Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Adding an optional Safari-like Find to simplify finding

Bob Beaty 12 year бұрын 0

I would really love to have the option of a simplified 'Find' panel for Mac OS X like Safari and BBEdit have. Right at the top of the window, with a simple text field, forward/back buttons, a 'Cancel' (invoked with the Esc key) and a count of how many hits there are.

I like the complete functionality of the existing 'Find' bar at the bottom, but the buttons are so big that they obscure the text box where I'm typing my find string.

It's kind of like the existing 'Incremental Find', but it's more along the lines of other Mac apps.

Alternatively, the ability to shrink the Find, Find Prev, Find All so it doesn't obscure the text field would be OK as well. I was just thinking the minimal one at the top would be more "Mac like".


Saving a file should reset 'unsaved changes' flags in all tabs

Matt Powell 14 year бұрын updated by Jon Skinner 14 year бұрын 0
If I'm working in vertical split mode, and have the same file open in both groups, the changes I make in one tab are reflected in the other, but when I save the file, the 'unsaved changes' asterisk in the tab only disappears from the tab that was in focus when I saved: the other tab still looks like it has unsaved changes.
Jon Skinner 14 year бұрын
Done in build 2036

Tabbed vertical splits

Brandon Ruschill 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 0
My idea is for tabbed vertical splits, similar to what Vim can do.

I've done some reasonable reasearch/searching and have been unable to come up with a solution, so if you have one please share!
Image 106

Ability to specify the file manager for open_dir command

Paul Trotter 12 year бұрын 0

Under Linux, right clicking a file in the sidebar then selecting "Open containing folder" opens the folder in nautilus.

I would like the option to specify a different file manager for this command.


Change font colour

kenny 14 year бұрын updated by Jon Skinner 14 year бұрын 1
I *love* this editor!
I know how to change the font and size but it would be good to change the default colour too, apologies is this is indeed possible, I've looked at the getting comfy doc and other docs and can't find it
Jon Skinner 14 year бұрын
You can use the Preferences/Color Scheme menu to do this

CLI interface for Sublime Text 2

Adam Stankiewicz 12 year бұрын 0

Would it be possible to make CLI version of Sublime Text 2? I mean, there's not much interface in the GUI version, so probably it would be no ~extremely~ big problem.

I know Vim is somewhat capable reproducing all ST behavior but that's not the point.

I'd love to see Cmd+Shift+P magic in terminal and no modes at all.

What do you think?


Make it possible to load 2-3 related syntaxes (especially for the code completion) at once like Coffeescript Javascript and jQuery. Or Sass and CSS.

Pat Le Cat 12 year бұрын 0

Make it possible to load 2-3 related syntaxes (especially for the code completion) at once like Coffeescript Javascript and jQuery. Or Sass and CSS.


plugins written in C++

Abdallah Aly 12 year бұрын 0
is it possible to add a feature for supporting writing plugins in C++ ? provide some skeletons or some innterface for adding plugins in C++, would allow more chances for non-python lovers/programmers to develop their own plugins, thanks.

I'd need completely transparent way to edit files on remote boxes on local sublime, so it would be as convenient as using remote instance of vim. No magic per-host configuration files anywhere. Something like

Saku Ytti 12 year бұрын 0

If I were to change from vim to some local-only editor, lets say sublime text,

I'd need someway to continue using remote commands to edit files.

I guess how this could work is that when on remote machine your 'magiceditor

file', it opens new channel inside current ssh connection and copies file to

some ~/.magiceditor/session/host:port/pwd/file.

On local PC you'd have deamon running, which would use inotify to monitor files

appearing and files changed.

So when remotely you edit file, it is copied to local PC, and then opened in

new tab or existing tab is refreshed.

When you save tab in local PC, it is copied back to remote PC.

All this could be wrapped also inside git, so if remote file was edited with

another editor, you could solve conflicts via git merge.

Or it could be configuration option, which end remote or local wins in

conflicts. But automatic git storage for all edited files could be nice for

other reaons too.


emacs key bindings out of the box

Bart Addis 13 year бұрын жаңартылды 13 year бұрын 1