Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Move the "Remove all folders button" and provide F5 refresh on individual folders

glenbot hace 14 años actualizado por David Thomas Bernal hace 13 años 1
The "Remove all folders" menu button reminds me of the analogy from "Inmates are running the asylum" where the eject button on a Jet is placed right next to the radio button.

"Refresh all folders" is dangerously placed next to "Remove all folders". All I want to do is refresh a single folder not set myself back 20 minutes.

Maybe add right-click refresh on individual folders and move the refresh all folders next to something less destructive?

Multi word / bag of words search facility

Stuart Roebuck hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
When using Sublime Text for natural language text it can be useful to be able to search for occurrences of multiple words in proximity.  e.g. "apache & cache".

Hopefully this would work much as a Google search works, scoring matches by the number of search words found and distance between the words.

I use Sublime Text to produce some quite lengthy markdown documents and I often want to locate passages of text related to particular subjects which cannot be identified by a single specific word search.  The above mentioned functionality would be really powerful for this.

A method to prompt for build arguments?

Matt Long hace 14 años actualizado por Oktay Acikalin hace 14 años 1
Hi, is there any way to have a variant of the build command to prompt for build arguments?

I'd like to be able to do this to start a build for a particular target.

E.g. F7 -> runs make
Shift + F7 -> prompt so I can run "make clean" or "make my_target"

Provide previous/next navigation (based on history)

Kai Grossjohann hace 13 años actualizado por tomr hace 12 años 5
Idea: Whenever the cursor is moved "far", remember the position before that movement in a history and provide commands to navigate the history.

"Far" movements would comprise:
  • Selecting another file.
  • Every move that involves Goto: Command+P, Command+R, Ctrl+G.
  • Move by searching:
    • Find, Incremental Find
    • Find next
    • Selecting a find result from Find in Files with F4
  • Go to beginning / end of buffer.
"Remembering the position" means to record the current file, view and the current cursor position.

Add require_relative to Ruby syntax

Brian Clapper hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
The referenced patch adds syntax colorization support for Ruby's "load" keyword, as well as for the "require_relative" keyword added in Ruby 1.9.


Side Bar click expands folders

t1c hace 14 años actualizado por Jon Skinner hace 13 años 0
Side Bar contains "FOLDERS" with project folders listed. Great. But to expand folder and see files inside you need to click on tiny arrow down button that is not easy to hit. Would it be easier to just expand folder as it is clicked.
Jon Skinner hace 13 años
Added in 2126

Name and create new files immediately, just like creating new folders

mrmachine hace 13 años actualizado por Adam Miller hace 13 años 1
Looks like creating a new file at the moment just opens an untitled file in memory and changes the CWD so that the save dialogue defaults to the correct location.

I'd like this to work more like creating a new folder, where I am asked for the filename and the file is created (saved as a blank file) immediately.

Show Matching Braces in Bold

chris hace 12 años 0

Currently matching braces are underlined (like { this } ). Please add an option to display them bold instead (like { this } ).

Improves readability IMO.


Bug in multi-column select when word wrap is turned on

Joshua Clanton hace 13 años actualizado por Nathan Brown hace 13 años 1
When using multi-column select on the first column of a block of text, it selects the first visual column, when I believe it should select the first column within the logical line.

The current behavior leads to multiple selections within the same line even when that is not intended.

Confirm dialog for Delete

Rudi Verago hace 13 años actualizado por Stefano Lampis hace 12 años 4
Confirm dialog for Delete Folder/File action (e.g. right click menu in Folder sidebar)