Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Bracket matching in LaTeX math or Toggle bracket matching in strings

James Ratcliffe il y a 13 ans 0
Bracket matching is always disabled in strings in Sublime Text, and LaTeX math is treated as a string, so there is no bracket matching in LaTeX math! The problem is that LaTeX math is full of brackets that need to be matched, making LaTeX in Sublime Text less then amazing.

Maybe it would be too much work to have bracket matching in certain types of strings and not in others, but could an option be added to bracket matching in strings on and off?

Add an option to open a folder in the same window

mister wunderlich il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Inash Zubair il y a 12 ans 2
Currently, if you open a folder from within Sublime a new window is created with the folder opened and the old window is kept open. An option to always replace the old window or open a folder in the current window would be neat.

Ruby syntax highlighting for extended regexps

Stian Håklev il y a 12 ans 0
Image 121Ruby syntax highlighting for extended regexp (which can contain whitespace and comments) is not working - the four comments should all have the same grey color. This is valid Ruby code which executes just fine. 

Common hot keys on Mac

Luke Scott il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Brandon Fosdick il y a 12 ans 1
Command-L is more common than Command-G for "jumping to a line". It's used by TextMate and Xcode. Would be nice if some of the other similar shortcuts were the same... and ones that are missing are filled in (like Command-U for upper case, or Command-Shift-U / Command-L for lower case).

I know Control might be better for column select, but Xcode/TextEdit/TextMate use Option for column select (TextMate being the only one to edit on multiple lines, the other apps can at least copy/delete). This one might be better to keep as Control, but then again you might be getting suggestions about column select over and over again.

I don't think Command-Option-F makes sense for full screen. Anything-F is usually find related. Command-Enter is used commonly in games (Command-Shift-F is used in Firefox). This one is tough... I know Lion is going go have "full screen support".

For the most part everything else seems spot on.

Open multiple files from the sidebar

Rui Rei il y a 11 ans mis à jour par Joshua Pinter il y a 8 ans 1

It would be useful to be able to select multiple files from the sidebar with the mouse or keys and open all of them (if more than one file is selected) when you press enter.

As it is now, I don't see the point in being able to select multiple files in the sidebar since when you press enter only the topmost file will be opened... also opening directories and double clicking on file names to open them like in emacs would be nice to have, but not essential as opening multiple files.


Search / Replace Box Highlight on Tab Focus

Dan Rogers il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Brad Robinson il y a 12 ans 4

Just a quick suggestion, when I hit command+F to open the find panel, and I tab down to the replace box, it should select+all in that field so I don't have to :)


Make it easier to scale the fonts used for tabs and the status bar

glyph il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Brenton Simpson il y a 11 ans 1
ST2 looks great on my high-resolution desktop display and my HDTV alike: except that the font used in the tabs and on the status bar is so small as to be illegible.  I realize that it's possible to tweak it in the .sublime-theme, but the way widgets are mapped to areas of the screen is somewhat mysterious (I figured it out once, blew away my config, and haven't managed to get it working again).

It would be great if there were simply a user setting like gui_chrome_font_size or somesuch, which allowed for quick adjustment of the font used in the find/replace panel, in the sidebar, and in the tabs along the top.

Use finder label colors on Mac

Ricardo Tomasi il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
On OSX you can set a "label" to a file or folder that will show through as a background color everywhere. Would be nice if these labels could be kept on the sidebar and tabs.

multiple row tabs bar

ABHISHEK GUPTA il y a 11 ans 0

If the no. of tabs opened increase any specific limit then there should be a way to allow multiple row tabs bar.


Open file under cursor

Marco Sordi il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Marco Sordi il y a 13 ans 4

Often a file contains the name of a second file, and you would like to open the second file.
Like "gf" command on Vim

Thanks in advance