Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Abandon scroll when mouse moves away from scrollbar

Brian C 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
The scroll bars do not behave like normal scroll bars in windows.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a file with enough lines to allow vertical scrolling
2. Drag the scroll thumb up or down to scroll
3. While still holding the mouse button down, move the mouse left away from the scroll bar

Expected behaviour: the scroll should be abandoned and the view position of the file should revert to where it was before the scroll was started

Actual behaviour: the scroll is not affected

It's common in most other apps (on windows at least) to be able to scroll to view content off-screen and then move away from the scroll bar to revert to the initial position. This prevents the user from needing to search for their initial position (frustrating!).

Thanks for your consideration!


Road to Wellness Less Travelled by Jennifer Shearin Group Wellness Coaching

Laura Rogers 11 years ago in Plugin announcements 0
With the upsurge of the wellness industry in the past thirty years, more and more people are living well-balanced and active lives. And as the essential medical knowledge and practices improve even more, we can look forward to more people living up to a hundred years or more, something which was apparently a common thing in ancient times. In certain parts of the world, such as Thailand, Spain, Japan, France and the US, where we can find the most number of centenarians, dietary and lifestyle habits are commonly investigated and emulated as effective means of achieving not just long-life but for maintaining a sense of well-being.

Jennifer Shearin provides a valuable list of how one can attain wellness, and, it follows, a long and happy life. She does not tell her readers to do all, of course. One only has to choose those that fit one’s budget and other conveniences in life.

Read full article:

To join conversations about having a healthy, happy and long life, visit

Related Topics:
About Jennifer Shearin Group Wellness Coaching
Jennifer Shearin Integrative Health Coaching
Jennifer Shearin Group Wellness Coaching

focus next/previous group

Marke Hallowell 13 years ago updated by Chris Guilbeau 13 years ago 1
Jumping directly to a group is useful, but adding menu items to focus next/previous group would allow for application shortcuts to move across groups with less effort.

Switch Project in Window hangs until Mouse is moved

Timm 12 years ago 0
I waited for several minutes on this until I realized after a few tries that a mouse move nudges ST to show the project I clicked on. It works fine if you use the keyboard though. I'm using 2.0.1 Build 2217 on OS X 10.6.8



Ctrl+P @ shouldn't find /* foo() */ in C or C++

Kim Blomqvist 12 years ago 0

I have a function() inside the docblock. Ctrl+P @ should ignore it.


Nobody answer on the forum at bugs request so i`m sad for that...

oriceon 13 years ago 0

1) appear some hidden copy code from the last part of string.
2) On del key press text are deleted weird...

I use last Dev Build on Win 7 x86

I cant install sublime in linux

Mohamad Raha 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1

When i try to install sublime on gnu/linux Ubuntu 15.04 installing process break and stop and show me following error :

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in <module>
import sublime
ImportError: No module named sublime


how to find a filename??

Jun Hong Ahn 10 years ago 0
i used the sublime text 2, 

and i think there are no function about find a filename. right?

what i really wanna do is to find some keyword in a specific file.

and there are many file name,, such as 

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <nuttx/arch.h>
#include <nuttx/compiler.h>
#include <nuttx/fs/fs.h>
#include <nuttx/net/net.h>
#include <nuttx/lib.h>
#include <nuttx/kmalloc.h>
#include <nuttx/init.h>
#include "os_internal.h"
#include "sig_internal.h"
#include "wd_internal.h"
#include "sem_internal.h"
# include "mq_internal.h"
# include "pthread_internal.h"
#include "clock_internal.h"
#include "timer_internal.h"
#include "irq_internal.h"
#include "group_internal.h"

so if i wanna find some word, 

i open the explorer and i search the types.h and then open it. and i search the stdbool.h and then open it.... repeat all the things and then i search that keyword in open files...

so,,, at least what i want is to search the filename in sublime text...

or could i make that package if i study the sublime text? plz help!!! :(

Support references to other defined colors in color scheme files

Joel Thornton 13 years ago updated by FichteFoll 12 years ago 1
It would be useful in authoring and maintaining color scheme files to be able to reference the color choices of another entity in the same color scheme. This would simplify changing a given color or conceptual "color group".

Something like this:

    <string>Class name</string>
    <string>Inherited class</string>

In this example, entity.other.inherited-class would use the referenced foreground color defined by

Since ST2 color scheme files can contain named scopes which don't actually exist in any document, it would be possible to create scopes which are just used internally in the color scheme file to define a shared color, e.g. "colors.brightBlue".


Nick Ostrovsky 11 years ago 0

Add ".sass-cache" to default folder_exclude_patterns