of the Arduino IDE. Notepad ++ approach is so simple and foolproof.

Canadian mining executive freed by Colombian rebels

justynaolya 11 років тому 0

The Canadian’s abduction, originally motivated by conflicts over mining, became “an impulse toward a peace process” said Leon Valencia, a former member of the ELN who is now a leading analyst on the armed conflict and director of the Peace and Reconciliation Foundation. “They [the ELN] were pressuring for demands over mining,” said Mr. Valencia, “and now the act of liberating [Mr. Wober] gives them an entry into negotiations.”

Over the last several months, government and ELN envoys have been in exploratory talks to assess the possibility of peace negotiations. While the agenda of any possible talks remains secret, there is little doubt among those who are familiar with the ELN that the group will put mining on the negotiating table.

“Peace negotiations will certainly include mining,” said Archibishop Monsalve, who is part of a small group of religious leaders who have been discussing potential peace talks with members of the ELN in jails and in the regions where they are active.

The ELN has historically called for social justice for the poor and local control over natural resources. Resource-extraction companies have long been considered their military objectives and the ELN made a practice of bombing oil pipelines and extorting oil companies.

The ELN is a Marxist-Leninist group founded in 1964, with liberation theology underpinnings. With an estimated 2,000 fighters, the ELN still manages to exert control in pockets of the country and inflict damage on civilians, the military and infrastructure. Last weekend, the ELN killed 13 soldiers in an ambush.

The area where Mr. Wober was abducted has a long history of armed conflict between guerrilla, paramilitary and government forces in a decades-long battle over gold deposits. The South Bolivar region is home to an estimated 10,000 traditional miners, who feel squeezed out of their livelihoods as the government grants mining concessions, often to foreign companies. Several Canadian companies have title in the region, and there are almost 50 Canadian mining companies in Colombia, estimates Cesar Diaz, the head of a Colombian mining industry group.

The debate over who gets to control mining resources has reached an apex over the last month as thousands of miners have taken to the streets across Colombia demanding the government stop treating them as “illegal” by granting mining rights in huge swaths of the country to foreign companies. President Santos has been aggressively promoting mining as a pillar of the economy.

This debate may reach the negotiating table in Havana, now that Mr. Wober’s freedom has been granted. “If we want to have an integral peace process, the ELN need to be at the table,” said Mr. Valencia.

The FARC and ELN have been bloody foes at times and co-operated at others. In June, the groups released a joint statement from a secret meeting announcing, in a rare moment of unity, that they wanted to work together to include the ELN in the peace process.

In a communiqué published Tuesday, the ELN said it hoped its gesture of returning Mr. Wober would “contribute to a healthy exchange and support for peace in Colombia.”

A spokesman for Braeval Mining said the company is “greatly, greatly relieved” about Mr. Wober’s release, adding that the Toronto-area man is receiving assistance from Canadian consular officials and will return home “at the earliest opportunity.”

“Gernot does have a wife and a young child and we have every expectation that they want to be united as quickly as possible,” Chris Eby said.



Cmd + H shortcut doesn't work as advertised

Justin Drake 12 років тому 0

On a mac, Clicking on the "Sublime Text 2" menu will reveil the column "Hide Sublime Text 2 (Cmd + H)". However, Cmd + H does not hide Sublime. Instead, it brings up the search-and-replace feature.

I haven't changed the default shortcuts.


Re-instate the app icon in Linux .debs

Vadim Peretokin 14 років тому оновлено australis 13 років тому 6
It seems that at some point in time, the app icon was removed from the .debs - and thus launchers and docks display the generic icon (except those that cached it:

It'd be great if the icon was put back in.

sublime 3 please help

Антон Постнов 9 років тому оновлений 9 років тому 0

Иногда а бывает постоянно, после сохранения ctrl+S, содержимое кода мигает и каждое мигание скролится на строчку вниз

+ иногда файл сам удаляется либо пересохраняется например "filename~1260450940.tmp"

build 3083, stable channel


Matching do...end

Franck Delage 11 років тому 0

It would be nice if we could have the same functionality as "match_brackets", but for the "do...end" syntax in Ruby language.


Westward Group Abrasive Tools sale in Paris

lalebinici 11 років тому 0
Westward Group Abrasive Tools sale in Paris, Abrasive resistant elements for the vents of rotatable drilling tools and method of manufacture US 3358783 A

Dec. 1967 J. RAYNAL ETAL 3 ABRASIVE RESISTANT ELEMENTS FOR THE VENTS OF ROTATABLE DRILLING TOOLS AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE Filed May 18, 1965 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 0 0.1000000 op o\ 8b l3 49b 15a 4a ATTORNEYS Dec. 19, 1967 RAYNAL ETAL 3,358,783

THE VENT ABRASIVE ISTAN LEMENTS FOR F ROTATABLE DR ING TOOLS AND METHOD OF MANU TURE Filed May 18, 1965 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTORS JEAN R4 YNAL SERGE A. GSTALDEB BRUNO Pamela av O 6m ,1! W ATTOgNEYS United States Patent Ofiice 3,358,783 Patented Dec. 19, 1967 3,358,783 ABRASIVE RESISTANT ELEMENTS FOR THE VENTS OF ROTATABLE DRILLING TOOLS AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE Jean Raynal, Serge A. Gstalder, and Bruno Renard, Pau, France, assignors to Societe National des Petroles dAquitaine, Paris, France Filed May 18, 1965, Ser. No. 456,772 Claims priority, application France, June 4, 1964, 976,992; Mar. 2, 1965, 7,649 11 Claims. (Cl. 175-393) ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE A rotatable drilling tool having fluid blades of the full body or ring type with a central input conduit for the passage of drilling fluid under pressure, a head having areas provided with cutting elements and areas without cutting elements alternating with said cutting areas, vents for distributing the drilling fluid opening on to the areas and each being connected to the central conduit; the vents being constituted by elements whose resistance to abrasion is greater than that of the matrix of the tool.

The present invention relates to improvements in rotatable drilling tools having fluid blades, as well as a method of manufacturing a drilling tool of this type.

The invention relates more particularly to rotatable drilling tools having fluid blades of the full body or ring type, comprising a central input conduit or channel for the passage of a drilling fluid under pressure, a head having areas provided with cutting elements, such as diamonds, cutting edges made of tungsten carbide, or even individual cutting blades, and areas without cutting elements, these areas alternating, and the areas without cutting elements being generally located in a rearward position with respect to the areas having the cutting elements, vents for distributing the drilling fluid arranged in the head perpendicularly to said areas, and opening out on to said area provided with cutting elements and/or on the areas without cutting elements, and each connected to the central conduit or channel of the tool.

It is known that the efliciency of such a tool, ie its speed of advance, which is a function of the rotation speed of the tool and of its bearing pressure on the ground, in addition depends on the efficiency of the jet of the drilling fluid which itself depends upon the speed of the drilling fluid at the output of the vent, upon the distance between the lower extremity of the vent and the cutting face, and upon the abrasive properties and the density of the drilling fluid.

In drilling tools of the above mentioned type, the vents do not stand up to the abrasive elfects of the drilling fluid for a suflicient time, so that it is not possible to maintain the jet of fluid at a speed corresponding to its maximum efliciency. Moreover, when the vents are situated in the areas having no cutting elements, which areas are generally rearward of the cutting areas so as to allow the drilling fluid to evacuate the swarf and cuttings, the distance between the lower extremity of the vents and the cutting face is sufliciently large so that the efficiency of the jet is further diminished.

The present invention obviates or minimizes all the above mentioned disadvantages and has for a particular object the production of a drilling tool of the above mentioned type, the vents of which have a resistance which is suflicient to allow the use of a speed for the vents, maximum density and abrasiveuess of the drilling fluid, compatible with the drilling installation, as well as to permit the arrangement of the vents at a minimum distance from the cutting face, which distance must .be kept for a period which is at least as long as the life of the cutting elements of the areas themselves.

To this end, according to the invention, the vents of the rotatable drilling tool having fluid blades are constituted by elements, the resistance to abrasion of which is greater than that of the matrix of the tool and substantially equal to that of the cutting elements.

The elements constituting the vents are preferably embedded in the matrix and extend to the interior of the fluid input conduit or channel, so as to form at least one part of said conduit or channel in its narrow area, and so as to protect the matrix up to an area of the conduit or channel where the speed of the drilling fluid is sufliciently low.

The lower end of each of the vents may protrude beyond the surface of the areas without cutting elements, in which areas said vents are arranged, and are located at a distance from the cutting face which is substantially equal to the distance between the corresponding latitudinal line of the areas provided with cutting elements and the cutting face, i.e. at a distance which is substantially equal to the height of the arrangement of the actual cutting elements themselves.

Not a bug

Tab key still autocompleting on its own

chaiguy 13 років тому оновлено Jon Skinner 12 років тому 4
There appears to be some leftover code from the old autocomplete implementation still active because the tab key will occasionally attempt to complete the word before it, making it impossible for me to insert tabs.

Tab should only accept autocompletes when the autocomplete dialog is open, allowing me to escape out of that and insert tabs normally.
Jon Skinner 13 років тому
This is by design. The behavior can be controlled with the tab_completion file setting.

vintage mode copy should go into normal copy buffer too

Pat 12 років тому оновлений 12 років тому 1

I like to alternate between normal copy/paste (especially copying inside of ST and pasting into, for example, the browser) and vintage mode copy/paste. The problem is that vintage mode doesn't put the copied text in the clipboard, so I can't paste it with Ctrl+V (and even worse, my clipboard monitor tool can't pick up the copy).

I understand that there are multiple buffers for copy/paste in vim. I suggest always putting copied text into the clipboard as well as any particular buffer specified by the user. In essence, this would mean that paste (in any application) would always paste the content from the latest copy command, however it was performed.