Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Icons for Sublime project files

Halbanonym 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez James Homer 11 lat temu 1
Please add an icon and file type registration for ".sublime-project" files. Currently the Finder displays a default blank document icon. There was another request for this a year ago and you answered it was fixed in build 2165 but this seems to be false or a regression.

Get Sublime Text to run on RHEL5

Chris R 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
I'm stuck on RHEL5 for work, and I have a policy of using only one editor at a time. At the moment, that sticks me with Emacs, but I've heard good things about Sublime Text from colleagues.

I'm interested in giving it a shot, but it'd have to work on that platform. Do you have any plans on either A) building it for RHEL5 directly, or B) providing instructions for building the missing support libraries?


Armin Karner 12 lat temu w Plugin announcements 0


I'd like to import mysql.connector to get a connection to my db. The problem is that the integrated Python of Sublime Text 2 is 2.x (too old for that module as Oracle told me) so I downloaded Sublime Text 3 as it has an integrated Python 3.x. In the normal Python 3.x IDLE and command line, mysql.connector is working, but not via the Console in Sublime. 

Is there some module or a package to solve my problem?

Please help me.

Thank you very much.



New draw_white_space option: current

Colin Viebrock 11 lat temu 0

I'll suggest another option for "draw_white_space" (in addition to "none", "all" and "selection") that only draws whitespace characters on the current line.


OSX: Scrollbar always dark, even in light theme

Kai Grossjohann 13 lat temu zaktualizowano 13 lat temu 0
I commented out the settings for "color_theme" and "theme".  ST comes up in its standard pretty dark look.  I then select a light color_theme in the menu, e.g. IDLE.  ST changes its standard pretty dark look to a standard light look that is almost, but not quite as pretty as the dark look.

The problem with the light look is that the scrollbar is still dark.


When you right click on a file tab at the top of the screen, you can have the option to find this file in the folder tree of open projects

Bashkim Isai 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez James Broad 12 lat temu 2
When you right click on a tab representing a file at the editor window, you are generally presented with the options "Close", "Close other tabs", "Close tabs right", etc. 

Can we have an option to "Show in project" which selects the file in the project directory tree.

Open in new window if no windows exist on this desktop

Brian Kim 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Nimi Wariboko Jr 12 lat temu 1
I know open_files_in_new_window controls whether or not files open in a new tab or a new window. However, in OS X with virtual desktops, it would be helpful to have an option to always open files in the current desktop, spawning a new window if there are no active windows there.

Make window title configurable

Juha Palomäki 12 lat temu 0
I would like to see project name before filename, others probably want to keep it as it is. It would nice if there was a "template string" in the configuration.
Reason for having "project - file" -structure is that in Windows only few characters of the title are shown when you click sublime on taskbar. If there are multiple editors open with different projects you may not see which project is open on each of them.

Change the animation direction for folder expansion in the project tree

Russell Keith-Magee 14 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez aristidesfl 13 lat temu 3
The direction of the animation when a folder is expanded seems completely wrong to me. This is completely cosmetic, and it may be a personal taste thing, but 'slide in from top' or 'slide in from left' makes a lot more sense to me conceptually than 'slide in from right'. Expanding a directory is a "show you the things that were hidden under here" operation, not a "pull in content from over there" operation.