Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Folders are forgotten when sublime is closed without a document open

Jonathan Bondhus 12 ár síðan 0
Folders are forgotten when sublime is closed without a document open. Please fix this, as it's getting really annoying to have to set up new folders every time I re-open sublime.

php multiline function parameter highlight

U N. 13 ár síðan 0

In the following snippet for PHP, the last function argument ($unhideNew) is not highlighted (unless followed by ")" on the same line)


class test {
 private function importAbstract(
 $argv, $unhideNew
 ) {

Cybergeddon Waarschuwing

Jhen Mimsef 11 ár síðan 0
Het WEF heeft opgeroepen tot nieuwe manier van denken over mondiale governance van het Internet, waarschuwing tegen een mogelijke "cybergeddon" in haar jaarlijkse risicobeoordeling.

Het World Economic Forum (WEF) heeft opgeroepen tot nieuwe manier van denken over mondiale governance van het Internet, waarschuwing tegen een mogelijke "cybergeddon" in haar jaarlijkse risicobeoordeling.

De studie, wereldwijde risico's 2014, merkt op dat terwijl cyberspace is gebleken grotendeels veerkrachtig aan aanvallen en andere verstoringen tot nu toe, het is de aanvallers hebben een gemakkelijkere tijd dan verdedigers.

Het internationale orgaan zegt, zijn er redenen om te geloven dat veerkracht "geleidelijk ondermijnd".

Het WEF wijst erop dat meer apparaten worden verbonden online "uitbreiding zowel de potentiële ingangspunten voor en de effecten van verstoring". Ook, er is ooit verdieping complexiteit van interacties tussen de vele aspecten van het leven die afhankelijk van aangesloten apparaten zijn, zodat deze gevolgen mogelijk moeilijker te voorspellen.

"Deze dubbele trends vraag samen, nieuwe manier van denken over mondiale governance van het Internet," het WEF zei.

Het waarschuwt dat dit vooruitzicht is ondermijnd door recente onthullingen over de mate waarin nationale veiligheidsorganisaties zijn cyber beleid vormgeven en uitvoeren van spionage en aanvallen, "ondermijnt het vertrouwen tussen de zeer belanghebbenden die samenwerking zullen we moeten wenden een denkbare cybergeddon".

Cyber incidenten, het WEF zegt, tot nu toe hebben neiging om effecten die wijdverspreid maar vluchtig, of persistent maar ternauwernood gericht zijn.

"Risico's voor het Internet blijven groeien meer ernstige om één belangrijke reden: anderen aanvallen in cyberspace is altijd geweest gemakkelijker dan ze te verdedigen. Het strafbare feit heeft het voordeel ten opzichte van de verdediging had,"zei de economische lichaam.

Potentiële bedreigingen?

Het WEF zegt dat cyber risico's vaak door het acroniem CHEW-criminaliteit, cyberoproer, spionage en oorlog samengevat zijn.

Het merkt echter op dat andere risico's in cyberspace systemische effecten met inbegrip van een scenario waar een grote wolk provider een Enron - of Lehman-stijl mislukking zou kunnen zijn beschoren zou kunnen hebben.

Milieu triggers kunnen ook gemakkelijk een rol spelen, met name gezien de inherente kwetsbaarheid van de onderliggende fysieke infrastructuur.

"Een super-zonne-storm kon veroorzaken aanzienlijke uitval van nationale rasters, satellieten, avionica of signalen van global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Ook de groeiende massa van "ruimte voor ongewenste" in een baan rond de Aarde vormt een bedreiging voor GNSS,"zei het WEF.


"Een toekomst in welke aanvallers − of hackers, georganiseerde misdaadbendes of nationale legers − een overweldigende, dominante en duurzame voordeel ten opzichte van verdedigers hebben zou slechts een ontwrichtende technologie weg," het WEF waarschuwt, als een worst-case scenario.

Aanvallers in deze toekomst kunnen het bereiken van een breed scala aan effecten met weinig inbreng, waardoor verstoringen van grootschalige, Internet-wijd gemakkelijk en gemeenschappelijke, zegt het.

"Het Internet zou niet langer een vertrouwde medium voor communicatie of handel en steeds meer zou worden verlaten door consumenten en bedrijven. Cyberspace zou niet langer worden verdeeld tussen aanvallers en verdedigers maar tussen roofdieren en prooi."

Een "cybergeddon" zou de volgende generatie opgroeien met een cyberspace dat minder open, minder veerkrachtig en fundamenteel minder waardevol dan thans zien.

"De meest transformatieve technologie aangezien Gutenberg zou regressie, tot het verlies van samenlevingen, de economieën en de mensheid. Versnipperde, individuele oplossingen in het algemeen mislukken onderliggende systemische probleem aan te pakken: de wanverhouding tussen aanvallers en verdedigers. "

"De wereld zal niet zitten kundig gewoon veilig, risico-beheren of informatie-aandeel zijn uitweg uit deze situatie om het saldo van voordeel naar verdedigers tip," zei het WEF.

menu icons

skypce 13 ár síðan Uppfært 13 ár síðan 0
i like if sublime text have a menu icons (for save file -open file) becouse i need open menu and save in thetext menu , or with keyboard shortcut.regars

Crown Capital Blog Management - The Future of U.S. - Venezuelan Relations

Aiden Yun 11 ár síðan í Plugin announcements 0

The Future of U.S.-Venezuelan Relations

The United States should leverage business interests in Venezuela to open diplomatic engagement and repair U.S.-Venezuela relations.

By Clay Moran

October 28, 2013

“Yankees, go home!”These were President Nicolas Maduro’s words on September 30th as he expelled three U.S. diplomats, including Chargé d'Affaires Kelly Keiderling, accusing them of plotting to sabotage Venezuela’s electrical grid. While news outlets worldwide briefly reported on this incident, most failed to analyze the diplomatic turmoil within the larger context of U.S.-Venezuelan relations and its potential impact on diplomatic cooperation.

Over five hundred American companies have operations in Venezuela. Over$12 billion was investedin Venezuelan in 2011, concentrated in the energy, financial, and manufacturing sectors. Venezuelan imports rose by 122 percent from 2000 to 2011,reaching $12.3 billion. Washington and Caracas have developed a trade relationship that both parties value: U.S. companies gain substantial profit from operations in Venezuela, while Venezuelans gain access to higher quality job opportunities.

Despite the large volume of trade, political relations remain fractured at best. The United States and Venezuela have each been without ambassadors since 2010, when then-President Hugo Chávez suspected the United States of sponsoring a coup to overthrow his regime. Each country has retaliated against the other through a series of diplomatic expulsions. Venezuela has also restricted commerce from leaving the country. Capital controls put corporations in a tricky situation,trapping an estimated $8 to $12 billion within the country. Current President Nicolás Maduro has no intentions of lifting these controls, although Venezuela continues to experience inflationrising over 45 percent per month, threatening to erode profits. As a temporary measure, corporations have begun reinvesting these profits into Venezuelan real estate.

Domestic politics add another dimension to the problem. Former President Chávez formed the Chavista coalition, which consists of an array of lower and middle class citizens aimed at empowering workers and the urban poor. The bottom line is that Chávez’s governing doctrine, Chavismo, has united unlikely groups into the Chavista coalition due to favorable economic conditions. However, the erosion of economic stability due to rising inflation over the past year is beginning to unravel the Chavista coalition, which is the very force that brought Maduro to power. This can be seen in the March 2013 special presidential elections, in which theopposition lost by a margin of 1.5 percent. Maduro’s response has been to consolidate power byundermining his political opponents.

Venezuela needs foreign firms to operate within the country, but expelling U.S. diplomats while restricting U.S. profits does not bode well for constructive bilateral relations. The best prospect for improving these relations is for Washington to send a diplomatic convoy to Venezuela to meet with President Maduro and administration officials and discuss interests in attaining greater domestic stability to maintain corporate operations. Furthermore, the United States must meet with European counterparts that conduct business operations in Venezuela in order to establish a joint approach to address the rising political instability. Since Venezuela controls the domestic climate for U.S. corporations, the U.S. should take the initiative in securing its business interests.

The Obama administration can also offer to negotiate the Iran Sanctions Act, which was enacted in 2011 against the state oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela, because of Venezuela’s exports of reformate to Iran. These sanctions currently prohibit Venezuela from competing for U.S. government procurement contracts and receiving financing from the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Washington should negotiate with Caracas, maintaining the position that if Venezuelan currency controls are completely removed, the portions of the Iran Sanctions Act pertaining to Venezuela could be lifted – an option that looks more plausible given the current U.S. – Iran rapprochement.

Unless domestic turmoil subsides enough to allow for secure business operations in Venezuela, the likelihood of U.S. companies minimizing their business operations increases. Coupled with desolate diplomatic relations, revamping U.S.-Venezuela relations proves to be a complex process that will take time, cooperation, and concessions from both sides. A key opportunity to improve relations does exist, but the United States must demonstrate to Maduro the vital role that U.S. companies continue to play for Venezuela’s economy. Securing Venezuela as a quasi-ally will not only secure longer-term U.S. business interests, but also give the U.S additional leverage in Latin America, a region that the Obama administration has neglected.

Clay Moran is an M.A. Candidate in International Affairs, with a concentration in Development Security, at the Elliott School of International Affairs. His research focuses on democracy and governance in developmental programs. Previously, he lived and studied in Argentina, and spent substantial time in Bolivia and Spain.

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Spellcheck on by default for languages using a lot of English.

Colby Goettel 12 ár síðan 0

Allow a setting to auto-enable spellcheck for languages like LaTeX or for normal text documents.


Box selection (Like Notepad++ : Alt + click)

David Barry Viens 13 ár síðan updated by Jon Skinner 13 ár síðan 0
This is a really usefull feature.
Jon Skinner 13 ár síðan
This already exists, please see the documentation -

Crash with regex search

Aurelien 13 ár síðan Uppfært 13 ár síðan 0
With build 2181 (for windows 7 64bits), ST2 regularly (but not always) crash if I use regex in general search (ctrl+shift+f).

Build 2023 crashes scanning the same file in multiple panes

Daniel Azuma 14 ár síðan updated by Jon Skinner 14 ár síðan 0
Build 2023.
Show layout 2 (vertical double pane). Add a folder to the project.
Now open the same file in scan mode (single click) in both panes. That is, click one pane, single click the file, then click the other pane and single click the file.
Bizarre behavior results. For example, I'll drag the left pane scrollbar, and the right pane actually scrolls. Eventually, the app quits unexpectedly.
Jon Skinner 14 ár síðan
Fixed in 2027

Ability to select many entries in the quick panel for Goto Anything

Carlos K. 12 ár síðan 0

When I need to open many files that are selected by the same path search (for instance xyz.cpp and xyz.h) one always has to execute the same search repeatedly for each file.

It would be nice to avoid this somehow. My suggestion would be the ability to multi-select entries in the quick panel and then open all the selected ones. But anything that would improve this situation works for me.