Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


In Microsoft Windows, opening a directory from the command line should use the existing window instead of a creating a new window

DanM il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Jon Skinner il y a 13 ans 0

The docs state "All files passed on the command line will be opened. If Sublime Text is already running, then the files will be opened by the existing instance, rather than a new one being started."

This does not happen with Sublime 2 on Windows.  It opens a new window with a project containing only the new directory.

If sublime is not running, it opens and adds the directory to the existing project.  This is the preferred behavior and should happen even if sublime (subl) is already running.

Ideally there should be a command line utility like there is on osx that allows for control of this.

Jon Skinner il y a 13 ans
You can use the -a command line flag for this. The windows version has the functionality of the OSX command line tool built in, with the except of no support for --wait

Dr. Robert Shearin, MD

chipshearin il y a 10 ans 0

Dr. Robert Shearin, MD

Dr. Robert Shearin, MD
Specialist i Pediatrics – Male - Alder 71

Capitol Medical Group
8401 Connecticut Ave Suite 201
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Dr. Shearin baggrund
Forskeruddannelse, ekspertise og kvalifikationer

Board Certificeringer
-Pediatrics, 1973

Procedurer Dr. Shearin Udfører
Dr. Shearin har ingen procedurer, der. Hvis du er Dr. Shearin og vil gerne tilføje procedurer, skal du logge ind til lægen portalen for at opdatere din profil.

Medical School
-University of North Carolina i Chapel Hill
Uddannet i 1968
Praktik Hospital
-Vanderbilt University
Residency Hospital
-Walter Reed Genl Hosp
Fellowship Hospital
-Chldns Hosp
Chldns Hosp Bangkok

Betingelser Dr. Shearin Treats
Dr. Shearin ikke har nogen betingelser, der er anført. Hvis du er Dr. Shearin og vil gerne tilføje betingelser, skal du logge ind til lægen portalen for at opdatere din profil....

Dr. Shearin Hospital Kvalitet
Den rigtige hospital er lige så vigtig som den rigtige doctorHealthgrades Hospital Kvalitet Ratings
Tjek kvaliteten af pleje på Sibley Memorial Hospital, hvor Dr. Shearin har indrømme privilegier:


Android supported platform

Rasheed Abdul-Aziz il y a 13 ans mis à jour par Dmitriy Medved il y a 12 ans 1
If it's at all possible, i'd love to use sublime on a HD droid

Starting Sublime Text 2 with --new-window should open one window

James O'Neill il y a 12 ans 0

If there are no instances of Sublime Text 2 currently open, starting it with --new-window will open two windows. One with restored tabs and one empty window.

It should start as it normally would, with just the restored tabs.


Word Highlighting overall

bentastic il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0

Theres something no editor i used can do that and its quiet easy to integrate:

i m missing a function for checking words (variables etc.). When clicking a word in an open script, all identic words be highlighted. But only in this script. Now i m working on a grid. In group 1 i m working in htm, group 2 in php, group 3 in css and group 4 in js. I have a mistake. A variable is written wrong. But in which of the scripts? I must click the word in group 1, in group 2, in group 3 and in group 4. It was pretty better, when i click this keyword and it be highlighted in all groups by one click and will be highlighted in all of the active tabs in colums, rows or in the grid. One "click" for 4 scripts.

Thats a function to fall in love with.


Mass-indent command scrolls to a random position

Jesse Ruderman il y a 11 ans 0
1. Create a text file with 100 lines of 'A'.
2. Scroll to the top.
3. Cmd+A to select the entire file.
4. Cmd+] to indent all lines.

Result: In addition to indenting all the lines, it scrolls halfway down the document.

[Sublime Text build 3047 on Mac OS X 10.8]


The Michael Shearin Group Morgan Stanley - Managed currencies attract money

Marko Soroka il y a 11 ans 0
Managed currencies attract money to frontier markets

Frontier markets with managed exchange rates from Dubai to Vietnam are luring equity investors fleeing the currency turmoil in larger developing economies.

Funds that buy shares in the less-developed nations posted inflows of $407 million in the first six weeks of 2014, while $21 billion was pulled from emerging markets, EPFR Global data show. A gain of about 3 percent in the MSCI Frontier Market Index this year pushed stocks to a 2008 high Feb. 19, even as slower China growth and the Federal Reserve’s plan to trim bond buying weighed on developing and developed-nation gauges.

Benchmark stock indexes in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Vietnam, whose central banks control local currencies, are among the 10 best performers this year within global equity gauges tracked by Bloomberg. While investors dump emerging- market currencies including the Turkish lira, Hungary’s forint and Brazil’s real, bourses in those nations languished with the world’s worst performers in 2014.

“Half of MSCI frontier have effectively fixed exchange rates to the dollar,” Charles Robertson, London-based global chief economist at Renaissance Capital, said by e-mail on Feb. 17. Strong economic growth also heightened interest, he said.

A currency rout triggered by political instability from Ukraine to Turkey and the fallout from the Fed’s tapering plan cut into equity returns. A Bloomberg gauge tracking 20 developing-nation currencies and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index are down 1.7 percent and 4.3 percent respectively in 2014.

Equities in Qatar, the world’s largest exporter of liquefied natural gas, have rallied 14 percent this year, while Abu Dhabi’s gauge has gained 15 percent and Dubai’s benchmark posted returns of 24 percent, the most among 50 of the world’s largest equity markets. The Persian Gulf countries keep their currencies pegged to the dollar because earnings from energy exports are denominated in the U.S. currency.

Shares in Dubai are benefiting from an economic recovery as the regional business hub gears up to host the World Expo in 2020 with $8 billion of infrastructure spending. The event, which traces its roots to London’s Great Exhibition of 1851, gave Paris its Eiffel Tower in 1889 and drew 73 million visitors to Shanghai in 2010. Qatar’s government forecasts a current- account surplus of about 23 percent of gross domestic product this year and growth of 4.6 percent.

Persian Gulf “markets enjoy a current account surplus and have never relied on global financing,” Rami Sidani, the Dubai- based head of Middle East and North Africa investments at Schroder Investment Management Ltd., said by e-mail on Feb. 18. “Their dollar-based economies mean that they do not present any currency risk.”

Fixed exchange rates have also helped spur a rally in Tunisian and Vietnamese shares this year, Sidani said.

Managed exchange rates in countries with less financial prowess to defend them have posed risks to the dollar- denominated returns of investors as countries from Argentina to Kazakhstan scale back support for their currencies.

Kazakhstan, whose biggest trading partner is Russia, devalued the tenge by the most since 2009 on Feb. 11, citing pressure on its currency from a weaker ruble. The nation’s benchmark, up 18 percent in 2014, dropped the most in a month the next day.

Nigeria’s benchmark stock index has fallen 7.3 percent this year as the central bank comes under pressure to tap into reserves and defend the naira. The currency weakened to a record low versus the dollar today after the government suspended central bank Governor Lamido Sanusi.


searh in project just doesn't work

Dor Kalev il y a 13 ans mis à jour il y a 13 ans 0
Searching 0 files for "inheritance"

0 matches across 0 files


Putting some jQuery in a snippet breaks the snippet

o_O il y a 11 ans 0

To reproduce:

Save a snippet with "$(function(){})" as complete with tab trigger.


Typing your trigger and pressing tab just deletes your trigger. I.e myJsSnippet + tab will delete myJsSnippet. 

Expected result:

The tab trigger should be replaced with "$(function(){})"


Solving the problem of adding single-line comments that span multiple lines

Josef . il y a 12 ans 0

Common scenario: Annotate a multiline code with single-line comments on the right side. If the lines are uneven in lengths, comments have to be aligned/padded manually by holding down the spacebar, which is kind of inconvenient.

The easiest solution is a feature I've seen in the editor ConTEXT, which I haven't used for many years now. It basically allowed clicking anywhere, and padded the file with whitespaces so that the cursor was actually there. At the end of an existing line the line it added SP characters, below the last line NL/CR.

A more advanced feature would be dragging a local textbox open in the source file, in which line breaks are automatically introduced, and the left side is neatly aligned. (Haven't seen that anywhere yet, so you'll most likely not run into patent problems) ;-)