Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


KL’s finest Citrus Hotel Kuala Lumpur

anitaholfer9c 11 jaar geleden 0
Sometimes it gets frustrating going on vacation and finding a good place to stay the entire trip. Vacations are supposed to relax you and keep you away from stress. Hotel accommodations on the other hand, are supposed to give you the feeling of comfort away from home. This is the reason why finding the perfect hotel is important and cost matters.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has become one of the most visited by travelers nowadays. If you happened to visit the country and wanted to stay in the city yet far from the traffic-congested streets of KL, you can stay at the ten-storey building Citrus Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

Citrus Hotel Kuala Lumpur is a four-star hotel situated along Jalan Raja Laut. Location wise is very convenient since it is located just minutes away from Jalan Sultan Ismail STAR LRT and the Medan Tuanku Monorail station. This hotel is only a short train ride away from local landmarks such as the PETRONAS Twin Towers, KLCC Park and KL Convention Centre.

You can enjoy the hotel’s rooftop pool and gym to keep you occupied leisure-wise while business travelers may work at their business center available to help keep guests abreast in the office.

The hotel has 171 yellow, red and green rooms. These rooms are a mixture of smoking and non-smoking units that are divided into four categories: Standard Room, Executive Room, Club Room and Executive Suite.

Hotel features:

§King, queen and twin bedded rooms
§Individually controlled air-conditioning
§IDD Telephone
§Wireless Internet connection
§Universal outlets
§Writing table with desk chair
§TV with satellite channels
§In-room safety box
§Complimentary coffee/tea making facilities
§Mini fridge with fully stocked minibar (select rooms only)
§Ensuite bathroom with bathtub with shower over tub


§Citrus Café: International and local food. Serves a daily buffet breakfast, a la carte for lunch and dinner.
Limited hours for room service
§Club Lounge: For those who book the Club Floor room types, guests can enjoy free flow of coffee/tea, soft drinks, juices and snacks all day long.

Services and Facilities:

§24-hour reception and concierge
§24-hour security
§Business Center services
§Meeting rooms
§Club Lounge with Internet Stations
§Outdoor swimming pool
§WiFi Internet connection
§Laundry and dry cleaning services
§Airport transfer, limousine and tour services
§Elevator access to guest rooms
§Limited parking (first come, first serve basis)

Citrus Hotel Kuala Lumpur accepts Mastercard, Visa and Amex. You can make reservation with them at or call our Central Reservations Office at +66 (0)2 168 7668




Autocomplete with SEMICOLON.

agentDash 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door robertcollier4 12 jaar geleden 2

Once you select the desired text from the autocomplete suggestions, pressing SEMICOLON should use the autocomplete text and append SEMICOLON to it. Right now you have to press ENTER and then SEMICOLON.


Snippet dialog

jsrpg 11 jaar geleden 0

1. The Snippet dialog is too small.
2. In Sublime Text 3, the default snippets(link for, fori, forp...) is packed in file.It's not a good idea.Because i want to modify these snippets.
3. If i write the special word(link dot) in the "tabTrigger", the snippet dialog is closed.
4. When the content what is in snippet dialog is focused on top, i type the up arrow and the snippet dialog is closed.This design is too bad.


Auto Complete includes plugins

jeffhatz 12 jaar geleden 0
I have SublimeLinter and Nodejs plugins installed for JSHinting. As a result of having Nodejs, auto complete within JS is always trying to suggest items from the Nodejs plugin.

Options to Ignore filetypes when using GoTo Anything or GoTo File (CMD + P / CMD + T)

Michael Narciso 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jon Skinner 12 jaar geleden 3
Sometimes when searching to find a file, cache files get in the way. For example sass-cache creates a cache file for each sass file in use.

I'd like to have preferences to filter out filetypes when using CMD + P / CMD + T
Jon Skinner 14 jaar geleden
You can do this with the file_exclude_patterns global preference

Multiple selectors for build systems

Stephen Augenstein 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Jon Skinner 13 jaar geleden 0

In a Flex project, code is scattered across MXML files (text.xml.mxml) and AS3 files (source.actionscript.3). Currently I have to create two duplicate build systems with different selectors to be able to build the entire project when I have either of those two types of files open. It would be really nice if there was a "selectors" key that took an array of syntax types.

Jon Skinner 13 jaar geleden
You can match multiple scopes with a single selector by using a comma, for example:


Fancy fotarbeid og bekreftelse Bias: En Guide til analyse, Investing Guide at Deep Blue Group Publications

Lena Busch 11 jaar geleden 0
Igår skrev jeg om kilder som bare droppet en indikator når det ikke lenger passer pre-unnfanget avhandlingen. Noen ganger er det enda mer åpenbar dramatisk.

Noen kilder bare delta i fancy fotarbeid, reversere deres begrunnelse, overbevist om at deres ukritiske tilhengere ikke merke eller omsorg.

Image 315

Jeg har alltidlestMarketWatch.ImangegjeldendeadvarsleromdenFederbakkurvenmotbegynnendelønnsvekst,blejegkonfrontertmedfølgendeoverskrift:

Er du klar for Deflasjon? Skriver Brett Arends på MarketWatch, baserer sin analyse på arbeidet til Albert Edwards, som følger:

De markedsbaserte PCE, sier Commerce Department Bureau for økonomisk analyse, er "basert på markedstransaksjoner som er det tilsvarende pris tiltak." Det betyr, byrået legger, at de markedsbaserte PCE "gir et mål på prisene betalt av personer for innenlandske kjøp av varer og tjenester."

Noen av oss trodde det var definisjonen av inflasjonen. De markedsbaserte PCE, observerer Albert Edwards, sjef global strateg i SG Securities, "utelukker priser som statistikere måtte oppfinne!"

Edwards, i en ny forskning oppmerksom påpeker at dette rent fakta-baserte inflasjon indikator er undershooting de bedre kjent som den vanlige PCE og KPI. Og han legger til, er det undershooting med mer.


Var ikkehansomsåhyperinflasjonkommer?La osssjekkeWaybackmachine!

April, 2013
Meldingen var ganske annerledes i fjor...

ALBERT EDWARDS: Aksjer vil krasje, hyperinflasjon vil komme, og gull vil gå over 10.000

Joe Weisenthal rapporterte fakta, men hans skepsis var klart.
Faktum: "vi fortsatt prognosen 450 S & P, sub - 1% amerikanske 10y gir og gull over 10.000."
Og også, "vi har skrevet tidligere sitere Marc Faber, som"The Fed vil ødelegge verden"gjennom sine penger. Rask inflasjon sikkert lokker."
Joes kommentar: så ja, det går på derfra. Massevis av undergang. Det er derfor alle elsker Albert Edwards.

Det er så populært å kritisere Fed og forutsi undergang som ukritisk publikum runder det opp. Noen lesere spore tidligere mislykkede spådommer.

I mellomtiden kommer tidligere bearish analytikere som tør å endre sine synspunkter under kritikk. Vennligst kontrast dette eksemplet med saken av David Rosenberg, som fanget flack for å betale oppmerksomhet til endre fakta. Barry Ritholtz hadde en stor diskusjon her.

Da jeg leste investering kommentarer med Fed, ser jeg et ganske klart skille mellom tre leirer:

1. noen mislikte Fed policy fra starten. De var uenige, spådd at det ikke ville fungere, og disparaged FOMC både individuelle og kollektivt. Sine prognoser var galt. Hvis du fulgte dem, mistet penger.

2. noen likte Fed politikk. De var optimistisk om konsekvensene og (kanskje) overdrevet effekten. De roste Fed ledelse.

3. pragmatikere. De akseptert virkelighet som var i kraft, ikke "slåss Fed." Dette har vært den mest lønnsomme perspektivet for investorer-politiske beslutninger og sannsynlig resultatene.

Fedblittenlynavlederforøkonomiskdebatt.Omduvarzappedellerbeskyttetavhengigsterktdineferdigheterpåunnvikebekreftelsebias-forbrukerinformasjonkloktogavviseforståsegpåeresomblelåstinn ibetalendepublikum.

ajax + php debug

Ales Pavel 9 jaar geleden 0

I used to debug for php and ajax in IntelliJ Idea. It is possible in SublimeText?


2013's Growing Number of Tourists in Indonesia Meets Government Target

Jamir Pahn 11 jaar geleden 0
Image 301On Monday (03/02), Statistics Indonesia released various data regarding Indonesia's tourism sector. According to the institution, the number of foreign tourist in Indonesia increased 9.42 percent to 8.80 million people in the full year of 2013. Foreign exchange earnings from the tourism sector grew 11.0 percent to USD $10.1 billion from USD $9.1 billion in 2012. This means that - on average - each foreign tourist spent USD $1,142 per visit in 2013 despite the average length of stay slightly declining from 7.7 days to 7.5 days.

The growth from 8.04 million to 8.8 million foreign tourists, which exceeded the government's target, was attributed to successful tourism promotional activities abroad as well as several big international events that were held over the past year (for example the APEC conference in Bali).

The most important points of entry in 2013 were still Bali, Jakarta and Batam. More than 6.81 million foreign tourists entered Indonesia in one of these three locations.

Of the average amount of USD $1,142 that a foreign tourist spends during his holiday in Indonesia, 48.9 percent is allocated to accomodation expenses, 17.7 percent to food and drinks, and 7.9 percent to souvenirs.

Meanwhile, domestic tourism is also growing. In 2013, 245 million domestic tourist trips were organized, an increase of 1.21 percent from the previous year. On average, a domestic tourist spends IDR 711,000 (USD $58.3) per trip.

Between 2007 and 2013, foreign tourists numbers are showing an increasing trend (see table below). This is partly due to a reduction in terrorist incidents aimed at western targets. A series of terrorist attacks between 2002 and 2005 caused the growth in foreign tourists to stagnate, while the attack on the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton in 2009 led to limited foreign tourism growth in 2009. In the last four years, however, there have been no terrorist incidents directed at foreign targets.

Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours supports Indonesia tourism via affordable packages available on their website.


This software needs to be in Steams software library

Jbrow 12 jaar geleden 0

Steam, by Valve, has started to feature software in their library. They don't have a text editor featured and sublime text needs to be the first! It would be a great way to spread awareness of the best txt editor available!