Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Find panel input box should be the first element to the left

robertcollier4 12 лет назад 0

Request: The input box in the find panel is jarring to the eye - and always looks very misaligned and out of place to me.

The input box in the find bar should be the first element to the left and the buttons located on the right. When I am doing a find - my eye is used to going to the left of the screen to begin typing my text. But instead my eye finds a bunch of visually distracting buttons there. The buttons should be at the end, not before.

How it is currently with buttons coming first:
Image 214

How it should be (mockup):

Image 215


Top level Windows switching buffers

Steven Joseph 12 лет назад 0
I have a multi monitor setup and I have two windows one on each monitor, can I switch tabs between these two windows with a shortcut.

Having \ in path instead of / opens another window event when file with correct path is already opened.

Michal Gebauer 12 лет назад 0
see title

Bring back splitSelection

Thaddeus Selden 12 лет назад обновлен 12 лет назад 2

Sublime Text 1 apparently had a splitSelection command that's not available in Sublime Text 2. It would be really nice to be able to highlight something, then with keyboard shortcut have multiple cursors on either side of what you had selected. 


How can I configure Sublime 2 to use svn 1.8?

dingfelder 11 лет назад 0
I am getting an error in sublime when trying to access a file in svn:

File "./sublimesvn/", line 18, in run_with_except_hook
File "./sublimesvn/", line 30, in run
File "./sublimesvn/", line 71, in get_wc_root
File "./sublimesvn/", line 172, in find_wc_root
ProcessError: svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at
'C:\wamp\www\mycode' (format 31).
You need to get a newer Subversion client. For more details, see

How can I configure Sublime 2 to use svn 1.8?

Westhill Consulting & Career Development: Seizing opportunities for South East Asia's oil and gas industry

Sophia Middleton 11 лет назад 0

Since 2010, South-East Asia has consolidated its position as an important contributor to the global downstream market with Petronas’ recent announcement of its plan to build the new RAPID facility in Malaysia one further example of the region’s growing importance.

In reality the timing couldn’t be better - as populations across Asia continue to grow, the demand for fuel will grow exponentially, offering oil & gas operators a real opportunity to make a significant contribution to the region’s continued economic development. However, with this growing demand comes additional pressures, and with the sector still vulnerable to fluctuating oil prices, operators can ill-afford to rest on their laurels. The need to ensure their operations are as productive as possible and that cost inefficiencies are stripped out from the very outset is arguably more important than ever before.

Minimizing operational costs

When it comes to new projects oil & gas operators have traditionally been good at minimizing their CAPEX spend. However, there has been much less focus given to limiting the cost of operation of their assets. With maintenance costs typically responsible for 20-30% of the overall OPEX expenditure, this is one area where the downstream sector in South-East Asia is increasingly focusing its attention. According to some analysts the costs incurred across the globe in maintaining the next generation of oil & gas assets could equate to $0.75 trillion highlighting the scale of the prize that could be on offer here.

For a typical refinery the operational expenditure is principally dictated by three prime factors: the quantum of work carried out on the asset, the efficiency at which it can be delivered and the agreed cost rate of the resource used. In each instance there is an opportunity to significantly reduce cost outlay by focusing on a range of inter-related issues including maintenance strategies, work scheduling and the approach taken to cost & commercial management challenges.

However, it is vital that these issues are considered during the FEED (Front End Engineering Design) stage of a project for if they’re not factored in at that juncture, operators will find themselves in a situation akin to trying to catch a handful of sand. Whilst they may be able to plug some holes, the reality is that some cost inefficiencies will inevitably slip through their grips. Similarly, when it comes to the initial contracts, good intentions can quickly be forgotten as pressure to ‘get the project signed off’ sees decisions taken that result in a legacy of unnecessarily high OPEX costs for the lifetime of the asset. Given that many of these assets are in operation for over 30 years, this haste to push a project through can very easily become an expensive mistake.

Location, location, location

Another challenge facing operators when it comes to minimizing these costs is that very often their maintenance strategies are based on the Original Equipment Manufacturer’s Operations and Maintenance (OEM O&M) manuals. Whilst this ensures they comply with warranty conditions, it often overlooks two key points - the operating environment in which the refinery is located and the criticality of each asset.

In the first instance a ‘one size fits all’ approach is simply unrealistic as the operating challenges will be markedly different depending on whether the asset is located in the Arabian Gulf, the Arctic Peninsula, Jakarta Indonesia or the South China Sea. In the second case, a lack of awareness of the criticality of each asset can see operators adopt an overly expensive maintenance regime for some assets whilst at the same time under-maintain those assets whose performance is critical to the overall production levels.

The business opportunity

Those owners who focus on the key issues that affect operational costs, and who implement the right processes during both the CAPEX and OPEX phases, can significantly increase their overall productivity. Some recent examples across the globe suggest that by focusing on just 20-30% of those assets where maintenance costs are unnecessarily high, there is the potential to make savings ranging from $10-40 million per year. When considered in those terms it soon becomes clear that minimizing operational cost can have a marked impact on their business’ bottom line.

Over the past 12-18 months the downstream sector in South-East Asia has made significant steps. However, the next challenge will be to show that it can deliver sustainable improvements that will enable the region to strengthen its role as a key supplier of fuel in an ever evolving global economy. In changing times this is an opportunity the industry should not let escape from its grasp.

Westhill Consulting Career & Employment Australia found the above comments interesting.

For more information:

Insurance Fraud Certified at Koyal Group: JPMorgan whistle-blower gets $64M for mortgage fraud tips

Kari Zavala 11 лет назад 0
NEW YORK — A whistle-blower will be paid $63.9 million for providing tips that led to JPMorgan Chase & Co's agreement to pay $614 million and tighten oversight to resolve charges that it defrauded the government into insuring flawed home loans.

The payment to the whistle-blower, Keith Edwards, was disclosed on Friday in a filing with the U.S. district court in Manhattan that formally ended the case.

In the Feb. 4 settlement, JPMorgan admitted that for more than a decade it submitted thousands of mortgages for insurance by the Federal Housing Administration or the Department of Veterans Affairs that did not qualify for government guarantees.

JPMorgan said it had failed to tell the agencies that its own internal reviews had turned up problems.

The government said it ultimately had to cover millions of dollars of losses when some of the bank's loans went sour, resulting in evictions and foreclosures nationwide.

“There were a lot of bad loans made during the financial boom, and the United States taxpayer was left holding the bag through the VA and FHA loan programs,” said Edwards' lawyer, David Wasinger. “Hopefully the settlement sends a message to Wall Street that this conduct is not allowed, and that in the future it will be held accountable.”

Edwards could not immediately be reached for comment.

About $56.5 million of Edwards' award concerns the FHA portion of the case, and $7.4 million concerns the VA portion. Wasinger declined to discuss his legal fees.

Edwards, a Louisiana resident, had worked for JPMorgan or its predecessors from 2003 to 2008, and had been an assistant vice president supervising a government insuring unit.

He originally sued in January 2013 under the federal False Claims Act, which lets individuals sue government contractors and suppliers for allegedly defrauding taxpayers. The Department of Justice later joined as a plaintiff.

Whistle-blowers can recover portions of False Claims Act settlements, which often grow if the government gets involved.

Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications: New York dethrones London som beste finanssentrum

Xyvierre Renz Guaicel 11 лет назад 0
LONDON: New York erstattet London som verdens ledende finansielle sentrum for første gang, etter at byen ble rystet av en rekke skandalene og spørsmål over Storbritannias plass i EU.

New York har topplasseringen i den siste globale finansielle sentre indeksen med en "ustø, statistisk ubetydelig" to-punkts føre, ifølge Michael Mainelli, leder av Z/Yen gruppen, som sammenstiller indeksen.

Konkurransen er varme opp, med Hong Kong og Singapore, to ledende asiatisk sentre, innsnevring gapet mellom seg selv og de to øverste til færre enn 30 poeng på en skala på 1000, indeksen viser.

Skandalene inkludert banker misbruker sine kunder ved å selge unødvendige forsikring, manipulering av finansielle benchmarks og handel tap, har kombinert skader byens stående, akkurat som planer for en folkeavstemning om EU-medlemskap kastet tvil om vilkårene i tilgangen til dette markedet.

Mens New York har utfordret London for pallen siden starten av indeksen, fikk en sevenpoint økning i sin vurdering den topplasseringen etter den britiske hovedstaden LED en 10-punkts nedgang, den største av alle i topp 50.

"London trenger et rykte som alle som kommer vil bli behandlet rettferdig og kan konkurrere rettferdig," i henhold til Mainelli. "Uten store innenlandske økonomien bak New York og Hong Kong, London må opptre mer som en Singapore by stat eller har støtte fra et EU innenlandske økonomien."

Indeksen, som oppdateres hvert halvår, og i dens 15th edition, er kompilert fra svar på en spørreundersøkelse. Den bruker også eksterne målere inkludert rangeringer for bestemte områder som telekommunikasjon.

Indeksen, som ble først publisert i 2007, tar hensyn til fem brede områder som forretningsmiljøet, finans, infrastruktur, menneskelig kapital og omdømme. Den britiske regjeringen "er bestemt å bygge en banksektoren som øker økonomien og støtter forbrukere og bedrifter," sier statskassen.

"Det er å skape et rammeverk som fremmer en ansvarlig og bærekraftig finansbransjen, takle problemene av konkurranse og risiko." London borgermester Boris Johnson gjorde en seks dagers besøk til Kina i oktober samtidig at kansler George Osborne ledet handel oppdrag til verdens nest største økonomi.

Den britiske regjeringen tar sikte på London å bli det ledende senteret for offshore handel av kinesiske yuan og verdipapirer, og ønsker også å oppmuntre islamsk finans.

Myndighetene vil ha sitt arbeid kutte ut for å lage gode på de ambisjonene, ifølge London-baserte Z/Yen. Storbritannias forsoning og forsøk å holde nede antall innvandrere har gjort Storbritannia vises "unwelcoming" utenlandske arbeidere og besøkende, ifølge Z/Yen.

London har også lidd fordi Storbritannias plass i EU er ikke bestemt.

Triple click selects scope, Quadruple click select next higher scope, Pentuple selects next higher scope, Etc.... ntuple selects full document.

Korvin Szanto 13 лет назад 0

I would like to be able to select scopes in this manor: 

Triple click selects current scope, Quadruple click select next higher scope, Etc.... ntuple selects full document.

Check out the sublime forums for a detailed example:


When keymap file is broken sublime does not lauch

Eric Fode 12 лет назад 0
When keymap file is broken sublime text does not lauch...

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