Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


.sublime-project should also be able to set environment variable

Daniele Niero 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
In this way a per-project environment will be extremely easy to set.
Right now this can be done in a builder file but it's a little bit annoying have to specify, for example, the same python builder, but with different PYTHONPATH, in any different project just to ensure that the environment is the wanted one for that specific project. 

Unable to save file in a renamed folder

Ilja Orlovs 12 лет назад обновлен Jac Fitzgerald 12 лет назад 6

Sumblime Text 2 is yielding "unable to save" error if one had attempted to save a changed file in the folder that had been renamed via Sumblime texts' interface.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open project with non-empty directory (e.g. directory named "A")
  2. Open a file in that directory (e.g. file named "x.txt")
  3. Edit contents of "x.txt" (but do not save it back to the disk)
  4. Rename parent directory ("A" -> "B")
  5. Attempt to save changes in "x.txt"

Steps 3 and 4 are interchangeable.


Overall the best solution as of early 2012

Eugen Tudorancea 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
Fast and beautiful, customizable, cross-platform, *never crashed*, good community.. and yeah, still in development - which is great!

I really appreciate your effort! Thank you

Have sidebar closed by default when editing single file

aristidesfl 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
When opening a single file for a quick edit, it should be clear the window holds a file and not a project. On the other hand, when opening a folder , the sidebar should be open and show the contents of that folder.

This principle aplies and can be currently observed in TextMate:

Image 103

Image 104

The available "Toggle Side Bar" should only affect the frontmost window and not change the behavior of windows opened after that.

The default state of the sidebar in each case (file/folder), could be configurable in the sublime-settings preferences in order to accomodate specific workflows.

(this post might seem duplicate but it's an attempt of clarification of a previous feedback which was misunderstood)

Minimap Highlighting

Forrest Smith 13 лет назад 0

There are multiple types of highlighting from the minimap in Visual Studio's MetalScroll add on I would love to see.

1) Double-click words to show and highlight
2) Mark modified lines
3) Show breakpoints/bookmarks
4) Show 100% of file in minimap. Zoom allll the way out.

The red/blue squares on the right are breakpoints. The highlighted word "advise" shows up as red in two places in the minimap text area. Modified lines are not shown in this example.


Official Vala Support

Pascal G 12 лет назад в Plugin announcements 0
Vala Support for Sublime Text 2 would be a killer-feature for Vala-programmers because no really good editor has good support for Vala. There is an unofficial plugin for TextMate[1] which runs under subliminal text 2 and is okay, but it could be better.

Use tab to step over auto-completed quote, bracket, etc. pairs

Jordan MacDonald 13 лет назад обновлен Brandon Galer 11 лет назад 2

I'm coding something that involves a string, so I hit the single-quote button. SublimeText automatically puts in a terminating quote, and I continue typing my string. Once I'm done typing the string, I have to navigate past the auto-completed quote to continue typing. That requires me entering the single-quote button, the end key or the right-arrow key. This isn't so bad, but if I'm also in an array like so:
['test|'] (vertical bar = caret)
I need to type both a single-quote and a right-bracket.


When the user hits the tab key, check to see if they're inside of an auto-completed string, array, etc and step over all adjacent elements so that the user can continue typing. So, if this is the situation:
it'll just step over a quote. In this situation:
it'll step over both the quote and the closing bracket. In this situation:
it'll step over all three elements.

Request for plugin/feature which displays all functions

Satheesh Kumar 12 лет назад 0
An sidebar which shows all available functions in current file would be awesome. Something like SourceCookifier  in Notepad++

Request: Auto-break lines at specific line length

Scott Main 12 лет назад 0

When writing HTML documents, I want my lines to break at 100 characters automatically. The only other editor for Linux I've known to support this is Quanta Plus, but it's no longer maintained starting at Ubuntu 12. :(

Please add the ability to specify auto-break points for lines.


  ~ While typing, carriage returns are added automatically at the specified line length.

  ~ When a single string (w/o whitespace) exceeds the line limit, it *will not* break the string.

  ~ When editing an existing line and making it longer, the overflow text will be prefixed to the next line and all following lines cascade, thus always maintaining proper line lengths and filling them as much as possible (instead of simply adding a new line in the middle for a few words the overflowed).



Possibility to detach sidebar

Vezina Martin 13 лет назад обновлен Kaio Andrade 7 лет назад 2
To my knowledge, the sidebar cannot be detached like a palette in Sublime, so it has to remain in the same monitor if working with dual monitors. This would be a nice feature to have, in fact for me it is a must have. When working with two monitors, if the one that has Sublime is rotated to be vertical, it does not leave a lot of space for the sidebar/text window. I would need the whole window to be used for the text, and always having to toggle the sidebar display/hide is not an acceptable solution. Having the possibility to detach the sidebar and put it in the other monitor would make Sublime much more usable.

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