Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Reduce tab bar height

stijn 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Danny McVey 9 aastat tagasi 3
the tab bar is, what, 50 pixels high? On modern displays, favouring width over height, that is quite a lot. Also only half of the tab's height is effectively used, the rest is just a waste of screen space. An option to reduce the tab so that the text just fits with some border left would be great.

output can ignore wrong encoded chars and output others

贾延平 11 aastat tagasi 0


Soft-Wrapping of Tab Indented Lines Does Not Match Space Indented Lines.

Scott Dunlop 14 aastat tagasi uuendatud 14 aastat tagasi 1
Line wrapping of long lines with leading tab does not indent soft-wrapped lines to match parent indentation; does not match behavior when wrapping lines with leading spaces.

<sp><sp><sp><sp>Very Long Sentence Here.
<tab>Another Very Long Sentence.

Item 1 will indent soft-wrapped subsequent lines to match the first line's indent -- the desired behavior, AFAICT. Item 2 does not indent the soft-wrapped lines at all.

Will ST3 support working cjk input method?

Beobkyoon Kim 11 aastat tagasi 0

ST2 currently has serveral glitches related to cjk input methods and file name encodings.

I am wondering that this issues are considered in the development of ST3..


Limiting find results by syntactic scope

Dan Haffey 11 aastat tagasi 0

It would be quite handy if the Find panel included some way to limit results by scope, or exclude certain scopes. For example, comments and string literals are frequent sources of false positives when searching for an identifier like "contains" that's also common in prose.


Goto Symbol breaks after passing a "new type[0]" in Java

Ryan Park 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
Passing in a newly declared empty String\long\etc. in Java causes syntax highlighting and the goto symbol feature to break.

Image 109

Add icons for HaXe and Neko files to Sublime Text

KodeIn 12 aastat tagasi 0

It would be great to have icons for HaXe (.hx, .hxml, .nnml) and Neko (.n) files.

The HaXe community working on Macs is starting to get more and more into Sublime Text, it would be a nice move to show them that they're appreciated.

Moreover it doesn't require a large amount of work.

I have started a Quick Look plugin that allows to view the content of .hx files with syntax coloring (still needs a lot of polishing). So the only thing missing seems to be a nice icon for the files.

I tried editing the info.plist in Sublime Text to use the Document.icns without any success.


C++ syntax highlighting / search bug?

Marius Giurgi 11 aastat tagasi 0

Is there a way to have the C++ syntax highlighting correctly recognize/highlight the methods? It appears that if the Class :: Method() declarations have space around the :: operator, sublime fails to highlight the class name and method name.. plus it does not find the method names when you search (ctrl+G) (the @ search).


Can't jump to clang-style message

Magnus Auvinen 14 aastat tagasi 0
clang outputs messages like this:

src/solver.c:185:28: error: use of undeclared identifier 'dfhg'

filename:line:column: message

Sublime Text 2 can detect these but not jump to them for some reason.