Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


The second window is stuck on loading

Stas Ovsky hace 11 años 0

My actions:

  • Run the system;
  • Run Sublime Text 2;
  • Open the second project by Project -> Open Project...;

and new window stuck.

Helps restart Sublime Text 2.

Win 7 x64, Sublime Text 2.0.2, build 2221.


File changed on network disk, want to reload? Destructive bug, work lost

aristidesfl hace 12 años 0

If sublime fires up before the network drive is mounted, then it asks to reload the file, but instead it justs overwrites the file on disk with a blank version.

You simply loose everything.

Youtube video


Customizable file context menu

nitro tm hace 12 años 0

It would be great if it was possible to define some new external commands to perform on files on a per-project basis.
A typical use-case would be to be able to execute a shell script in the folder tree on the left and see the results in the console at the bottom.
Another one would be to launch gimp when opening an image.

The best would be to be able to specify this in the project definition file such as:

 "file_commands": [ {
  "name": "Execute script",
  "cmd": "/bin/sh $1",
  "types": ".sh"
 }, {
  "name": "Open with Firefox",
  "cmd": "/usr/bin/firefox $1",
  "types": ".htm .html .xml"
 } ]

Download link for Sublime Text 2.0.2. on

Reed Silverstein hace 11 años actualizado hace 11 años 2

Really counter intuitive that there is no download link for the latest sublime text v.2 on Include it?


Telecom firms mine for gold in big data despite privacy

hudgens athena hace 11 años 0
Some telecom firms have decided to press on with developing their data business since former NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s disclosures

Latest Blog: An Abney And Associates Technology News
Barcelona: Last year’s revelations over the US tapping of phone and internet data gave telecoms firms pause for thought over whether they should sell their “big data” for gain, but the commercial potential could prove irresistible.

Although figures are scarce, analysts think selling data on mobile users’ locations, movements, and web browsing habits may grow into a multi-billion dollar market for the business.

Big carriers like Telefonica, Verizon, Orange and Singapore’s Starhub warn that they are only just starting to test the waters and pledge to market only anonymous crowd information to protect customers.

They are also promoting their big data products as being helpful well beyond the realms of advertising—for credit card companies wanting to detect fraud, for ambulance operators plotting routes to avoid traffic, and for public health officials responding to outbreaks of flu.

But while some carriers have decided to press on with developing their data business since former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden’s disclosures, others have started pitching themselves as their customers’ best allies in seeking to hide from any prying eyes.

Verizon’s Precision Marketing Insights product, which offers businesses statistics about mobile users in a given area, was in commercial trials with sports teams and billboard owners when the Snowden allegations hit. After fresh debate by top management and the board on whether selling even anonymous data on customers was a good move, the company decided to go ahead with it, said Colson Hillier, a Verizon executive.

“Privacy is a hot button issue right now, but we think we can take a leadership stance,” Hillier said. “It’s not a reputational risk if you do it right and are pro-active in communication with consumers and policy makers.”

Other telecom companies took the opposite tack, casting themselves as better guardians of customer data than internet companies like Google, which use it to target advertising.

Deutsche Telekom, for example, last year launched an encrypted “Email made in Germany” service and a secure communications link for small businesses to ward off hackers or spooks. “Protection of the private sphere is a valuable commodity,” its CEO said.

Data trove
As they shift to treating customer data as an asset to be mined instead of a mere incidental to running networks, telecom operators must tread carefully.

People are used to giving Facebook and Google their personal information and generally accept that the trade-off for free services is that their data is used to target ads. But people could be irked if tracking extends into the real world, said a telecoms industry consultant who declined to be named because of client sensitivities.

Surveys show people trust telecom providers more than internet companies to safeguard their personal data, although overall confidence in companies was very low. In a poll commissioned by Orange, 41 percent of respondents said they trust mobile carriers to keep their information safe compared with 20 percent for social networks like Facebook or Twitter.

“All it takes is one mis-step on data monetisation for some customers to decide they don’t want to stay with you,” the consultant said.

To collect the data, telecom operators place probes in mobile networks to capture the millions of records per day generated when people send texts, make calls and surf the web. The data is stripped of personal information then pooled so it can be analysed for patterns useful for business or governments. It identifies a person’s location to about 200 to 300 metres.

Privacy advocates and regulators say that if the data is anonymous and about groups not individuals, it is legal for telecom companies to sell it.

Meanwhile companies are taking different approaches to user consent. Orange collects data for its Flux Vision data product from French mobile users without offering a way for them to opt-out, as does Telefonica’s equivalent service.

Verizon told customers in 2011 it could use their data and now includes 100 million retail mobile customers by default, though they can opt out online.

More intrusive programmes that drive location-based advertising to people’s mobiles usually require users to agree and some companies offer rewards in loyalty schemes in exchange.

Finding the market
In one project, Telefonica worked with Morrisons , Britain’s fourth-largest supermarket chain, to study where residents of an area in southwest England did their food.

It parsed data on where shoppers at Morrisons’ stores came from and did the same for nearby rival stores, so as to identify which households should be targeted for promotions.

Out of 11 million households in the area, Telefonica advised Morrisons to send coupons to 400,000 of them, leading to a 150 percent rise in store visits without a revenue drop-off that accompanies some discount schemes.

“We spotted postal sectors where there was a genuine battle ground between Morrisons stores and their competitors,” said Phil Douty, who runs Telefonica’s Smart Steps. “This was the most fertile ground for their marketing efforts.”

Smart Steps has dozens of clients in Britain, said Douty, and the firm will start pilots inBrazil this year. Telefonica speaks to regulators early so as to avoid a repeat of a flap inGermany last year in which data protection regulators slammed the programme before it was even introduced there.

Yet turning a data trove into a product companies will buy is not easy for telecoms carriers, since they do not know exactly what transportation, manufacturing, or travel companies actually want in terms of data, telecom executives admit.

Some are turning to partners such as marketing specialists, advertising agencies or consultants like IBM.

Verizon’s Hillier said the carrier is now in talks with advertising technology companies and other possible partners to help with distribution and aimed to have a range of big data products on the market in the second quarter.

German software specialist SAP also in talks with a number of telecom operators to have their data feed into a centralised platform that businesses or advertisers would buy subscriptions to access. Revenue would be shared between SAP and the telecom operator. REUTERS

ST3 - Attribute hinting to pop up immediately after hitting the spacebar (like in Coda 2), not just after the first letter.

Les Bêtises hace 11 años 0

Attribute hinting to pop up immediately after hitting the spacebar (like in Coda 2), not just after the first letter.


What You Need to Know About IPO Investments - Westhill Consulting Jakarta

filippisidor hace 11 años 0
(1888 PressRelease) Westhill Consulting is an international financial advisory firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Below is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a market leader in the Financial Services category. Here is a guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPO's) intended to simplify the jargon and remove the fear that IPO's involve higher risk as compared to usual investments.

Westhill Consulting is a reputable investment advisory firm based in Jakarta Indonesia, dedicated to providing you the most advantageous investments based on how you want your portfolio managed for the private middle market.

You might be wondering how you can increase the profits you make from your market investing strategies. If you're searching for the most profitable forms of investing that are available today, you should definitely investigate the possibilities of using Initial Public Offering (IPO) investments.

A simple description of an IPO includes the fact that you're buying a business that is just entering the open marketplace. The moment the IPO is released to the public is the first time anyone has the ability to buy the company openly, and this will surely give you a good idea on where the stock itself resides when it comes to the value of the offering. You can wage it is preparing for a large rise in its value because they are just releasing their stock to the public.

Though most of the Initial Public Offering stocks skyrocket after they are first released, you must keep in mind that they are hardly a definite investment. Because of this, there are several factors you must definitely examine before you place your capital into this type of investment.

One of the first factors you must take into consideration before investing into the stock you are interested in is the basic fact that once the stock is available on the market you can't guess if there will be a great deal demand or a total lack.

Because of this, you must do your best to ascertain every bit of information available about the company before making a purchase.

As you comb the market for the best IPOs available today, you must consider the fact that IPOs are usually offered only to the market when a company plans on expansion. There are other instances where companies only want to increase their ability to borrow capital, but IPOs are mostly released to increase the amount of funds they have available for expansion plans.
It may look like a company which is preparing to expand is a sure bet on the stock market. However, that is not really the case. IPO stocks are usually considered as high-risk investments. That is why if you want to secure your investments to a degree, you must explore the overall performance of the company's operations in the long run.

When you have analyzed the essentials of the company you are interested on, you must also try to guess where the capital generated from the IPO will be used by the company. If you think the company's only choice is to put their capital into expansion activities, you can be sure that the stock value will increase over time because of the expanding capabilities of the business operation. As you examine the essentials of the company and estimate where the capital will be going once the IPO is sold to the public, you can make a reasonable evaluation of how the stocks are going to fare in the future. Being one of the top advisory firms in the industry, we gain the confidence of our clients by acting with integrity on all our business decisions.

Westhill Consulting practices a specific valuation procedure to determine how much a profitable business is worth and determine possible market opportunities.


Add Edit with Sublime Text as a context menu option when right-clicking Windows folders

Andrew Pennebaker hace 12 años actualizado por Md Rashidul Islam hace 12 años 1

I like to edit project directories with Sublime. As much as I like using the command line and typing "e ." to open a directory with Sublime, it would be nice to have the same option when using the graphical Windows Explorer program to open whole directories.


comment.block.documentation custom autocomplete (misbehavior, crash)

U N. hace 13 años actualizado hace 13 años 0
I have some custom auto-completions set up for documentation comments. Example:
    "scope": "comment.block.documentation",
        { "trigger" : "@access",     "contents": "@access ${1:accesstype}" }

The problem is that, though showing up in the suggestions list correctly after i type in "@acc" and press Ctrl+Enter, I can only insert the corresponding snippet by pressing tab, while all other snippets are insertable with Enter key. `tab_completion` setting doesn't seem to affect anything. To makes matters worse, if the option is selected from suggestions list with a mouse, ST may even crash (it happened once so far, under WindowsXP, but I could not reproduce the crash), or just do nothing.

As a side note, automatic suggestions do not work in documentation  comments.

Text is invisble on Ubuntu 10.10 x64 since Build 2032

momow hace 14 años actualizado hace 14 años 2
It all works fine in build 2027.
But from 2032 (to 2036 included) the text is not visible, whatever file is opened.
Sometimes the text is visible at sublime startup, then some words (in my case in PHP function delarations) disappear when i mouse select it.
Sometimes, the wole file is invisible (but i can select invisble text)
uname -a :
Linux dev-03 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:44 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
* Screenshots :
before mouse text selection :
after mouse text selection:
nvidia driver version (just in case)
Thank you for sublime texte editor !