Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


View.is_visible() method

Oktay Acikalin 14 років тому оновлений 14 років тому 2
I've a bunch of plugins which react on the on_load event. But this is not necessary if the view is not visible (yet!). If it gets visible, the on_activated event is being triggered. If one have multiple panes it would be much more efficient to only process visible views for e.g. text highlighting. This way especially big files would not hog the cpu when not visible and thus not needed yet.

Enable Ruby scripting/plugins

Stian Håklev 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
I know a lot of the internals are built on Python, but if you opened an API for scripting with Ruby, I think it would attract a larger number of plugin contributors etc. 

Horizontal Triple Pane Layout

Oktay Acikalin 14 років тому оновлений 14 років тому 1
Due to the fact that I prefer horizontal text panes more than vertical ones, I've used the "Horizontal Double Pane Layout" for quite some time. But today I needed more so I tried to create one and it worked out fine. Sadly for some unknown reason I cannot use super+alt+shift+3 on OSX so I used super+alt+3.

Here's the keymap code:
    "keys": ["super+alt+3"],
    "caption": "Horizontal Triple Pane Layout",
    "command": "set_layout",
        "cols": [0.0, 1.0],
        "rows": [0.0, 0.33, 0.66, 1.0],
        "cells": [[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2], [0, 2, 1, 3]]

Make keyboard shortcuts display correctly for international keyboard layouts

Alexander Gödde 11 років тому 0

I'm German, and using Sublime Text with a German keyboard (no surprise there).

This means that  a lot of the keyboard shortcuts are simply displayed wrong,   e.g toggle comment  is shown as "control + /" whereas on the German keyboard I actually need to use "control + #"

Now I can use "sublime.log_input(True)" in the console to find through trial and 

error what keys to use, but this shouldn't be necessary, and is, additionally, not very helpful regarding less often used key combinations.

Do I really have to poke around & then keep something as old school as a printed overview of the key mappings on my keyboard around?


sublime-completions problems with word buffer

Pier Bover 12 років тому 0

I have a long sublime-completions file (about 2000 lines). The completions work fine, but words from the current file simply get ignored.

At first I thought the problem was about having characters like ( , : etc in the trigger, but it turns out it's a combination of characters + long file. Everything works great with a shorter file, but for a long file it only works if the trigger only has short words with nothing but letters.

I need to put those characters in the trigger so I can see which method I'll be "triggering". It is not possible AFAIK to put a description in a completions file, the way you can in a snippet.


Ctrl+alt+P should show all projects, INCLUDE currently opened projects

Tom Lam 13 років тому 0
When there are many instance of Sublime Text 2 opened, the currently opened projects doesn't show up in the project switching list.

I guess the ctrl+alt+P (project switching) should work the same as the ctrl+P (file switching) tool. In the file switching tool, no matter the file is currently opened or not, it shows up in the list. And I can do both "open file" and "switch focus" using the same hotkey ctrl+P

I know I can use alt+tab (on windows) to switch between opened windows. but using the same hotkey (ctrl+alt+P) for both open project and switch project focus can be very convenient.

Build system should honor env as documented.

Jason Denton 12 років тому оновлено 12 років тому 1

Build system should recognize the env command as documented. Adding an env command to the build system results in a silent fail currently. If you open the console, you will see the following error : 

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "./", line 337, in run_

TypeError: run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'env'


feature request - when you highlight a <div> it highlights its closing </div>.

web_bill 13 років тому оновлений 13 років тому 0
I don't know what to call this feature, but NotePad++ has it in windows. For instance, when you highlight a <div>, Sublime Text would  highlight its closing </div>.  
I am on Mac OSX.

"replace all" closes the replace-bar

Martin Kauber 13 років тому оновлено Kaur Kuut 13 років тому 1
You just pressed CTRL+H to make a replace and pressed "replace all", the bar closes after execution. Now, to replace anything else, you have to press ctrl+h again. It's tiresome, maybe an extra button to toggle this auto-close would help. I make a lot of replace searches and right now I'm back using 1.4 version.
Є відповідь

Has the command to toggle word wrapping been implemented yet?

Falcon NL 14 років тому оновлено jaming ring 8 років тому 8
I tried making a shortcut to toggle word wrapping a moment ago, but it appears the toggle command doesn't exist anymore. is there a new way of doing this or is it not implemented yet?
Jon Skinner 14 років тому
You can do this via the View/Word Wrap menu.

The underlying command is "toggle_setting", you can see how its using in Packages/Default/Main.sublime-menu