Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Dragging over line numbers should not drag and drop text

chaiguy 12 ár síðan 0

Dragging in the line number column should never drag blocks of text, but should only ever select lines. Blocks of text should be clicked on directly to drag.


Promote as Project Folder doesn't show folder in root folders section until restart

Brian Gallagher 12 ár síðan updated by Dominik Menke 12 ár síðan 1
When I promote a folder to a "project folder" I have to restart sublime text for it to show in the root of the folders section of the sidebar.  
This behavior is unbecoming of ST2.  If I create or rename a file or folder, the changes are automatically reflected, but promoting a folder isn't?

custom plugin breaks after restart

Prasanth Guruprasad 11 ár síðan 0

is there a configuration option to display the pallette at the bottom of the window?

Mark Vandenbos 11 ár síðan 0

is there a configuration option to display the pallette at the bottom of the window?


Massachusetts Westhill Healthcare Insurance Consulting - Study: Allowing people to stay in existing insurance plans unlikely to disrupt exchanges

kathysankova 11 ár síðan 0
Study: Allowing people to stay in existing insurance plans unlikely to disrupt exchanges

By Lena H. Sun

Plans to allow people to keep their individual health insurance policies, even if they don’t meet the requirements of the health-care law, are unlikely to threaten the short-term viability of the new health insurance marketplace, according to a new Rand Corp. study.

The study, released Tuesday, examines the impact of President Obama’s decision in November to allow consumers to keep their insurance plans, even if those plans don’t meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.
Obama made the announcement after millions of cancellation notices were sent to consumers who buy insurance on their own, angering supporters and critics who accused him of breaking his promise that people who liked their plans could keep them.

While the president’s announcement was aimed at solving a problem that was threatening his credibility and public faith in the law, it raised a slew of questions about the impact on the new online exchanges, including whether enrollment in the marketplace would drop and whether premiums would increase as a result.
The study predicts that the president’s actions will have only minimal effect on enrollment and premiums in 2015.

“We figured that enrollment would go down about 4 percent, or about a half a million, for 2015,” said Evan Saltzman, the study’s lead author and a project associate at Rand, a nonprofit research organization.

Rand projects that 12.2 million people will be enrolled in private health insurance plans by 2015, a figure that closely tracks the prediction of the Congressional Budget Office, which forecast that 13 million would be enrolled by 2015. The Rand study also projects a 1 percent increase in premiums that year due to Obama’s pledge.

Researchers used an economic model based on data about how people make insurance decisions and how firms decide to offer health coverage to employees and their families. The model predicted that people eligible for federal subsidies would tend to seek insurance on the marketplace in much larger numbers, even if they had the option of renewing their noncompliant plans. Researchers also found that older consumers would tend to move to the marketplace because of new protections that restrict insurance companies from charging a 64-year-old enrollee more than three times what they charge a 21-year-old enrollee.

But the Rand projections don’t take into account the disastrous rollout of the error-plagued federal Web site,, which significantly reduced enrollment in October and November.

“That’s a limitation of our study because it doesn’t allow you to model a Web site that doesn’t work,” Saltzman said. “It’s very hard to credibly do something like that.”

Two alternative proposals, one sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and the other by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), would be more aggressive in extending plans that don’t meet the requirements of the health-care law. But those proposals have stalled.

Upton’s bill, which passed the House the day after Obama’s announcement, would allow anyone — not just current enrollees — to buy a noncompliant individual plan. Landrieu’s bill would require insurers to continue to offer noncompliant individual plans indefinitely but would limit future enrollment in these plans to current participants.

Rand researchers found that allowing anyone to buy a noncompliant plan would have a far more detrimental effect, raising premiums as much as 10 percent and decreasing enrollment by 3.2 million, or 26 percent.
Although the proposals may allow millions of Americans to keep their health-care plans, critics have said the new marketplace would be deprived of the young and healthy enrollees it needs for premiums to remain affordable. If not enough young and healthy people sign up on the federal and state insurance marketplaces that could lead to a cycle of increasing premiums and decreasing enrollment, or what some call a “death spiral.”

Data from the Department of Health and Human Services show that nearly 2.2 million people selected an insurance plan through the federal marketplace or state marketplaces from Oct. 1 to Dec. 28.

Young adults account for slightly less than one-fourth of those who signed up — fewer, so far, than the government has said will be needed to make the economics of the new exchanges work.

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Process Code Comments to Generate Quick Help/Tooltip

Derrick Lambert 11 ár síðan 0

I think it would be cool if you could specify comments at the top of your class or above a method/function to generate a quick help/tooltip for the function or class.

Heres a example for a function where you would add these comments above the function implementation and when you call the function in another file you can control click the function name to view the quick help/tooltip.


///Description: {description}
///Params: {params}
///Return Type: {return type}
///Public/Private: {scope/access modifier}

I think this would be very helpful for some people. Just a thought but I can see it being a big request.


Needs PHP contextual syntax highlighting and autodiscover/autocomplete of user defined functions and methods.

Spam Port 9 ár síðan 0

Bad highlighting when...

$var = "Like {$this->var['key']} would not be recognized as variable!";

...but it should.

Needs better autodiscover and autocomplete of user defined functions and methods. Like when it knows fnord and where the class is defined, it should recognize $fnord = new fnord(); as being an instance AND suggest $fnord->methodname() when typing $fnord->meth....


Goldfields news reviews | Gold mining in Ghana: Playing with mercury

muroeammi 11 ár síðan 0

Image 258ECONOMIST | NESTLED in a former cocoa-farming region in southwestern Ghana, the town of Prestea boasts more than 150 small-scale gold mines in the backyards of abandoned farms. The town, with a population of about 35,000, also sits covered in permanent smog—a red dust that stains white goats crimson. It is the result of lethal mercury, on which miners all over Ghana rely to refine their gold. In Prestea, where gravediggers are in greater supply than doctors, death from mercury poisoning is routine.

“There is a sickness in us. We can die from the dust. It sometimes gives us many sicknesses, in your liver and in your heart,” explains 27-year-old Abu Quarm. He has been mining for ten years, rising with the hot sub-Saharan sun to work 12-to-14-hour days in the open-air mining field in the back of his deceased brother’s house. Mr Quarm explains that just a few months ago, he lost his brother to the sickness: it began with dizziness and migraines and evolved into exhaustion, a loss of appetite and spastic episodes. Few small-scale miners in Ghana are taught to identify the harmful health implications of mercury. No official statistics exist, but Mr Quarm reckons Prestea averages ten mining-related deaths a month.

Mining World: Gold-Hedging

Brandishing from his pocket an eye-drop-container-sized white bottle of mercury and squeezing the liquid metal into his bare hand, Mr Quarm says there can be no gold without mercury. All miners use the dancing liquid metal, he explains, because it pulls gold dust together into a solid nugget. The miners then burn this to get rid of the mercury, producing solid gold, as well as the red smog that pervades the town. Mercury sells for about 40GH ($20) a bottle and is shipped in legally, primarily from China, to Ghana’s major ports.

Ghana has the highest mercury emissions in Africa, but the problem is widespread. In the past few years, tens of thousands of small-scale mining sites have surfaced across Asia, Latin America as well as other parts of Africa. The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) estimates that between 1,000 and 4,000 tonnes of mercury are released into the air and water globally each year.

Which is why, after four years of negotiations, UNEP is organising the first global conference to confront rising mercury emissions and the threat to the environment. In January 140 countries signed and ratified the Mercury Treaty, agreeing to cut mercury pollution by setting enforceable international limits; now a conference will convene on October 9th in Minamata, Japan to put the plan into action.

But in countries like Ghana, where mercury is legally accessible on the streets and deeply engrained in the mining culture, many are sceptical about what the meeting can accomplish. The alternatives used by big mining companies, which involve heavy machinery and cyanide, are costly and time consuming.

“Try to put yourself in their shoes,” says Gavin Hilson, a mining expert at the University of Surrey.

“Some people drink tea with too much sugar or smoke a lot, and we know it’s bad. We’re trying to tell villagers who have been using mercury their whole lives to change their method. There needs to be a constant presence in that village, to continually educate these people and show them that there are viable alternatives. It’s a collective responsibility.”


on_query_context passes in None in the view

Tejas Dinkar 13 ár síðan updated by glyph 13 ár síðan 1

This may be related to

class GetFileType(sublime_plugin.EventListener):

    def on_query_context(self, view, key, operator, operand, match_all):

        # view is none at this point


Key press event for input panel

Anton Rukin 12 ár síðan 0

This could help implement history for input panels (up/down keys), and many other features